Web Site/Portal
Basic, Medium
Cooperative learning, Problem solving, Modelling
Fundamental Chemistry, Life Chemistry
Primary School, Lower Secondary School
• The prerequisites
The prerequisites for using the ZAZIJCHEMII Website are mainly basic knowledge of Chemistry and chemical tools. Pupils are required to respect all instructions given in the laboratory and to use all tools that are described on the recipe. Online tests are suitable more for the young pupils. I would like to say that these web sites are made in very interesting way.
• The contents
The sites content a laboratory section, where some questions and experiments are given. Pupils are to solve tasks and answer basic questions as well as provide results. Themes are very interesting, connected to real life and nature.
All items can be demonstrated on real life examples. For increase pupil’s motivation, there is a section called Nerds. You can see here exciting experiments. These websites are prepared by Oil company Unipetrol, so there is a special section about oil.
The design of web sites is nice, clear and colourful.
• The aims
As the objectives I see support for students and chemistry teachers; and assistance in teaching practice. The website provides useful materials that would take large amounts of time to be shown during classes otherwise. I think the authors want the pupils to provide results themselves. Pupils will not only get information, but they will have to work with the information and data they receive from the experiments. Pupils must work carefully and follow the rules written on the website. They can see the procedure of basic experiments. These experiments are able to be performed at home.
• Task Description
The task descriptions seem sometimes quite long, but it is necessary because the experiments could be conducted at home, therefore the pupils must understand everything very well. For that matter the instructions are quite clear and straightforward. Points, received from work appears as a good source of motivation
• How to use it in class
These web sites are very clear so every student understand what it means. It is presented in funny way so this is the good way to catch pupil’s interest. As written on the website: it can be used in experimental/ practical lessons, but it can also be solved as homework. I think, students like home projects, they can work in groups or they can compare different results and discuss them.
• Points of strength
These web sites are great due to their graphic design and website visibility. It can be seen that the site is intended for elementary school students. Also videos are clear, instructive, in good quality, in funny way. It can be used also by parents for their small kids.
• Points of weakness
The table of elements is not as it should (transferred of questions). Also table flourishing science does not work, just in some browsers. There is no pop-up script or auxiliary (adobe reader, flash player).
• Scientific reliability
I think, all is perfect explained and students are led by questions to make the best results. Every work must be followed by session, where all pupils discuss the results and the teacher must correct mistakes. It is made by oil company, so there is one section focused on oil.
• Pedagogic value
Every teacher can use this web site and teachers can consult results together. Very useful materials. Students have an access on these web sites at home, so it is very useful.
Masaryk Secondary School of Chemistry
Comments about this Publication
Your comments are welcome
Date: 2013.02.04
Posted by anonym (Czech Republic)
Message: This resource has been built to motivate students\' interest in chemistry. It provides students with the opportunity to train problems. It presents small experiments where students can work some of the skills of the scientific method, making them conscious of environmental issues.
The author of this resource is aware of the lack of student motivation to study science and, accordingly, has presented this work to motivate and stimulate their curiosity for science. The author thinks that students see chemistry as something boring and outside their current context and that it is only of interest to scientists. This resource uses new technologies to motivate students and facilitates the approach of teachers to many chemistry topics from the secondary school curricular programs.
New technologies increase the interest of the new generation, however we cannot exaggerate, and we should not put aside the experimental part as well as the traditional exposure. As mentioned above, one can’t use only new technologies! So, I think that, used with moderation, it is a useful tool in the classroom. I do not believe it proposes an innovative approach as we have already access to this kind of resources in some sites related to science.
Is the teaching resource described useful for you?
The website Zazijchemii.cz is really suitable for use at primary level. The content and concepts are quite advanced and do not fall within the strands of the primary school science curriculum. I can see that some parts of website could be used by secondary school teachers – the virtual experiments were nice. They were cartoon clips that talked through the various steps of some interesting experiments.
Do you think it can increase the students’ interest toward chemistry?
While the virtual experiments could be used in the classroom, I think the remainder of the website would work to increase student’s motivation towards chemistry. I felt the website was very interesting, and it was interactive. While the topics presented in the virtual gallery were interesting, they were presented in a way that would be attractive for young science students – poor photographs, and a color and interactivity.
Do you think it can help the students to understand better and faster?
I failed to see how this website would help students to understand better or faster. While the virtual experiments were nice, they could all be performed at some level within the secondary school science lab, and this will be so far better than just watching them on the website.