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Date: 2013.06.18
Posted by Lília Maria Braz (Portugal)
Message: The resource JuniorLab has been very useful to me to teach subjects related with acid-base concepts, being most adequate to 8th grade students (3rd cycle). Generally, I use it to provide students with a tool to consolidate knowledge in a quick and enjoyable way and to motivate curiosity and interest for chemistry. The fact of being interactive allows students to choose the reagents and equipment to be used. It develops a critical spirit with regard to contents and increases motivation and interest to study chemistry. As the instructions are simple to follow, students have developed an autonomous capacity of work, either in classroom or at home. They can observe results and draw conclusions very easily. When students use this resource during work in group, stimulating discussions happens and interesting hypothesis are very often formulated.
I consider that this resource is not very innovative in view of the existing technology. In my opinion it should include a larger number of variables thus becoming more useful to be use at higher school levels. I would add that the use of JuniorLAB should not exempt from experimental activities.
Date: 2013.01.26
Posted by H&M Kombinezon wiatroszczelny - NOWY!!! (Poland)
Message: Chemistry Laboratory Simulation juniorLAB is a web delivered simulation of acid base chemistry laboratory experiments suitable for middle school students.
It has been developed for the needs of the Secondary Education in Greece as a small part of a multimedia educational system developed for the Pedagogical Institute.
The students can freely experiment with solutions of acids, bases and salts. The experiments could be the use of indicators, pH paper and pH meter for the measurement of the pH of a solution, the effect of dilution on the pH and the acid - base neutralization.
Several modules of juniorLAB have been developed in order to fit the instructional needs of the teachers.
The big plus of this resource is that it is in English and even teachers and students in countires outside Greece can enjoy it both in the classroom and at home.
Date: 2012.09.29
Posted by João Paulo Matos (Portugal)
Message: This resource proves to be interesting as a motivational tool for studying the chemical nature of substances. It seems more suited to students of the 3rd cycle (7th to 9th grades). By providing high interactivity, the simulation allows an individual use, at home, to consolidate contents associated with the execution of experimental activity in the classroom. It should be emphasized that there is a large number of concepts available to work with, namely indicators, pH scale and chemical formulas. At a graphical level, this resource is very well designed, very intuitive, even managing to work around any language issues.
National Reports on successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry The national reports on chemistry successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry are now available on the related section of the project portal. The reports presents examples of successful experiences in the partner countries and the results of testing of ICT resources with science teachers.