A collection of authors
CHEMIK - SCIENCE-Technical Monthly magazine
Newspaper / Magazine article
School Directors, Researchers, Teachers, Policy Makers
Over 10 pages
"CHEMIK - science-technique-market" is a magazine for engineers and managing staff in the chemical industry. In the monthly columns, you will find scientific and technical publications and reviews of modern technical and technological solutions in the chemical industry including the functioning of the industry in terms of environmental, legal and organizational issues. The magazine works with outstanding scientists, engineers and managers.64 Years of Publishing Expertise For the past 64 years, "CHEMIK" (THE CHEMIST) has been an excellent journal in the Polish language. Today "CHEMIK" connects tradition with innovation publishing on Polish market articles in both a Polish and a translated English version. We are the first magazine of this kind in Poland. Along with publishing our works, we hope to become a stronger educational publication. We are going to meet the expectations of the community of Polish chemists, but we also want to show their works to foreign scientists, entrepreneurs and foreign students, who are still becoming increasingly numerous at Polish universities.
The author of this article present an overview of the contents of Resolution of IV Congress of Chemical Technology (Łodź, 2003) on education in the fields of "chemical technology" department of chemical technical colleges, providing a special interest in the scientific education of chemical engineering personnel.
It is worth noting that even in 1998, the Association of Engineers and Technicians of Chemical Industry, in order to properly prepare personnel for the industry, has taken on engineering education (also in terms of the needs of employers), the Sixth Seminar on Restructuring of Chemical Industry in Poland (1998 Chemist , Special Edition).
Presentations and opinions collected in this issue of the Chemist were able to provide a basis for developing a common voice of the chemists in the discussion on how best to prepare human resources for chemical engineering.
The Professor Iwo Pollo says that the fact that the problem of engineering education is the subject of lively debate is no coincidence. Ascertaining that although the new age stimulates the tendency to ask important questions about the future, however, the cause noticeable at almost every turn of the calendar is not the result of ... The training of chemical engineers - reflections on the history and current state.
Among the authors of the articles and publications collected in this issue of the Chemist are experts from universities and research institutes, as well as chambers of commerce presidents and directors of companies, including foreign companies operating in Poland and chemical engineers working in various sectors of the chemical industry. Reviews coming from different backgrounds (academic and industrial) are often coincide, especially in the conviction of the need to introduce changes in the way engineering education, but also the necessary co-operation in the work of universities and chemical companies.
The issue contains a very interesting, in-depth study and research carried out by a professor Jack Kijeński and Dr. Zbigniew Krawczyk of the Institute of Industrial Chemistry of the value chain optimization in chemical companies in the global market.
Below some details of this issue’s content
- Marian Grobelny concentrates on the educational problems and Obstacles of Chemistry scientists and Edwin Makarewicz presents an example of good practice – education of students in chemistry at Technical-Agricultural Academy in Bydgoszcz
- The article by Tadeusz Patryjaczak tackles the issues related to educating students at different higher Education institutions at the faculty of Chemistry.
- Jerzy Suwiński poses a question if the current core curricula requirements are compliant with the contemporary market demands.
- Jerzy Śliwiok and Andrzej Heim talk about changes in the programme minimum requirements for students and their quality of studying.
Education of chemical engineers in Academy of Technology and Agriculture in Bydgoszcz (example of good practices)
- Jerzy WASILEWSKI - Lack of elementary knowledge of the chemical industry
- Józef SAS - To meet the needs of contemporary education the process has to be life-long
- Wojciech LUBIEWA-WIELEŻYŃSKI - Chemical education should be started earlier...
- Arnold PETERSE - Curricula and syllabuses should be adjusted to the chemical market
- Jerzy KOZIARA - A tendency in lowering students' level of education has been observed
- Jacek WASIAK - Slow, but gradual changes in chemical education
- Anna WÓJCIK, Marek KSIĄZYK - Changes in chemical education at technical colleges and universities
- Wincenty DOŃCZYK, Mirela KASZNIA, Władysław MADEJ, Lech RUCZYŃSKI – Encyclopaedic knowledge of chemical graduates
- Włodzimierz KARPIŃSKI – Concentrates on Interdisciplinary education of prospective chemical engineers
- Ryszard SZOZDA - Education in health protection and safety rues - the main pillar of education of the prospective chemical engineer
Among other newspapers on the market, there are many magazines presenting academic works concerning the field of chemistry in Europe and around the world. However, there are just a few that present works with potential implementation, promoting cooperation of science and trade in the field of creation of new technologies and implementation of innovative products. Achievements of Polish scientists, especially in the field of chemistry, have been in the lead on the world scientific markets for many years.The monthly magazine "CHEMIK" is taking up a challenge and from 2010 on it is going to promote Polish science in Europe and around the world and promote works of foreign scientists' work among Polish language scientists.
Jerzy Śliwiok and Andrzej Heim talk about changes in the programme minimum reauirements for students and their quality of studying.
Comments about this Publication
Your comments are welcome
Date: 2014.04.30
Posted by Mariusz Jarocki (Poland)
Message: The magazine CHEMIST publishes original research, scientific, technological and review papers in the field of chemistry, chemical technology, computer modeling of chemical processes, environmental protection, environmental management, research management, chemical companies and research institutes, technology, energy and chemical market and technical knowledge. Its editors do not pay for unsolicited materials and most of them are publicly avalilable via WWW. The papers are in Polish and English, but these latter are rather uncommon what is a problem in reaching a wider audience.
The very important initiative developed by the magazine is the project \"Sloneczna Chemia\". It aims to change consciousness and formulate a new way of thinking about chemistry in society and in science, technology and the economy. The aim of the project is to strengthen the role of chemistry as the most important in solving contemporary problems - as in other fields of science and technology.
So the mission of the magazine is very convergent to the project Chemistry is all around Network and both the initiatives can easily cooperate in promoting Chemistry.
The magazine is well organized in its WWW form, with an appropriate structure and a search engine. It can be a good example of a place which gathers information about some specific field of knowledge.
Date: 2013.05.16
Posted by Marcela Grecová (Czech Republic)
Message: The magazine is designated for scientists, engineers, managers and students. Authors are recognized Polish and foreign scientists and business people. The publication has a long tradition. Innovation in the field of chemistry included too.
The level of education of future engineers is reduced. Graduates have a more encyclopaedic knowledge. Authors delas with how best to prepare human resources for chemical engineering. Connection students with scientists and entrepreneurs is a good way to improve this state.
Students can see practical applications of science. Changes in chemical education at technical colleges and universities is interesting topic. This topic deserves great attention from experts. The ways to increase motivation of students and teachers are shown in this publication.
This text is beneficial, closely related to current issues in the education of future chemists. I consider it appropriate and beneficial for this project.