This section provides access to innovative resources and materials to teach chemistry. The selected source focus on the exploitation of new technologies and on the valorisation of enquiry based methods.
Found 234 resource
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100cia Química (Chemistry Science) | José Antº Pascual | |
3DMolSym (Molecular Symmetry) | Developed by Nickolas D. Charistos, Scientific supervisors: Michael P. Sigalas, Constantinos A. Tsipis | 2005 |
3DNormalModes (Normal Modes) | Developed by Nickolas D. Charistos, Scientific supervisors: Michael P. Sigalas, Constantinos A. Tsipis | 2003 |
50 Really Cool Online Tools for Science Teachers | 2010 ongoing | |
À Descoberta da Cor na Iluminura Medieval - step by step (Towards colour discovery in Medieval Illumination - step by step) | Departamento de Conservação e Restauro Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia Universidade Nova de Lisboa | |
A formular! (Let´s formulate) | Nacho Cloquell Castañer | 2011 |
A Química das coisas (The Chemistry of Things) | Paulo Ribeiro Claro (Universidade de Aveiro), Science Office and Duvideo Filmes. | 2011-2012 |
Acessa Física | IEASC - Instituto de Estudos Avançados (USP) DICE - Centro de Divulgação Científica e Cultural (USP) | 2009 |
AeL E-Content | On-Going | |
Air Defenders | Sara Burr, Lindsay Haas , Rhonda O’Leary, Joe Ancel, Charles Warzecha , Kathy Esposito, Carrie Morgan, Greg Swanson , Al Stenstrup, Joel Stone | 2004 |
Amazing Chemistry Teacher Resources | ||
An Introduction to Chemistry | Mark Bishop | 2012 |
ArgusLab 4.01 | Mark Thompson | 2007 |
Arkusze Maturalne z CHemii | | n/a |
Basic Chemistry | Deniz Candaş | 2011 |
Basic Chemistry Classroom | Karaman Anatolian School | 2008 |
Baza Narzędzi Dydaktycznych - Database of Teaching Tools | Entuzjaści Edukacjii | 2011 |
BBC School Science | 2012 | |
Biochemistry Unit | Arwel Jones | 2009-2011 |
Carbon B | Giannakoudakis, A.; Kousathana, M.; Bekiaris, N.; Nalbadis, K.; Salta, K.; Sigalas, M.; Tzougraki, C.; Charistos, N. | 2007 |
CERP - Chemistry Education Research and Practice | on-going | |
Che cos'è la Chimica? What is Chemistry? | Gustavo Avitabile, Ugo Caruso, Giovanni Maglio, Antonello Merlino, Delia Picone | 2007 |
CHEM-ŁEB czyli Chemiczne strony Witka | Witold Mozga | n/a |
CHemED DL – Chemical Education Digital Library | ||
CHEMFAN Discussion Group | Andrzej Kasperowicz; Grzegorz Szyszło | 1996 |
Chemia - Wirtualny Podręcznik Podstawy i Zastosowania | Chemia Ogólna | 2002 |
CHEMIA E-Learning | Portal Społeczności Lokalnej Miasta Kraków | 2011 |
CHEMIA net w | Chemia net | 2006 |
Chemia Organiczna OnLine | various chemistry teachers | n/a |
Chemia SK | Rudy Haraga a kolektív. | 2000 to this time |
CHEMIA SOS – Pomoc z Chemii | Chemia SOS | 2006 |
Chemia-Gimnazjum - Portal wiedzy o chemii | Benkowik | 2009 | | | 2007 |
Chemical Compound of the Month | Valavanidis Athanasios, Efstathiou Constantinos (Eds.) | 2012 (starting 2006) |
Chemical Reaction | A. Willm | | | Chemical forum memebers | 2006 |
Chemie - Chemical Education Portal | 2001 | |
Chemistry – Set of Presentations | ||
Chemistry and ICT on Gymnasiums – Grammar Schools | Janka Biskupičová | September 2012 |
Chemistry and Living Enviroment | Mária Ganajová, Ivana Gibalová, Ralf Becker, Viktor Obendrauf | 2010 |
Chemistry and Water Treatment | various | 2010 |
Chemistry at Home | Salta,K.; Gekos, M.; Koulougliotis, D.; Petsimeri, I. | 2012 |
Chemistry at Steve Spangler Science | Steve Spangler | on-going |
Chemistry Calculations B | Giannakoudakis, A.; Kousathana, M.; Bekiaris, N.; Nalbadis, K.; Salta, K.; Sigalas, M.; Tzougraki, C.; Charistos, N. | 2007 |
Chemistry Chaos - Planet Science | various | on-going |
