Lifelong Learning Programme

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 Found 64 pubblications

"Nazwy substancji w podręcznikach:Anarchia czy Ingnorancja?" dr Krzysztof Pazdro 2012
Active and Interactive Teaching in "Chemistry and Environmental Protection", 7th and 8th grade Kirova, M. 2011
Active Learning – Attitudes of Teachers (Results from a Study) Daniela Mitkova Nikolina Georgieva Nadejda Raycheva 2011
Active Learning in Science A. Epitropova, Y. Dimova, K. Kamarska 2012
Aktuální trendy ICT ve výuce chemie: Minulost, současnost a perspektivy (Actual Trends in Chemistry Teaching: Past, Present and Perspectives) Martin Bilek 2010
An Action Research Project to Improve Teaching and Learning of Organic Chemistry in Second-Level Schools Anne. M. O'Dwyer, Peter Childs & Noreen Hanley 2012
An Examination of Teacher’s Pedagogical Philosophical Beliefs of Secondary Science Teachers in Sofia Public Schools, Sofia, Bulgaria Elena Boiadjieva, Adriana Tafrova-Grigorova, James E. Hollenbeck, Milena Kirova 2009
Analýza vyučovacích hodin chemie s podporou videozáznamů(Analysis of Chemistry Lessons Supported by Video Records) Jiri Rychtera 2011
Case Study on Mentoring in Initial Teacher Training of Science Teachers in Ireland Etain Kiely and Dr. George McClelland 2004
Chemia a medycyna - na przykłądzie aspiryny. Scenariusz z Lekcji CHemii organicznej dla szkoły ponadgimnazjalnej Hanna Rokita 2010
Chemistry Teachers’ Perceptions on Laboratory Applications: Izmir Sample Burak FEYZİOĞLU,Barış DEMİRDAĞ,Alev ATEŞ,İlker ÇOBANOĞLU,Eralp ALTUN 2011
Curriculum of initial teacher education in Portugal: new contexts, old problems Flores, M.A. 2011
Design and Development of the Máster in Teacher Education of Secondary Education for his first year of implantation. Alicia Benarroch Benarroch y miembros de APICE 2011
Discover Primary Science and Maths Portal Information for Teacher Training in Primary Science various on-going
Edukacja Kard CHemicznych - Education of Chemical Engineers A collection of authors 2004
Evaluating an online e-module for Portuguese primary teachers: trainees’perceptions L. Pombo, M. Smith, M. Abelha, H. Caixinha and N. Costa 2012
Evaluation of the Impact of the Training Program in Teaching Experimental Science: A nationwide study (Avaliação do Impacte do Programa de Formação em Ensino Experimental das Ciências: Um estudo ... Isabel P. Martins, Celina Tenreiro Vieira, Rui M. Vieira, Patrícia Sá, Ana V. Rodrigues, Filomena Teixeira, Fernanda Couceiro, Maria Luísa Veiga, Cláudia Neves 2012
Évaluation Qualitative, Participative et Prospective de la Formation Initiale des Enseignants en Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles Mars 2011 – Février 2012 Centre d'Études Sociologiques des FUSL 2012
Everyday Chemistry, an Opportunity for Teachers´Professional Development M. Rut Jiménez-Liso, Esteban de Manuel 2009
Former les Futurs Professeurs de Chimie à la Pedagogies des Competences : Quelques Propositions et Pistes de Reflexion (Training Future Chemistry Teachers to Skills Teaching: a few Suggestions and Le... Bernard Leyh & Viviane Collignon-Claessen 2007
Image Yourself as a Chemistry Teacher Sinem Unera, Huseyin Akkusa, Nurcan Turana 2012
Improving Pre-service Elementary Teachers’ Education via a Laboratory Course on Air Pollution: One University’s Experience Mandrikas A, Parkosidis I., Psomiadis P., Stoumpa A., Chalkidis A., Mavrikaki E., and Skordoulis C. 2012
Information and Communication Technologies in Science Education: Competencies and Beliefs of Bulgarian Teachers Milena Kirovа, Elena Boiadjieva, Roumiana Peytcheva-Forsyth 2012
Information and Communication Technology and the Problem of Teacher Training: Myths, Dreams and Harsh Reality Vosniadou, S. and Kollias, V. 2001
Investigation of Pre-Service Chemistry Teachers' Chemistry Laboratory Anxiety Levels Ebru KAYA,Pinar Seda CETIN 2012
Jedwab Naturalny -białko o budowie włóknistej dr Monika Majcher Kozieł 2010
Key Data on Learning and Innovation through ICT at School in Europe 2011 Daniela Mitkova Nikolina Georgieva Nadejda Raycheva 2011
La Démarche Scientifique en Formation Continue (The Scientific Approach in Continuing Training) Patrick Delmée 2012
La Demarche Scientifique Expérimentale en Formation Initiale d’Enseignants du Fundamental (The Experimental Scientific Approach in the Initial Training of Primary School Teachers) Marie-Noëlle Hindryckx 2008
Maria Skłodowska-Curie - Wkład w rozwój Nauki WItold Wacławek, Maria Wacławek 2011
Master for Secondary Teachers´ Initial Training: Analysis and Proposals. Amparo Vilches y Daniel Gil-Pérez. 2010
