Homepage > Teaching Resources > Teaching Resources Form
Comments about this Publication
Date: 2013.05.31
Posted by Paulo Ribeiro Claro (Portugal)
Message: This web site seems to be a successful attempt to deal with the increasing amount of online resources scattered around the web/world, by providing a organized list of the “best” ones, without becoming a huge (and useless) repository of \"all the resources\".
The list of 50 items is well organized (the page design is simple and appealing), it covers different natural sciences, and all the resources that I have checked are “really cool” indeed.
I also enjoyed some of the parallel lists, namely the “50 Great Movies Every Science Geek Needs to See” – this helps to keep the page active and interesting at several levels.
Since I am not (I was not) a regular user, I do not know how dynamic the page is. I believe that in a couple of years these resources will still be “cool”, but certainly not the “coolest”. I have been looking through the page for some words about the project and how it will work from now on, but that information is missing (from my point of view). This question – how to keep the resource up to date - may be the biggest thread of the project and I really hope the authors are ready to deal with it.
Date: 2013.02.04
Posted by Galina Kirova (Bulgaria)
Message: The resource is very useful. It provides a variety of information and combines knowledge of different natural sciences, thus allowing inter-subject relation and stimulating varied interests. There is a wide choice of topics which provoke inquisitiveness.
The site is of great scientific and educational value. The interesting part of chemistry is the Periodic table. The in-depth details of each chemical element that it gives attract students’ interest which in turn leads to learning enhancement. Students find the answers to many element-related matters, such as the way chemical elements were discovered, their properties and use. The resource is scientifically reliable. It includes a wide range of activities, video materials, articles about scientists and useful information.
The resource can be used in the classroom in order to encourage discussion and to increase awareness. The video materials are short enough to be used in each lesson for illustrating the periodic properties of the elements. The good thing of the site is that it provides specific video material for each element, thus expanding students’ knowledge. With teachers’ help, students should be challenged to seek and find what is best for their personal development. This site appears to be in support of new teaching strategy which favours the idea that students should be taught how to learn. The innovative approaches of teaching and learning (use of similar online tools, for example) encourage students’ independence, no matter how old they are, and build their confidence.
The “visual visit” to the laboratory can influence students’ attitude and increase their interest in continuing their study of chemistry. To see chemistry vivid is the best way to make theoretical concept meaningful to students.
The tools available on the site facilitate the work of the teacher providing quick, easy to understand and attractive way to present the teaching material. The video part related to the application of elements has an emotional effect. Emotions can have a powerful effect on memory. Most of the things we remember depend on our emotional state.
The site is a good example of how students should be engaged in science learning.. The textbook can not provoke imagination the way this online tool does. The experiments are demonstrated through the proper equipment and experience, which is difficult to do in the normal school lab.
Date: 2012.12.18
Posted by Divna Brajkovic (Belgium)
Message: ChemiCool is an interesting tool to study the periodic table. It is a very complete documentary resource. For each element of the periodic table, the student or teacher can find information on its macroscopic aspect (picture), its origin, its concrete uses, its characteristics, its physical and chemical properties, its isotopes…
From this resource, the teacher can make many links with history (such as the explosion of the zeppelin), with concrete applications (such as carbon nanotubes) ... Those examples give more meaning to learning and increase students’ motivation.
A group work with the aim to create the “identity card” of an element could also be considered. From this perspective, the teacher could assign one element per group. Each group would carry out research using Chemicool in order to reach well defined learning objectives. The students will have the chance to present an element orally (its aspect, use in everyday life…) and, for instance, have a more theoretical notion such as the electronic structure of the atom. Each element could be displayed on the wall in order to recreate the periodic table. This approach would make it possible to make links between the position of each element in the table and its electronic structure.
Moreover, for every element, videos of experiments illustrate some of the chemical properties. Those videos are indispensables to include an experimental approach in a learning sequence that aims at discovering the periodic table. Indeed, many reactions are too dangerous to be carried out in the classroom. This type of explosive reactions (such as the reaction of alkali with water) impresses the students. Therefore the videos can be used in a simulation to raise their curiosity. The comments in English make for interdisciplinarity with the English teacher. However, the sound can be turned off so that the student can be asked to comment, like a scientist, those spectacular reactions. During the interpretation of those experiments, they will be able to make a link between the elements reactivity and their chemical properties.
Date: 2012.12.03
Posted by Ludmila Šulcová (Czech Republic)
Message: Comment:
The portal is relevant, because it includes information about experiments and videos for teacher and students. Teachers can use it in chemistry lessons.
I agree with the text: ”Teachers looking for ways to integrate online learning into science classes should take a look at these online tools that are just perfect for both teachers and students.”
The text in the portal doesn´t explain the causes for the students’ lack of motivation to study chemistry, but I think, that this approach in education can reduce the lack of students’ motivation.
Portal doesn´t explain the student’s obstacles, but is possible to use it like motivation and demonstration in lesson. Students can practice English language in chemistry lessons.
The portal doesn’t report experiences in motivation of students. It is perfect for teachers looking for ways to integrate online learning into science.
Paper presents updated information about elements (periodic table) and another information by sciences. It is possible to share it with your class as an easy-to-use tool with information on each of the specific elements.
The paper, games, video, periodic table etc. can be exploited at secondary school level as they contain the most recent findings in the field of chemistry.
Possible suggestions to consider for teaching resources:
The teaching resource is useful for me. I can use it online in chemistry lessons. In classroom there are internet connection and data projector. I can teach inorganic chemistry with periodic table. I hope my students will better orient in it and get more information about elements in attractive form. We are Czech school, English is more difficult for me (teacher),but our students study English and they can practise foreign language also in chemistry lesson.
I think that it can partly increase the students’ interest toward chemistry. There are video and attractive pictures and updated information.
I believe that it can help the students to understand better and faster. We can study with help words, pictures, games and video – talking experts.
The portal proposes an innovative didactical approach for teacher who wants to teach using various methods. It can make lesson more amusing.
Studying in English language is more difficult for Czech students. They have to translate and practise foreign language.
National Reports on successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry The national reports on chemistry successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry are now available on the related section of the project portal. The reports presents examples of successful experiences in the partner countries and the results of testing of ICT resources with science teachers.