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The Conceptual Perceptions of Classroom Teacher Trainees about the Boiling Subject
Murat Demirbaş1, Mustafa Bayrakci2, Nurcan Ertuğrul3, Elif Tuğçe Karaca1
1Kırıkkale University Education Faculty, 2Sakarya University Education Faculty, 3Kırıkkale University Institute of Science (Turkey)
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
The purpose of this study is to identify the conceptual perceptions of prospective classroom teachers towards boiling subject. Case study model which is one of the qualitative research models is used for the research. The study group was determined by the criterion sampling method. The sample of the study is comprised of 153 prospective classroom teachers. A semi-structured instrument was used for gathering the data. The data were analysed by using the content analysis. Suggestions were made according to the result of the study.
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Comments about this Paper
Date: 2013.09.03
Posted by Vlastimil Dudytek (Czech Republic)
Message: The purpose of this study is to identify the conceptual perceptions of prospective classroom teachers towards boiling subject. By this research answer to the question of “What are the conceptual perceptions of teacher trainees about boiling subject” is sought. The paper was presented at International Conference on Innovative Learning in Chemistry (Prague, 2012, December 5th). The paper corresponds well with the conference topics; however, unlike most of the other papers, this one does not deal with students` motivation but more likely with teachers` training which is the second important topic of the CIAAN project. The research was carried out with 153 teacher trainees from Kırıkkale University, Primary Classroom Teaching, who are in their third year of education Faculty of Education. This seems to be a sufficient sample. 82.4% teacher trainees were female while 27% were male. This fact points at female domination among the primary school teacher trainees in Turkey, which is similar to the state in the Czech Republic. The answers were gathered in September, 2012. In my opinion, the research method was well developed and the results are reliable.
The results of the study reveal that most of the teacher trainees do not have a clear and accurate perception about boiling. Most of them take boiling as gasifying of the liquid with heat or in other words changing states. This depicts that boiling and vaporization concepts are mixed up. Some of the teacher trainees did not explained the phenomenon of boiling sufficiently, some of them wrote incorrect or misleading statements. For instance, boiling is perceived as water’s reaching a particular temperature by the teacher trainees who tend to make a generalization about all liquids. Only few of them associate boiling with the equality of the liquid vapour pressure and open air pressure. Another finding of the study is that most of the teacher trainees think that heat is necessary to make liquids boil and without heat there will be no boiling. Very few teachers expressed that any change in the pressure helps boiling process.
The paper has no Conclusion section; however, the main findings and conclusions are reported in Discussion section. It has been revealed that some of the teacher trainees misunderstand the phenomenon of boiling. Although these trainees might be not only science (physics) teachers, they should not be confused by phenomena we meet in our everyday lives. The confusion of the trainees may have different causes. Maybe an accent has been put on getting encyclopaedic knowledge instead of trying to understand the common issues. However this is just my speculation, the causes were not subject of the paper. The topic deserves more investigation.
National Reports on successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry The national reports on chemistry successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry are now available on the related section of the project portal. The reports presents examples of successful experiences in the partner countries and the results of testing of ICT resources with science teachers.