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Spanish Students Motivation on Sciences.
Antonio Jesús Torres Gil.
Colegio Santo Tomás de Villanueva, CECE (Spain)
In this paper, we are going to make a review of the decreasing number of science students and their negative attitude towards science subjects like Chemistry, and we show some solutions proposed by some Science Education authors and experts. Some of the most evident solutions ask for deep changes in Science curricula and in teaching methodology to achieve a contextual and co-operative science. These solutions include the use of daily Chemistry and ICTs resources in our schools.
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Comments about this Paper
Date: 2014.09.28
Posted by I. García (Spain )
Message: This paper shows the problems of science education in Spain. There is a negative attitude towards scholar science. This negative attitude becomes more evident as students grow up and this is more remarkable – at the beginning of Compulsory Secondary Education and it mostly affects girls. The document shows aspects of Sciences teachers that can be really useful for Secondary teachers in the current context. Statements included in the document are really useful for teachers and offer an interesting description of pupils´ current situation. And although ICTs are the ideal tool to transform the classroom into research environments centered on students, but there is not enough institutional support. Teaching methods must be based on experience and daily science together with more STS and Science History contents, include ICTs in Science teaching and promote the exchange of experiences between teachers on the Internet.
National Reports on successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry The national reports on chemistry successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry are now available on the related section of the project portal. The reports presents examples of successful experiences in the partner countries and the results of testing of ICT resources with science teachers.