Web sites, magazines and journals publishing information in the field of education were informed about the Chemistry Is All Around Us Network. They published articles on the project both in English and in the partners’ national languages.
Articles on Chemistry Is All Around Us Network can be found on the following publications:
European Network for Transfer and Exploitation of EU Project Results (ENTER) ENTER is a community of institutions and organisations from all over Europe and the largest network in Europe specifically designed for the dissemination of EU project developments and results. The Chemistry is All around Network project was added to the official E.N.T.E.R database and will be accessible to all members of the European Network. It is possible also to release 7 e-mail alerts a week concerning developments, products, results etc. related to the project. |
“Collège Sainte-Véronique” (Liège) is a high school involved in the “Chemistry is all around” project. On the website of the school, there is a section dedicated to the projects and especially to the transversal projects such as “Chemistry is all around”. On this page, there is a description of the project with a link to the Portal. | |
spaceteacher.org is the result of various Comenius European projects since 2002. The name comes from a 2002 European seminar during which I presented a poster to ESA in Noordwijk, the Netherland. ESA called our European teachers group: "spaceteacher". Aim: to promote ICT and space study. | |
“Liège Demain” is made up of individuals who represent well economic, social, academic, journalistic, cultural and official milieus. Aims: To disseminate, for people in Liège and especially visitors and external investors, an attractive image of the Liège area, highlighting its assets and successes. To carry out concrete projects to this effect. To foster a more aware solidarity regarding economic, social and employment issues. To arouse a proactive and optimistic attitude among its inhabitants. To organise a more active collaboration between the initiatives from companies and officials. | |
AEDE-EL is a national section of a European Association of Teachers including more than 15,000 members in 28 European countries. It is open to every education actors, headmasters, teachers, educators, inspectors, parents and future teachers. Created in 1956 in Paris, it pursues the following aims: to promote the notion of responsible European citizenship, to improve the awareness of European problems and possible ways to quickly create a European federation, to act in favour of a European dimension of education and the free movement of teachers and future graduates, to promote the notion of European citizenship by helping schools to create projects that bring European partners together, to organise colloquiums, congresses, conferences, debates, seminars, exhibitions, days of study... in favour of Europe. On the website, there is a link with a short article about the “Chemistry is all around” project. | |
INFOREF, contractual partner of the project, put a link toward the project portal from the its website in the section dedicated to the projects. Flash information on the project development is also published on the homepage. Furthermore, INFOREF gives regular information about the project events in the News section of its website. | |
Science Teaching European Network for Creativity and Innovation in Learning (STENCIL) STENCIL Network includes 21 members from 9 European countries: Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, France, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Slovenia, Turkey. It is funded with support from the European Commission within the Lifelong Learning Programme, from January 2011 to December 2013. The STENCIL Network’s main objectives are to identify and promote innovative practices in science teaching; to bring together science education practitioners to share different experiences and learn from each other by organising periodical study visits and workshops, in a peer to peer approach; to disseminate materials and outcomes coming from previous EU funded projects, but also from isolated science education initiatives, through the STENCIL web portal and national communities; provide educational authorities and policy makers with a set of Guidelines and a Manifesto for innovating science education in their countries, especially focused on the establishment of contacts between Research Institutes, Schools and Industries. The STENCIL Network offers to science teachers and practitioners in science education from all over Europe a platform to encourage joint reflection and European co-operation, to contribute to the improvement of science teaching. Article about the Chemistry is all around Network Project with active link included was posted onto the Portal of STENCIL - this way the project will be accessible by teachers and experts in science education from all over Europe. |
Information about Chemistry is all around Network Project aims, main activities, result obtained till now and future events was posted onto International Projects Section of the official web-site of Technical University of Gabrovo. Active link to the project website was also created. The information and the link will make the project popular among the students and University academic staff, and web-site visitors from other universities also. | |
