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Comments about this Publication
Date: 2014.11.30
Posted by Mariusz Jarocki (Poland)
Message: 1. Is the teaching resource described useful for you? Why?
(based on demo version) The program simulates some chemical experiences like titrations or determination of specific heat lab in interesting graphical form. The content that can be used in secondary schools as rather some kind of support. I don\'t think it can really replace true, non-simulated experiments.
2. Do you think it can increase the students’ interest toward chemistry? Why?
Yes, it can because of possibility of making experiments without any special prerequisites. Every executed experiment, simulated or not simulated, can increase the student\'s interest. This software can also be used by the student alone to discover some concepts so it affects to develop scientific approach to learning.
3. Do you think it can help the students to understand better and faster? Why?
There any several advantages of simulated experiments in relation to real ones. I think about possibilities of repetitions, no risk of failures because of lack of manual skills etc. Better - yes, faster - maybe. Certainly cheaper (but the software is rather expensive) and safer.
4. Do you think it propose an innovative didactic approach? Why?
It is hard to treat the tool as the main one in didactic process, it\'s rather some kind of support. I suppose we can tell about some innovation only in the context of greater methodology which uses the tool as one of many others.
Date: 2013.01.04
Posted by Sabine Jacquemin (Sartay) (Belgium)
Message: There is a downloadable demo but the complete version is charged.
On the demo version, there is a laboratory on acid-base titration.
* A theoretical introduction to acids, bases and titration can be used if the teacher has not addressed it yet in class, or as a reminder.
* The procedure to follow for this laboratory simulation is described in several steps; the containers must be selected and filled with a given volume of solution or indicator,… , the pH must be displayed, a window opened to type the data and initiate the chart of the titration.
I think it takes some fumbling before using this resource in class, which in my opinion makes it difficult for a student to use it on their own at home, at least without having seen it done (with some words of explanation) by the teacher. It is unfortunate because it could be interesting, for instance, for a student who was absent during the lab session carried out at school.
* There is also a printable page to note the observations and results obtained, as well as the answers to the possible questions.
* It is unfortunate too that the only solutions available for titration are NaOH and HCl, with only one possible concentration.
This resource can really be useful if the teacher does not have a laboratory at their disposal at school; the students can see, step by step, how a titration is carried out and have a more concrete image of it. This software can help them better understand what titration is and make them want to try by themselves.
Indeed, this kind of software cannot replace a real laboratory in which students really handle things and are confronted with various circumstances that are avoided in a virtual laboratory (security, filling a burette with precision …).
Date: 2012.12.04
Posted by Silvino Rodrigues (Portugal)
Message: This resource is very useful; it enables the execution of virtual experiments, liberating the teacher from possible constraints in what concerns the existence of the needed resources as well as the needed time to perform the experiment. Facing the actual economical restrictions, these resources can be helpful saving reagents and laboratorial materials.
This software potentially increases student’s interest towards chemistry, since they usually enjoy ICT-based resources. Students have then the possibility to perform several virtual experiments safely.
This resource can improve student’s learning; it is quite intuitive and easy to use, allowing several experimental activities, where students have to assemble the laboratory material, choose reagents, weighting, heating and measuring in an interactive fashion.
I think this resource does not constitute an innovative didactic approach. It enables substitution of the laboratorial activities by virtual ones. Nevertheless, laboratorial practice is, in my opinion, essential. In that way, these resources must be, primordially, seen as a complement to the laboratorial activities.
National Reports on successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry The national reports on chemistry successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry are now available on the related section of the project portal. The reports presents examples of successful experiences in the partner countries and the results of testing of ICT resources with science teachers.