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Date: 2014.05.21
Posted by Ciara O\' Shea (Ireland)
Message: Amazing Chemistry Teacher resources is an excellent resource for chemistry teachers at all levels. It provides resources on health and safety in the lab in the form of videos to show the students, labels to put on glassware and chemicals etc.
The layout of the site is well ordered. It has a section on games and a section on chemistry in the news which keeps both teachers and students up to date.
The site definitely has the ability to keep studnets interested in chemistry whether through games, reading material or simulations, which all help in motivating students in the world of chemistry.
The simulations, worksheets and quizzes are a super way to engage the pupils and have advanaced the speed of learning in my classroom.
Date: 2013.02.07
Posted by Jana Škreková (Slovakia)
Message: Web pages of Nancy Clark, who is a teacher at a high technical school in Bristol-Plymouth, are illustration of how to create a quality educating environment for students and teachers from the area of teaching subjects as biology and chemistry. The web page is not focused only on teachers of high schools but also for teachers at universities. The author has long experiences as a high school teacher. Her web pages represent her own teaching materials but also materials from other authors. On this web page you can find a lot of teaching materials as worksheets, puzzle, games and songs, online test and a lot of links to interesting educative pages. The author offers teaching in a form of game which is very motivating for students. In subject of chemistry, there is 13 topics which contain a lot of activities for students including study materials, crosswords, worksheets, topics for laboratory exercises, games, videos of chemical experiments, simulations of chemical actions (eg.naturalisation reaction), links to other interesting web pages from which each teacher can choose. Each of those topics is divided into 3 parts. The first part is dedicated to activities for students but there are also ideas for teachers. The second part is dedicated to ideas for laboratory exercises (also with laboratory protocols) and in the third part there are links to web pages and softwares. I like the online game at http://chemgametutor.com/ because the environment of the game is very attractive for students.
Date: 2013.01.28
Posted by Zita Valentová (Czech Republic)
Message: This web is compiled very well for preparation of teaching materials. The prepared materials in MS WORD can be arranged for particular event. Furthermore, there are plenty of links to experiments, various games and creative work. The website is very well turn out regarding its color; when a tab is chosen, the background of the site emphasizes basic topic of the tab. Structure of the homepage is simple, so it offers clear choice to enter to particular tabs. The topics are chosen well, so that inquiring man can find something interesting. There is a good structuring to sections: activities, experiments and links. I like very much the chemical experiments for holidays and other memorable days. It is very positive to motivate the students in such way, they all are looking forward to holidays and sure the atmosphere in the school is more pleasant during these experiments. Even the teacher can teach more easily and (s)he needn’t to be so strict.
There are really many ideas here; however I must reproach low emphasis on safety. In particular procedures, relatively concentrated acids or bases are used and these must be handled carefully. On the contrary, there is sometimes noted right that the substance can be poured to sink. Somewhere labels appear the age of which varies; but better some information than none. In Czech schools, low attention is paid to regulations and proper labeling. As soon as this appears in any instruction, they notice it and if they see this labeling in other situation, they recognize danger. The same can be said about toxic substances or the ones that should not get to the environment. Everybody should remember that waste is separated not only to paper, glass and plastics, but also according to its hazardousness.
Date: 2013.01.07
Posted by Helena Kaniewska (Poland)
Message: This site is designed to provide high school and middle school science teachers access to the materials and resources that the author (nancy clark) has collected during her 37 years of teaching in the field. Some of the materials are of her own design, but many are those she has borrowed from others and refined for her own use. They include:
Activities and worksheets
Laboratory exercises
Links to useful pages
Puzzles, games, and songs
Online test reviews by topic
National Reports on successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry The national reports on chemistry successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry are now available on the related section of the project portal. The reports presents examples of successful experiences in the partner countries and the results of testing of ICT resources with science teachers.