Regional Inspectorate of Education is a territorial administration within the Ministry of Education, Youth and Science for management and monitoring the system of the national educational policy. It ensures the implementation of the national educational policy in the territorial district of Gabrovo, inspects the educational process and carries out the teacher-training activities. It coordinates the implementation regional, national and international educational programs and projects in nursery schools, schools and other educational institutions, organises and is responsible for the improvement of the teachers’ qualifications, coordinates the interaction between the national and regional educational institutions and the regional structures of the workers’ and employers’ representative organizations. On its website the Inspectorate is going to exchange the experience and expertise in the field of science education, participate actively in the dissemination and promotion of the project information, contribute to the exploitation and sustainability of the project results as well as the maintenance of the project results in the future. | |
These is the school pages of the school involved in the project. Students and parents are available to learn about the project through this web page. This is a school around 800 students. | |
This is Agustianiano web page, a ecclesiastic congregation. | |
CECE is web site is visiting by hundred teachers and other educational people day by day. CECE has around 3000 school centres associated in Spain. | |
The Chemistry is All around Network project is funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Lifelong Learning programme-Comenius. The project, promoted by Genoa University and coordinated by Pixel aims at stimulating the interest of pupils towards the study of Chemistry. It also intends to create a network of science education institutions. | |
The site was born in 2011, the international year of Chemistry. It is edited by Federchimica (ltalian Federation of the Chemical Industry) and Miur (Italian Ministry of University, Research and Education) and dedicated to chemistry dissemination and popularization. Its contents are addressed mainly to universities and schools but also to citizens. | |
The site is addressed to universities and schools. It provides tools and information in order to encourage young people to study chemistry at school but also to enroll in chemistry courses. | |
The Department of Aquaculture and Fisheries Management is an associated partner of the Chemistry Network and posted a link to the project portal from its web site. | |
2nd Experimental Lyceum of Athens. This school participates in the Network with two teachers and it also serves as the site where all three National Workshops have been organized. | |
The 1st Gymnasium Heliopolis is part of the Chemistry is All Around Network as Associate School and posted a link to the Chemistry Portal. | |
EPAL Ymittou (Vocational Upper Secondary School) participates in the Network as Associated School and posted a link to the Chemistry Portal. | |
Lower Secondary School of Mykonos agreed to participate in the Network as Associated School and posted a link to the Chemistry Portal. | |
Technological Educational Institution of Ionian Islands is an associated partner of the Chemistry Network and posted a link to the Chemistry Portal. | |
Department of Environmental Technology and Ecology – TEI of Ionian Islands Department of Environmental Technology and Ecology – TEI of Ionian Islands joined the project as Associated Partner |
EKFE Chania (Secondary Education Laboratory Center for Physical Sciences at Chania – Crete). The educational material of the site is also one of the 20 National teaching resources uploaded on the project portal. | |
Private educational site run by the chemistry teacher Leonidas Tzianoudakis. This site is very famous among Greek chemistry teachers. It contains a large and carefully chosen selection of teaching resources related with chemistry and it is one of the 20 National teaching resources uploaded on the project portal. The web site posted a link to the Chemistry Portal. | |
Private site run by Katerina Salta who is a chemistry teacher and researcher in chemistry education. The site is dedicated to issues related to chemistry education. | |
Galatasaray Lisesi is a very famous and quality high school with its thousands of graduates and students. It has the link of Chemistry is All Around Us Network Portal on its main web page. | |
Sakarya University Institute of Education offers MA and PHD degrees in various departments. It has a direct link to the Chemistry is All Around Us Network Portal on its “our projects” page. | |
DESI is an Erasmus Intensive Programme Project aiming at university students, teachers and administrators. The project has made a link to the Chemistry is All Around Us Network Portal on its “links” part. | |
Kırıkkale University Department of Foreign Relations organizes international relations and projects of Kırıkkale University. It has a direct link to the Chemistry is All Around Us Network Portal on its “our projects” part. | |
The department of Organic Chemistry of Granada University is visited by thousand of teachers, expert, students and people interested in science issues. On the University web site a link to the Chemistry Network portal is available. | |
This institution is a Public teachers’ training centre, located in Bragança, integrating several schools from the Northeast region of Portugal, reaching approximately 1376 teachers (data from September 2011) distributed by all the teaching levels, from pre-school to secondary school. By including a permanent link to the Portal, this institution will contribute to disseminate the results of the project at regional level. | |
