Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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Teaching Resources

Homepage > Testing


Radka Krasteva
Chemistry teacher
Topics related to the resource
Balance of chemical equations
Isotopes and atomic mass
Structure of the atom
Building molecules
Examples of learning objectives
Building molecules of organic and inorganic substances from atoms and displaying them in 3D images. Students gain insight into the spatial structure of molecules and the chemical bonds in them.
Balancing of chemical equations and showing that the number of atoms of chemical elements are preserved in chemical reactions. Showing the difference between the coefficients and indices in chemical equations through simulations.
Building a model of the atom. Playing a game to test students' understanding of atomic structure, mass number, isotopes, positive and negative ions.
Information about the class
13 students from Vocational School in Electronics and Chemical Technologies "Prof. A. Zlatarov" - Pleven, Bulgaria; 9th grade of education, "Computer Networks"
Suggestion for use
1. The testing of the resource was held in a computer lab.
2. Students were given worksheets with tasks. Consistently they used several chemical simulations:
- Balance of chemical equations, 3 levels with different difficulty of reactions in the form of a game;
- The construction of several molecules of organic and inorganic substances;
- Preparation of isotopes;
- Construction of atoms of chemical elements – the simulation is accompanied by a game with interesting tasks that students solved.
Insights into student
use / thinking
Students tested the simulations with great enthusiasm. To my surprise the greatest interest and willingness to work showed students who under the traditional approach of teaching experienced some difficulty in learning the material. They rejoiced at every correct solution, while at a false one started over from the beginning to achieve the desired result. Some students had a competition, who will first solve correctly the different levels of tasks. The excellent students helped others who had gaps in their theoretical knowledge, in order to deal with the issues. My role as a teacher was complementary.
Students enjoyed learning chemistry by using computers. They suggested that we applied more often similar simulations in the learning process
Teacher’s conclusions
Interactive simulations are easy to use and of a good scientific value. Through them, the teacher can receive feedback, whether the learning content is absorbed. When used appropriately by the teacher, they can increase students' interest in studying the subject. Through these simulations, by having fun the students can demonstrate and apply what they have learned. They are very suitable in lessons for exercise and summary, as well as new knowledge with difficult theoretical concepts, which through them are presented in a very accessible and understandable way / e.g. atomic structure, chemical bonds, etc./

National Reports on successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry The national reports on chemistry successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry are now available on the related section of the project portal. The reports presents examples of successful experiences in the partner countries and the results of testing of ICT resources with science teachers.
