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Comments about this Publication
Date: 2012.10.02
Posted by ILKA BOYANOVA IVANOVA (Bulgaria)
Message: The “MOJA CHEMIA” website allows the lesson material to be presented in an attractive way, thus helping to keep students' attention. The experiments it contains could substitute expensive devices and materials necessary for topical laboratory practice. The guaranteed safety of students and the easy, facilitated learning in the classroom as well as at home are just two of the advantages of this type of project. Along with the positive aspects, electronic learning has its drawbacks – one should not ignore the fact that reading from a screen tires the eyes; besides, not all schools and students have equal access to computers and the Internet.
Another interesting option the site presents is the interactive periodic table. Thanks to it, one can quickly and easily find the electronic configurations of the chosen elements – a single click on a particular element opens a new window, showing its main properties. The “MOJA CHEMIA” website is practical and convenient. Yet, a lot of other interactive periodic tables can be found on the Internet, offering even more comprehensive and fascinating information about the elements.
The tests featured by the website could be used to assess students' knowledge. There are a number of tests, lesson preparation and self-study tasks as well as review materials, all of which facilitate the teacher in his/her work. The materials would be fascinating for students as they teach through diagrams and images, which gives learners a more realistic idea of the subject theory. The disadvantage of the tests offered is that they come as .pdf files in Polish with no translation and, therefore, need to be reworked.
Combining good teaching methodology with opportunities for attractive computer modelling and visualizing may result in creating conditions for high quality Chemistry education and deepen students' interest in this subject. In conclusion, the “MOJA CHEMIA” website offers excellent opportunities to visualize and study the Chemistry topics on the curriculum, thus benefiting teachers and students alike.
National Reports on successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry The national reports on chemistry successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry are now available on the related section of the project portal. The reports presents examples of successful experiences in the partner countries and the results of testing of ICT resources with science teachers.