FEUP-LSRE is an associated partner of the project. FEUP is the largest faculty of University of Porto, with more than 8,000 students and 530 professors across 9 departments. The Laboratory of Separation and Reaction Engineering (LSRE) is a governmental Associate Laboratory in partnership with the Laboratory of Catalysis and Materiais (LCM), hosted by the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP), with 67 researchers with Ph.D. and a total of 145 people. The website of LSRE contains a direct link to the Chemistry is All Around Network Portal. The link will be available to a wide audience of students, teachers and researchers. | |
Science Centre of Bragança is an associated partner of the Chemistry is All Around Network project. Their website provides a direct link to the Chemistry is All Around Network Portal. This institution is a science museum devoted to promote scientific knowledge and scientific methods, using modern interactive technologies. Through its activities, it is also connected to local schools through a broad range of regular activities. Therefore, the website users will benefit from the link. | |
Scientix – the community for science education in Europe – was created to facilitate regular dissemination and sharing of know-how and best practices in science education across the European Union. Scientix is open for teachers, researchers, policy makers, parents and anyone interested in science education. Scientix refers to the CIAAN Project (together with previous CIAAU) with a link, logo and description. | |
Gymnázium a SOŠ Rokycany is joined comprehensive and vocational secondary school. Both of the schools comprise advanced teachers trying to change teaching methods in chemistry, thus improving students` motivation to study chemistry. The school became an associated school of the project. The web site hosts the logo and the link of the Chemistry Network. | |
Conference on the occasion of 100th anniversary of Niels Bohr`s model of atom Conference on the occasion of 100th anniversary of Niels Bohr`s model of atom will be organized by University of Pardubice, Department of Philosophy. It will take place in Pardubice on 24th October 2013. The website of the conference is a part of websites devoted to Niels Bohr, an outstanding physicist, philosopher and citizen, describing its life and work from many pints of view. The web site hosts the logo and the link of the Chemistry Network. |
Discover Science & Engineering Ireland Discover Science & Engineering (DSE) is Ireland’s national science promotion programme, managed by Science Foundation Ireland on behalf of the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation. It aims to increase interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) among students, teachers and members of the public. Its mission is to contribute to Ireland’s continued growth and development as a society – one that has an active and informed interest and involvement in STEM. www.science.ie is its news source. |
Limerick Institute of Technology is a third level institution based in Limerick in Mid-west Ireland and with camouses in Tipperary and Clonmel. It is a partner in The Chemistry Is All Around Us Network Project. | |
Chemistry Education Research Group Dublin Institute of Technology The web link is to a dissemination event at the Variety in Irish Chemistry Education Meeting in 2012. The Research Group in Dublin Institute of Technology concerned with Chemistry Education are pending Associate Partners for Chemistry is All Around Us. |
The Institute of Chemistry is the professional body representing chemists in Ireland. Its members are chemists who satisfy the requirements of the Institute with regard to qualifications and experience. The Institute promotes the study of chemistry, sets professional standards and organise lectures, meetings and social events for its members. It offers advice and comment to Government in areas relevant to the profession. Irish Chemical News, the official journal of the Institute is published twice yearly. | |
The National Centre for Excellence in Maths and Science Teaching and Learning The National Centre for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching and Learning (NCE-MSTL) was established in 2008 under the aegis of the Shannon Consortium . The Centre has become a nationally recognised hub for research, policy and leadership in mathematics and science teaching and learning. |
Project ceskachemie.cz, coordinated by University Pardubice, promotes chemistry and education in chemistry. It attempts to join academic and business spheres including job offers. The portal contains teaching/learning materials (e-chembook), contests and divided into sections for to primary, secondary schools and universities. Among others it offers book reviews, calendar of events, and interesting news from the world of science. The portal hosts an article on the Chemistry Network and a link to get more information. | |
My School is a comprehensive web portal. It contains sections for school headmasters, teachers of every subject and pupils/students. One can find there many teaching/ learning resources, non-official notes for teachers and pupils, useful links, tests, competitions etc., along with update information from the Ministry of education and other relevant offices. The benefit is that a registered teacher (or user) can post and share his/her own material there. | |