Chemistry Companion Site, 11/e Raymond Chang, William College Kenneth Goldsby, Florida State University | Raymond Chang, William College Kenneth Goldsby, Florida State University | |
Chemistry Demos And Activities | Donald Lacy | 25.04.2008г. |
Chemistry E-Book (11th Grade) | Nusret Kavak | 2011 |
Chemistry E-Book (9th Grade) | Havva Demirelli, Nusret Kavak | 2011 |
Chemistry e-Book (Lower Secondary School – 2nd Grade) | Avramiotis, S.; Aggelopoulos, V.; Kapelonis, G.; Sinigalias, P.; Spantidis, D.; Trikaliti, A.; Filos, G | 2011 |
Chemistry e-Book (Lower Secondary School – 3rd Grade) | Theodoropoulos, P.; Papatheofanous, P.; Sideri, F. | 2011 |
Chemistry e-Book (Upper Secondary School – 1st Grade) | Liodakis, S.; Gakis, D.; Theodoropoulos, D.; Theodoropoulos, P.; Kallis, A. | 2011 |
Chemistry Experiment Simulations and Conceptual Computer Animations | Tom Greenbowe (Iowa State University) | |
Chemistry for Junior Certificate - Science Unleashed | National Centre for Technology in Education | 2007 |
Chemistry for Junior Certificate Science | Various | 2010 ongoing |
Chemistry for Juniors - Sci-Spy | National Centre for Technology in Education | on-going |
Chemistry for Life | ||
Chemistry in Action! | Peter Childs, Hon. Editor | on-going |
Chemistry in the Kitchen | ||
Chemistry Lab and Pilot Plant Tour | Various (ABPI) | 2006 |
Chemistry Professor | ||
Chemistry Stimulus To Engage - Discover Sensors | Teacher network | on-going |
Chemistry Sundays | 2011 | |
Chemistry Support Service | various seconded teachers | on-going |
Chemistry Teachers Sharing Site | Tahir Dikicigil | 2011 |
Chemistry Teaching from the Point of the ITC View | Zuzana Haláková | 2005 |
Chemistry Teaching Web Sites | last modified on October 19, 2000 | |
Chemistry: All About You | 2012 | |
ChemLab | ||
CHEMNET | Dr Tim O'Sullivan, University College Cork Dr Grainne Hargaden, Dublin Institute of Technology | 2011 |
Chemsketch 12 Software | 2010 | |
Chemview | ||
ChemVLab+ project | Jodi Davenport | |
ChemWiki: The Dynamic Chemistry Textbook | Prof. Delmar Larsen | |
Chimica Pratica | 2009 | |
Chimicamente | Dino Ticli | 2003 |
Chromatography of Colorants Used in Medicines | A. Willm | 2010 |
Ciencia en acción (Science in Action) | Rosa María Ros Ferré (Director) | Firs edition in 1999. |
Ciencia para Nes Videotutoriales de un Profesor Gallego para su hija Pequeña. (Science for Nes: One Teacher´s Videotutorials for his Daughter) | Not found | |
Ciência@Bragança | Centro Ciência Viva de Bragança Instituto Politécnico de Bragança | 2012 |
Clean Water | Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) | 2010 |
Club of Young Ecologists | Liubomira Pelova | |
Compound Interest | 2014 | |
Construire Une Séquence sur les Gazutilisant un Logiciel de Simulation Atelier Théorie Cinétique des Gaz | F. Chauvet, C. Duprez, | 2004 |
Cool Science | Howard Hughes Medical Institute | |
Creative Chemistry | ||
Découverte de la réaction chimique (Discovering the chemical reaction) | Divna Brajkovic | 6th of March 2013 |
Didáctica de la Química y Vida Cotidiana (Chemistry and nowadays Life Didactics) | Gabriel Pinto | 2002 |
Discover Primary Science Activities | Various | 2010 |
Diverciencia | Fernando Jimeno Castillo | |
Docent online | Piotr Gogolewski; Tomasz Bąkowski | 1998 |
Dozzzaqueux | Biansan Jean-Marie | |
Drugs | Milan Melicherčík, Danica Melicherčíková, Mária Lichvárová, Ivan Ružička, Otto Tomeček | 2005 |
E-Learning in the Education of the Apllied Environmental Chemistry | Melánia Feszterová - [email protected] | 2009 |
E-yliko (Secondary School Chemistry – Teaching Proposals) | Anagnostopoulos, P.; Kalogeropoulos, N.; Meidani, A. | |
