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Setting up a Scientific School Project as a Method of Increasing Students’ Motivation for Studying Natural Sciences and Ecology
Maria Nikolova
National Aprilov High School (Bulgaria)
The paper reports the experiment of a team from the National Aprilov High School to increase the motivation of students interested mainly in the humanities for the natural science subjects through the development of a school project.
The aim of the project entitled “Science from Granny’s Chest Drawers” is to build a bridge between present days’ science and technology and the history of Bulgarian crafts of the mid and the late 19th century. The old technology of braiding and dyeing woolen threads is interpreted attractively and unconventionally on modern scientific level. The project activities include the use of the authentic “chark” equipment for braiding woolen threads. It has been restored to the way it looked in the 19th century when it was used. Woolen threads are coloured with natural dyes obtained from plants and herbs gathered by the project participants. A small model of the wool-braiding workshop shows how the equipment works driven by the mechanical force of water.
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