WEBCHEMIE is a web portal to support education in chemistry. The sites are dedicated mostly to chemistry teachers at primary and secondary schools; however students can also find interesting information there. The portal contains namely teaching and learning resources (sorted according to individual branches of chemistry), articles, animations, tests and competitions. | |
Web portal Czech School is targeted mainly at primary and secondary education, the users are teachers, school management and public who is interested in the field. There are published articles about actual topics as new leaving examinations or admission process. The users can discuss about them without censoring. Besides this, the topic of ICT use in schools is focused. | |
Regional School Office for Liguria is a peripheral organ of the Ministry of Education (M.I.U.R.) at regional level. It is an autonomous center of administrative responsibility and is divided by function and territory in centers of administrative services. It monitors and supports schools and its their reference organ. It dedicates a whole page to the project presentation. | |
Foreign languages Department is a webpage of the Polish National partner (WSIU) whose responsibility is to provide and submit the language content of the project. FLD staff members are actively involved in the translation of the contents of the project in both English and Polish language versions. Staff members of the FLD also assist and support Polish teachers and experts linguistically in their work in the project. A direct link from the institutional web site to the Chemistry Network portal is available. | |
WSIU is a webpage of the Polish National partner. It contains a description of the Project and corresponding links. The webpage is the main website of the project partner. It contains information about WSIU as a National Partner. | |
Facebook fanpage of WSIU SJO consists of posts about current activities of WSIU Foreign Language Department. News about events connected to in the Chemistry is All Around Us Network project can be also found here. The fanpage is a platform to discuss issues related to Project among users of Facebook. A link to the project portal is available. | |
Lower and Upper Secondary School ABIS is one of the partner schools in the Project. Its webpage contains a description of the Project and corresponding links. It works as a useful source of reference for active teachers in the project. | |
School4child is one of the partner schools in the Project. Its webpage contains a description of the Project and corresponding links. | |
ZSP 19 Lodz is one of the associated schools in the Project. Its webpage provides a direct link to the Chemistry is All Around Us Network Portal. The school’s portal works as a sources of reference for teacher to create and use necessary materials. | |
Centrum Medyczne WSInf w Głównie (Glowno Medical Centre “WSInf”) is an associated partner in the Chemistry is All Around Us Network project. Its website provides a direct link to the Chemistry is All Around Us Network Portal. | |
The portal is designed for teachers, students and Czech society. It shows education and teaching as a societal issue, it informs about new interesting events, about successful schools, teachers and students. It helps to improve the communication between media and professional community. A direct link to the Chemistry is All Around Us Network Portal is available from the site. | |
An informative article about CIAAN project was published in the Bulletin of the journal Chemické listy (Vol. 108, page 414) edited by the Association of Czech Chemistry Societies. The article presents the objectives of CIAAN project as well as the so far reached results (as well as the expected actions to be taken). A link to CIAAN project is included there. | |
The Irish Science Teachers' Association (ISTA), Eol Oidí na hÉireann, is the Professional Association for the Teachers of Science in the Republic of Ireland. It is one of the largest voluntary subject associations in the country with branches in the following areas: Cork, Donegal, Dublin, Galway, Kerry, Kildare, Kilkenny,Limerick, Monaghan, Midlands (Athlone), Sligo, Tipperary, Waterford and Wexford. ISTA was founded in 1961 and has almost 1200 members from all sectors of education in fourteen Branches nationwide. The ISTA functions as a body dedicated to the professional development of its members and the advancement of science teaching. Membership is open to teachers of science and others involved in science education. The Association works to develop co-operation between teachers of science at all levels. It aims to keep members up to date with changes in their subjects and with new ideas in teaching, learning and assessment. The ISTA helps members to promote a positive attitude amongst their students towards science and technology in society. A direct link to the Chemistry is All Around Us Network Portal is available from the site. | |
Web site of 2ND EKFE Irakleiou where a direct link to the Chemistry is All Around Us Network Portal is available. | |
Web site of Model Evangelical School of Smyrna where a direct link to the Chemistry is All Around Us Network Portal is available. | |
Web site of 5th Upper Secondary School of Petroupoli where a direct link to the Chemistry is All Around Us Network Portal is available. | |
Secondary Education Science Laboratory Center of Ampelokipi in Athens joined the project as Associated Partner. A direct link to the Chemistry is All Around Us Network Portal is available. | |
