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Date: 2014.07.31
Posted by S. Fernandes (Portugal)
Message: Is the teaching resource described useful for you? Why?
Yes. This resource allows greater involvement of students in the classroom, since it introduces a practical component in the study of this subject (density), so that students can \"feel\" their physical meaning and understand its importance in the behaviour of materials.
Which learning objectives can be reached by using the resource?
By using this resource, it is intended that students identify the meaning of density, know its units, recognize the importance of this physical property for the characterization of substances and determine the density of solid and liquid materials.
Do you think it can increase students’ interest toward chemistry? Why?
Yes, a working methodology based on practical laboratory activities is more motivating for students, awakening more interest and curiosity.
Do you think it can help students to understand better and faster? Why?
Yes, generally the practical laboratory activities are more motivating for students, arousing them more interest and curiosity which leads them to engage in the process of building knowledge, resulting in a more meaningful learning.
Do you think it proposes an innovative didactic approach? Why?
It may not be an innovative approach; however, as it is done with simple materials and equipment that exist in all schools, it allows you to introduce contents in a playful way, motivating students to the process of learning.
Date: 2014.04.19
Posted by Maria José Rodrigues (Portugal)
Message: The digital resource “Everything flows” (“Tudo Flui\", in the original Portuguese version) is a major asset for Chemistry Education in primary and lower secondary schools. It presents relevant themes related to physical properties of substances (density, superficial tension and viscosity), so that children can understand their meaning by observing the behaviour of materials. In this sense, this resource clearly approaches science in a STS perspective (Science-Technology-Society), as current guidelines preconise.
For each thematic, practical/laboratory activities are proposed, with the support of a learning guide containing the objectives, materials and procedures, allowing teachers to freely orientate the didactic exploration of the activity, according to the characteristics of the working groups.
The scientific rigour is evident, associated to the ludic character of the activities. This is, also, one of the orientations given in the context of science education in order to approach it to students, so that they build a positive image of science. Another important aspect should be highlighted: the presentation of the resource is intuitive, clear and objective. Furthermore, all the activities are theoretically supported which, certainly, eases teachers’ work.
This resource allows teachers to implement more innovative didactic and pedagogical practices in their educational contexts. Undoubtedly, the work methodology based in practical/laboratory activities is more motivating for students, involving them in the process of building knowledge, resulting in more significant learning.
To approach sciences with this perspective, in the early years of school, will certainly contribute to build the scientific literacy of young people.
National Reports on successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry The national reports on chemistry successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry are now available on the related section of the project portal. The reports presents examples of successful experiences in the partner countries and the results of testing of ICT resources with science teachers.