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Comments about this Publication
Date: 2013.02.04
Posted by xy (Czech Republic)
Message: This source deals with important terms for teaching chemistry at a high school. This is the part of project named TEMPUS. It gives very helpful information to students and teachers on Faculty of Natural Sciences in Košice. By a playful way it provides theoretical attitudes with the help of updated data and it also integrates various aspects of teaching chemistry. Using of this source provides you with a wide range of opportunities. It is the way in Slovakia how they come across the problem with lack of motivation in chemistry area.
This resource can be used by teachers because it presents some issues with didactic and pedagogical interest and it can also be very interesting for students because it allows access to applications, demos and exploration of contents with curricular relevancy.
It is for our aims and our project very useful and good material. You can on this web page find any chemical study materials, chemistry textbooks, publications, internet in education, chemical laboratory experiments, etc.
It provides students with the opportunity to train problems. It presents small experiments where students can work some of the skills of the scientific method, making them conscious of environmental issues.
The author of this resource is aware of the lack of motivation to study science and, accordingly, has presented this work to motivate and stimulate their curiosity for science. The author thinks that students see chemistry as something boring and outside their current context and that it is only of interest to scientists. This resource uses new technologies to motivate students and facilitates the approach of teachers to many chemistry topics from the secondary school curricular programs.
This webpage can also help the students to understand better and faster these problems, because it is very clear, simply created. It can be also used in classroom during lessons.
National Reports on successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry The national reports on chemistry successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry are now available on the related section of the project portal. The reports presents examples of successful experiences in the partner countries and the results of testing of ICT resources with science teachers.