EDUCA – Education for Modern School Staff in Ustecko Region | 2011 | |
Educaplus | Jesús Peñas Cano | 1998 |
Education IT Network | Various Authors | On-Going |
Education Portal | Various authors | On-going | - E-Learning Educational Portal | Edudu - Interactive Agency | n/a |
Effective Learning by Reformation of Education at Gymnasiums (Grammer Schools) | Marek Šima, Jiří Šolc, Jarmila Austová | |
EKFE Chania (Secondary Education Laboratory Center for Physical Sciences at Chania – Crete) | ||
EKFE Rethymnou (Secondary Education Laboratory Center for Physical Sciences at Rethymnon – Crete) | ||
Electrolysis, Part 1 Multimedia Lesson | Petinka Galcheva | |
Electronic Book for Tablet (iPad, …) | Dominique Lambert | 2012 |
Electronic Students’ Books | Stefan Tsankovski, Lilyana Boyanova, Antoaneta Sokolova, Nevyana Encheva, Tanya Angelova, Galin Petrov, Penka Ribarska | |
ESO – Electronic Study Supports | ICT Prague scientists | 2005 |
Everyday Chemistry | Harcourt Brace Jovanovich; | 1986 |
Expressions of Subject Chemistry | Various Authors | |
FisQuiWeb | Luis Ignacio García González | 2006 |
Food Education | Attilio Baghino, Carlo Casu, Daniela Palamone, Davide Molinas, Federica Orrù, Laura Pinna, Lucia Murgia, Simona Cicala, Luca Lucchesi, Massimo Dall’Oglio, Pier Paolo Palamone, Sergio Casu, Stefano Martis, Susanna Canè, Valeria Casu | 2000 |
Fq-Experimentos | Manuel Díaz Escalera | 2007 |
FREE – Federal Resources for Educational Excellence | ||
Free Online Stoichiometry Course | David Yaron, Rea Freeland; Colin Ashe; Michael Karabinos; Kirk Zhang; Keith S Williams; Nathan Dobson | 2000 |
Fundamental and Applied Chemical and Physical Sciences | ||
General Chemistry Laboratory | September 2011 | |
Green Chemistry | Various authors | 2012 |
Hands-on Chemistry Activities with Real-Life Applications: Easy-to –Use Labs and Demonstrations for Grades 8-12 | Herr Norman, Cunningham James B. | 1999 |
Home Cosmetics | 2010 | |
How to Create Molecules on a Tablet (iPad…) | Dominique Lambert | 2011 |
How to Create Quizzes or Cloze Tests with “Hotpotatoes” | Dominique LAMBERT | 2010 |
I'm Learning | Darin Madzharov, Maria Nikolova | February, 2012 |
iChemistry | 2013 | |
Infovek | from 2000 to this time | |
Iniciación Interactiva a la Materia (Interactive Introduction to the Matter) | Mariano Gaite Cuesta | 2005 |
Internet Radio | Various Authors | On-Going |
Internet TV | Various Authors | On-Going |
Ionic Compound Dissolution | A.W | |
Jmol | ||
Jogos em Química (Games in Chemistry) | Isabel Ramos, Flora Ferreira, Paula Gomes, Vitor Gil e João Paiva | 2004 |
JuniorLAB | Developed by Nickolas D. Charistos, Scientific supervisor: Michael P. Sigalas | 2004 |
Khan Academy | 2012 | |
La Tabla Periódica (The Periodic Table) | Juan José Romero Anaya y Félix Vallés Calvo | 2000 |
La web de la Materia. (Matter web) | Aníbal Parra Ruiz | |
Labchimica- Itas Santorre di Santarosa | 2011 | |
Las Mujeres en la Física y Química-Quimicaweb (Women in Physics and Chemistry) | Joaquín Recio Miñarro | 2007 |
Las reacciones Químicas (Chemical Reactions) | Rafael Jiménez Prieto y Pastora María Torres Verdugo | 2004 |
Le Coin des Élèves (Students’ Corner) | ||
Learn Chemistry | Royal Society of Chemistry | 2012 |
Leonardo-Museo Scientifico Interattivo Virtuale | Giuseppe Zito | |
Luce Virtuale | 2001 | |
Madrid es Ciencia (Madrid is Science) | Fundación para el Conocimiento madri+d | |
Materials for Special Uses | M.Carnasciali, L.Ricco, C.Artini, A.Cardinale | 2010 |
Medicines and You | Marion Palmer (educational consultant) | 2006 |
MERLOT Chemistry Portal | various authors | |
METU OpenCourseWare | Various Authors | 2012 |
Michael Canov | ||
Milk and Milk Products | ||
