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Comments about this Publication
Date: 2013.05.31
Posted by Anastasia Mylona (Greece)
Message: Jmol is a very simple and really useful 3D chemistry application that can be used for spatial representation of various kinds of molecules that are included in the database, from simple ones to complicated biomolecules. Molecules can be rotated; orbitals and vibrations are animated as well as secondary structure of biomolecules. Moreover measurements of lengths and angles can be easily performed. It’s a friendly chemical tool that can be used instead of chemical models especially in case of large molecules such as biomolecules.
Chemistry teachers in secondary education can use it as a supplementary tool to several topics such as molecular structure, isomerism, chemical bonds in chemistry and biochemistry, and construct, by using Jmol, attractive working sheets that could stimulate students’ interest and motivation towards basic chemistry.
Date: 2013.02.03
Posted by Fernando Hernández Mateo (Spain)
Message: Jmol is a Java-based viewer that is designed to be able to visualize a large variety of structures and chemical compounds in three dimensions; these structures can be anything from simple chemical compounds to crystal compounds to material compounds to biomolecular compounds.
Jmol´s main use is to create high performance three dimensional (3D) graphic representations with which students can acquire a more realistic vision of the spatial aspects of very different types of molecules. This vision is not possible to acquire through the use of other more static viewing mediums.
By using Jmol, students can get closer to molecular reality in a highly effective way; this is an invaluable help when students must understand the importance of the steric and electronic aspects of molecules in their chemical behavior and in the corresponding chemical transformations in which they can be involved.
Date: 2012.12.20
Posted by ENCBW-VINCI (Belgium)
Message: Is the teaching resource described useful for you?
Why? It could be useful if more leads to use it in class were given.
Do you think it can increase the students’ interest toward chemistry?
Why? Not really, there is no explicit link with the student’s real life, no roots in everyday life.
Do you think it can help the students to understand better and faster?
Why? Yes, it offers a better display to better understand the molecular aspect. The impact will really depend on the use in class.
Do you think it proposes an innovative didactical approach?
Why? It respects the current tendencies in chemistry teaching.
National Reports on successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry The national reports on chemistry successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry are now available on the related section of the project portal. The reports presents examples of successful experiences in the partner countries and the results of testing of ICT resources with science teachers.