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Comments about this Publication
Date: 2014.04.11
Posted by Maria José Rodrigues (Portugal)
Message: The digital resource has an attractive design, it is dynamic and intuitive. It brings together a wide range of physical and chemical activities organized according to the following thematic blocks: magical chemistry, curious chemistry, amazing physics and recreational physics. For each of the themes, a set of practical activities is proposed, as well as resources (simple materials of general use) and procedures needed to carry them, in practice. The presence of a brief explanation for each activity must be highlighted, facilitating its didactic exploration; nevertheless, this component could be further developed. The addressed themes are of kids interest since they deal with topics related to everyday life phenomena that are part of school curricula.
I consider that the designation of the resource and of the respective proposals shouldn\'t be just associated with fun, but also with learning, highlighting the role of science to explain the phenomena surrounding us. As pointed out by several studies, one of the problems associated with Science Education is often related to the preferential transmission of \"magic\" and \"fun\" neglecting its relevance for competences acquisition which is essential to promote scientific literacy development.
Moreover, the proposal of a set of scientific works, in particular, books of experimental activities, hobbies, curiosities and scientific games, books of science dissemination and scientific assays should be stressed.
In conclusion, the digital resource \"DiverCiencia\", due to the work diversity presented is undoubtedly an asset for teachers wishing to introduce physics and chemistry concepts through practical activities in the early schooling years.
National Reports on successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry The national reports on chemistry successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry are now available on the related section of the project portal. The reports presents examples of successful experiences in the partner countries and the results of testing of ICT resources with science teachers.