MNE Chemistry E-Book (11th Grade) | Mehmet Faruk Dursun, İbrahim Gülbay, Filiz Fatma Özkoç, Ümit Tek, Mehtap Güntut | 2011 |
MNE Chemistry E-Book (9th Grade) | Mehmet Faruk Dursun, İbrahim Gülbay, Serpil Çetin, Ümit Tek | 2011 |
Modern Science Software Products | 2000 | |
Modernisation of the Education Processes in Primary and Secondary Schools | 2010 | |
Moja Chemia | mgr inż. Ewa Wesołowska-Kłosowska | 2011 |
Molecularium - Simulações em Química Física (Physical Chemistry Simulations) | João Paiva, Victor M.S. Gil, Carlos Fiolhais, Pedro Vieira Alberto, Delfina Almeida, Jorge Gonçalves, Manuel Salgueiro, Susana Fonseca, Ilídio Martins | last updated 13/05/2005 |
Molecules Anaglyphs | A. Willm | 2008 |
Molevision | Mike Casey | 2009 |
Multimedia in Teaching Chemistry | Mária Ganajová, Marcela Slivková, Karl Hagenbuchner | 2009 |
Nano in my Life | CRANN researchers including Martin Sheehan | 2011 |
National Education Portal | Ciella Soft and Publishing Ltd. And Leks.Bg. Ltd. | 2006 |
Naučte viac – vzdelávací portál pre moderných učiteľov | 2009 | |
NBC LEARN - Free resources – Chemistry now | 2012 | |
Nuffield Foundation Practical Chemistry | 2012 | |
PARSEL (Popularity and Relevance of Science Education for Science Literacy) | Consortium of 9 partners from 8 European Countries (University of Ioannina, University of Lisbon, ICASE London, Free University of Berlin, IPN Kiel, University of Tartu, Weizmann Institute Rehovot, Lund University, University of Southern Denmark Odense) | 2009 |
PCCL Physics and Chemistry by a Clear Learning | Jean-Pierre Fournat | 2004 |
Pharmachemical Ireland - Cosmetics Module | Geraldine Mooney-Simmie | 2009 |
PhET | Kathy Dessau, Linda Wellman, Noah Finkelstein, Chris Malley, Noah Podolefsky, Mindy Gratny, Jonathan Olson, Julia Chamberlain, Danny Rehn, Sam Reid Oliver Nix, Ariel Paul, Kelly Lancaster, Emily Moore, Kathy Perkins, Trish Loeblein, Michael Dubson, Robert Parson, John Blanco | 2011 |
Physic Eau Chimie5 | A team of teachers coordinated by Dominique Marcaillou, IA-IPR (school inspector) in physics-chemistry in Paris and by Josette Maurel, retired physics and chemistry teacher. | |
Physical Chemistry Virtual Lab | Alessandro Belletti, Renato Borromei e Gianluigi Ingletto | 2006-2010 |
Pictograms and Chemical Products | F.Tessier | |
Polish Educational Portal Interklasa | Fundacja - Polski Portal Edukacyjny Interkl@sa | 2000 |
Portal:Chémia | 1995 | |
Portale | 2000 | |
PowerPoint: Showing Chemistry Bigger Than Life | Ken Costello — Chemistry Department — Phoenix College | 2005 |
Principles of Alchemy by Merlin | Dr Jamie Love | 1996-2010 |
Professor Dave's Amazing Molecules | Professor David Smith | 2009 –date (on-going) |
Proyecto Ulloa (Ulloa project) | Félix Sabino Vallés Calvo, Carlos Abarca Fillat, Juan José Romero Anaya | 2010 |
pyAcidobasic | Georges Khaznadar | |
Química molecular e Substâncias Iónicas (Molecular Chemistry and Ionic substances) | Ricardo Sousa Rodrigues | |
Química Orgánica. Entorno educativo interactivo para el apoyo del proceso de enseñanza/aprendizaje de la química orgánica. (Interactive learning environment to support teaching / learning of org... | Agustín García Barneto | |
Rader's CHEM4KIDS | Andrew Rader Studios | 1997-2012 |
Reaction | Franck Fresnel | 25 mars 2009 |
Recent Trends in Natural Science Education | many authors - Anthology from International Conference | October 2012 |
Renewable Energy Sources | ||
Resources for Chemistry Educators | Prof. J. Hildebrand, | |
RSC – Advancing the Chemical Sciences | ||
Sagascience CNRS | Sagascience team: Jean-Marc Dumas, Christine Girard, Sylvie Langlois | |
School Chemistry | Necdet Çelik, Serkan Yılmaz | 2007 |