Metodika výuky chemie na 2. stupni základních škol a středních školách z pohledu pedagogické praxe – náměty pro začínajícího učitele Marie Solárová a kol. 2010
Možnosti tvorby stereoskopických materiálů pro výuku chemie na středních školách (Possibilities to Create Stereoscopic Materials for Learning Chemistry at High Schools) Jan BŘÍŽĎALA, Petr ŠMEJKAL, Eva STRATILOVÁ URVÁLKOVÁ 2010
Na kłopoty z "chemicznym tuzinem" Krzysztof Orliński Sept/ Oct. 2011
Nie jedną metodą sól otrzymano - Scenariusz lekcji chemii w klasie II gimnazjum mgr Katarzyna Czyszkowska 2010
Policy Paper on the Continuum of Teacher Education Teaching Council of Ireland 2011
Polish Education Reform and Resulting Changes in the Process of Chemical Education Hanna Gulinska 2013
PON Science Education (PON Educazione Scientifica) INDIRE Institute 2012
Preservice Chemistry Teachers' Images about Science Teaching in theri Future Classrooms RidvanELMAS, Betül DEMiRDÖGEN, Ömer GEBAN 2011
Primary Teachers’ Understanding of Four Chemical Phenomena: Effect of an In-Service Training Course Papageorgiou G., Stamovlasis D., and Johnson P. 2012
Project Teaching in Chemistry Project Teaching in Chemistry Didactic Guide for Elementary School Teachers Ganajová M., Kalafutová J., Müllerová V., Siváková M. 2010
Prospective Science Teachers’ Misconceptions in Organic Chemistry: The Case of Alkenes Gülten ŞENDUR 2012
Recent Trends in Natural Science Education many authors - Anthology from International Conference October 2012
Rozporządzenie ministra nauki i szkolnictwa wyśszego z dnia 17 stycznia 2012 r. w sprawie standardów kształcenia przygotowującego do wykonywania zawodu nauczyciela Ministry of Science and Higher Education 17 Jan. 2012
Science Teacher Education: Issues and Proposals Psillos D., Spyrtou A., Kariotoglou P. 2005
Science Teachers Training and Teaching of the Nature of Science. José Antonio Acevedo Díaz 2010
Seminar on Chemistry Selection of IBSE Activities for the National Institute for Education Bratislava AMSTEL Institute, University of Pavel Jozef Safarik Košice 2010
Specifika vzdělávání v chemii na středních odborných školách nechemického zaměření (Specifics Of Chemistry Lessons At Non-Chemical Secondary Vocational Schools) Martin Rusek, Pavel Beneš, Martin Adamec N/A
Standardy kształcenia dla kierunku studiów: Chemia Ministry of Science and Higher Education 2012
Suggestions for an Effective “Laboratorial Education” (Indicazioni per una “Didattica Laboratoriale” formativa) Aldo Borsese, Marcella Mascarino, Patrizia Mittica, Irene Parrachino 2009
Teacher collaboration and professional development in the workplace: a study of Portuguese teachers Forte, A.M., Flores, M.A. 2013
Teachers’ Pedagogical Competence as a Prerequisite for Entering the Profession Liakopoulou M. 2011
Teaching of Analytical Chemistry in Polish Universities M. Biziuka& J. Namiesnika 2010
The "Teaching Experimental Sciences" Plan (Il Piano “Insegnare Scienze Sperimentali") Varoius authors 2010
The Chemical Misconceptions of Pre-service Science Teachers at the University of Limerick: Do they Change? Muireann Sheehan, P.E.Childs, and S.Hayes 2011
The Problem of the Comunication at School and the Choice of Contents (Il Problema della Comunicazione a Scuola e la Scelta dei Contenuti) Aldo Borsese 2001
The Scientific Explanation at School (La Spiegazione Scientifica a Scuola) Aldo Borsese, Irene Parrachino 2012
The Use of ICT in the Subject: Chemistry for Elementary Schools Javorová K., Harvanová, L., Ganajová M., Kalafutová J., Dӧmӧtӧrova J., Szarka K., Sklenka I., Ušáková K. 2010
The Use of ICT in the Subject: Chemistry for high Schools The Use of ICT in the Subject: Chemistry for High Schools Lisá V., Jenisová Z., Fándlyová S., Hrašková S. 2010
The use of Information and Communcation Tecnnologies by Portuguese teachers Paiva, J., Paiva, J.C., Fiolhais, C. 2003
TIC et Conceptions Pédagogiques (ICT and Pedagogical Conceptions) Marianne Poumay 2012
What to do in Secondary School Science Teachers Preservice Training? Jaime Carrascosa Alís, Joaquín Martínez Torregrosa, Carles Furió Más y Jenaro Guisasola Aranzábal 2008
Zadania Powtórzeniowe do Egzaminu Gimnazjalnego z Chemii Iwona Paleska Jan 2012
Zrównoważony Rozwój - wyzwanie dla edukacji prof. dr Peter Atkins 2012

National Reports on successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry The national reports on chemistry successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry are now available on the related section of the project portal. The reports presents examples of successful experiences in the partner countries and the results of testing of ICT resources with science teachers.