Web site TRANSFER Slovensko where a direct link to the Chemistry is All Around Us Network Portal is available. | |
HELMo (Hauté École Libre Mosane) proposes 36 very different bachelors and masters in economy, paramedics, pedagogy and technical and social fields. With 6750 students and 900 staff members, HELMo is one of the largest Hautes Écoles (non-university higher education) in French-speaking Belgium. One page dedicated to the “Chemistry is All Around” project gives a long description of the project with multiple links to the portal, the website and various papers and resources in the database. | |
The European project EC2E2N also deals with the promotion of chemistry learning and the use of ICT in chemistry courses. Its newsletter of October 2013 contains a short description of the project, a pdf file with a longer presentation and a link to the portal. | |
IPB has currently 7000 undergraduate and master students and is divided into five schools, embracing a wide area of knowledge and technology, including agriculture sciences, arts and sports, education and teachers training, informatics and engineering, administration and management, health, and tourism. The website of IPB contains a direct link to the Chemistry is All Around Network Portal and a brief description of the project. The link will be available to a wide audience of students, teachers and researchers. | |
This group of 8 schools, from pre-school to secondary school, is a partner of the project, maintaining a link to the Chemistry Network Portal at their website, available to the community of students and teachers. | |
This group of 8 schools, from pre-school to secondary school, including a partner school of the project, has included a link to the Chemistry Network Portal at their website. | |
This group of 17 schools, comprising 8 pre-schools, 6 primary schools and 3 lower/upper secondary schools, has joined the project as an associated school, including a link to the Chemistry Network Portal at their main website. | |
The Secondary Education Science Laboratory Center of Rhodes published a link to the Chemistry Network portal. | |
The Secondary Education Science Laboratory Center of Serres published a link to the Chemistry Network portal. | |
Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry (DCCI) of University of Genoa. The Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry (DCCI) of University of Genoa is involved in many activities regarding research, didactics and the spread of scientific knowledge. The Department is organized in 5 scientific areas: Analytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry and Metallurgy, Industrial Chemistry, Organic Chemistry. A link to the “Chemistry is All Around Us” project portal was made from the ‘news and link’ section of DCCI website |
The Comprehensive Institute Cogoleto. gathers three primary schools and one lower secondary school. It is involved in many projects of education and is addressed to integrate teaching with ICTs and digital devices. The link to the Chemistry Is All Around Network portal is in the section dedicated to didactic resources. | |
I.I.S. Cristoforo Colombo is an upper secondary school located in Sanremo (Italy). The Institute includes one scientific lyceum, one technical scientific lyceum and vocational schools. It is an associated school and put the link to the project portal on its homepage. | |
International Conference on Successful Experiences and Didactic Guidelines On Science Teaching The International Conference “Successful Educational Experiences and Didactic Guidelines in Science Teaching” will be held at the Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry of Genoa (Italy) on October 23rd and 24th 2014. This event is an essential part of the activities related to 518300-LLP-2011-IT-COMENIUS-CNW “Chemistry is All Around Network” project funded by the European Commission. The aim of the conference is to present the work done by experts, teachers and students of primary, middle and high school in eleven different countries: Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Spain and Turkey. |
The Italian Chemistry Society (SCI) is a private organization, based in Rome, composed by chemistry researchers, organized both in thematic divisions and in regional branches, and aiming to promote the knowledge of chemistry. Since the fundamental objective of the SCI is the dissemination of chemical science and its applications, it joins as associated partner this project, which shares the same objectives. SCI is interested in the project’s outcomes, because they would highlight the importance of science in modern society. An article on the “International Conference on Successful Experiences and Didactic Guidelines on Science Teaching” was uploaded on the “SCI Congress” section and linked to the project portal | |
Catholic Schools brings together the heads of the Catholic schools since 1957. A link to the Chemistry Network portal is available from the web site. | |
CECE, due to the growing importance of social media and in education in Spain, has created a Facebook page on the project with the collaboration of over 50 people (teachers, experts and students). |
National Reports on successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry The national reports on chemistry successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry are now available on the related section of the project portal. The reports presents examples of successful experiences in the partner countries and the results of testing of ICT resources with science teachers.