SciChallenge project | 2015 | |
Science Bites on line | Glasgow Science Centre | |
Science Children | Various Authors | On-going |
Science in School – Greek, Chemistry | Various authors | 2006 - on going |
Science Kids - Chemistry | ||
Self-Tutorial in Organic Chemistry | SOU "Elin Pelin" Ruen | |
Skoool | 2012 | | | Intel, Castelo Branco Municipality, University of Coimbra, Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco. | 2007 |
Soluções Aquosas de Elétrolitos Fortes (Aqueous Solutions of Strong Electrolytes) | Carla Morais, João Paiva, Maria das Dores Silva, Carolina Alves, Ilídio Martins | 2011 |
Solution Preparation | A. Willm | |
Solved Problems from the Medical University in Pleven Book | Maria Nikolova | 17.12.2010 |
Structure de l’Atome: du Noyau à la Configuration Électronique | July 2010 | |
Studiumchemie: Portal Supporting Education in Chemistry | ||
Study and discover Chemistry! | Krisztián Kőhalmi Bori Szendőfi | |
Tabla Periodica de los Elementos Químicos. (Periodic Table of Elements) | Benito Navarro | |
Tavola Periodica degli Elementi | Riccardo Pettinari, Ivan Timokhin, Corrado Di Nicola, Claudio Pettinari, Fabio Marchetti | 2010-2012 | | Daniele Paglialunga | |
Teachable | ||
Teaching Chemistry | Michael Seery | on-going |
The Macrogalleria | Department of Polymer Science - University of Southern Mississippi | 2005-2012 |
The Periodic Table of Videos | University of Nottingham | on-going |
The Web-based Inquiry Science Environment (WISE), 4th Generation | The Technology Enhanced Learning in Science Community (TELS) | last updated in 2012 |
The Wonderful World of Chemistry | 2009 | |
The World of Chemistry | 2011 | |
Tudo Flui (Everything flows) | Mónica Oliveira (project coordinator) | 2008 |
Using of ICT Technology in Teaching Chemistry | 2010 | |
Video Lessons | Various Authors | On-going |
Virtual Campus at the Faculty of Chemistry at UMCS | Faculty of CHemistry UMCS | 2004 |
Virtual Chemical Laboratory | Boian Michailov | 2005 |
Virtual Chemistry Experiments | David N. Blauch | updated in 2012 |
Virtual Chemistry Laboratory for Irish Post-Primary Schools (VCLIPPS)- A Practical ICT Approach to the Promotion of Enquiry and the Assessment thereof. | Dermot Donnelly | 2010 |
Virtual Experiment: Viscosity Explorer | 2012 | |
Virtual Laboratory | Eralp Altun, Burak Feyzioğlu, Barış Demirbağ | 2011 |
Virtual Portal – MEMORIZER.PL | Bartosz Turek | 2006 |
Vitamin Eğitim | Various authors | on-going |
Vyukovémateriá | ||
Water: The Essential Substance of Life | Dr. Edward F. Block | |
Web Portal Modern Teacher - Innovative Teachers Network | ||
WebQuest: Investigando as Chuvas ácidas (Investigating the Acid Rain) | Maria do Rosário Beleza | 2011 |
WebQuests: 1. 2010 Viagem no Espaço! (2010 Travel in space!) 2. A Química no Rasto do Crime! (Chemistry in the Track of Crime!) 3. Sensibilizando para a energia limpa! (Raising awareness for clean e... | Carla Morais e João C. Paiva | 2006 |
World of Chemistry | Roald Hoffman et al | 1990 - 0nwards |
World of Teaching | 2003 - 2012 | | | || - Portal Chemiczny Politechniki Rzeszowskiej | Academic teachers of Faculty of CHemistry Politechniki Rzeszowskiej | 2004 |
Zadania z Chemii | admins of | n/a |
ZamKor Chemia – Chemistry Portal | ZAMKOR | 2012 |
Zazijchemii | 2012 |
National Reports on successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry The national reports on chemistry successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry are now available on the related section of the project portal. The reports presents examples of successful experiences in the partner countries and the results of testing of ICT resources with science teachers.