The article is available in the bi-monthly magazine for teachers of chemistry “Chemistry in the School” (‘Chemia w Szkole’)
This is a magazine for chemistry teachers of all types of schools and teachers and students of chemistry. It contains materials on various topics to help teachers improve their teaching of chemistry. It has been available on the publishing market since 1954.
The journal publishes:
- Methodological and didactic solutions to facilitate the proper implementation of the new curriculum and prepare students for final examinations and tests in chemistry at the end of high school;
- practical tips for chemistry experiments and safety in the classroom chemistry;
- Information about the most important achievements of chemistry in the last century;
- tasks, tests, and quizzes with answer keys of Polish and international chemical Olympiads and chemical national competitions for students of junior secondary schools and upper secondary schools;
- Conference Reports written and published by educators of chemistry and teacher trainers, highlighting new educational initiatives;
- news publications: books, popular science books and publications appearing in international journals.
"Maria Sklodowska-Curie. Contribution to the development of science", written by prof. Witold Wacławek, from the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Opole, in cooperation with prof. Maria Wacławek, from the Faculty of Natural and Technical Sciences of the University of Opole, is an article which concerns scientific activity of an outstanding chemist and physicists - Maria Skłodowska-Curie.
The article presents detailed scientific biography of Maria Skłodowska-Curie. The entire path of her scientific career has been described, from the very first achievements from her childhood, through her outstanding performance at all levels of education, till the end of her professional career. Beside the profile of the Polish scientist, her colleagues and her husband Pierre Curie have also been briefly presented in the article. The origins of radiation chemistry and all published discoveries in this area, from the very beginning of its existence has been submitted by authors.
Due to the quantitative approach to research, Marie Curie and her husband, have discovered two radioactive elements - polonium and radium. Skłodowska was the first scientist, who found that radiation of radioactive substances causes chemical reactions, and that is how the radiation chemistry was born. Maria Sklodowska-Curie is also the founder of radiochemistry and medical radiology. She was fully dedicated to both those areas in the 20s and 30s of the last century.
Maria Skłodowska-Curie was the first woman to win a Nobel prize, the first person to win two Nobel Prizes, and the only person to win in multiple sciences. In 1903 she won the Physics Nobel Prize in recognition of the extraordinary services she has rendered by researches on the radiation phenomena. Later, in 1911, she was given the Chemistry Nobel Prize in recognition of her services to the advancement of chemistry by the discovery of the elements radium and polonium, by the isolation of radium and the study of the nature and compounds of this remarkable element.
Brief presentation of famous people of science from the radioactivity area, such as W. C. Roentgen, H. Poincaré, H. Becquerel, G. C. Schmidt, E. Rutherford, F. Soddy, and A. Debierne, has been also included in the article.
This publication is very interesting, as you can learn from it many interesting facts about the private life of Maria Skłodowska-Curie and find out how fascinating person she was. Majority of the information included in this publication relates to the origin and development of the radiation chemistry and chemical laws, discovered at the beginning of the twentieth century. Most of these theories are applicable till this day.
Apart of biographical part of the article, authors also illustrate the processes of isolation of polonium and radium from the ore. Also some photos of Maria Skłodowska-Curie, her husband and her daughter Irene Joliot-Curie, who also dealt with radioactivity, were included in the article.
Presented publication may be very useful for chemistry lessons, for both teachers and students, at the primary and extended profiles. Every Polish student should be familiar with the profile of one of our greatest native scientist.
Reviwed by dr Monika Smaga,
teacher of chemistry,
Abis, Lodz, Poland
Date: 2013.05.15
Posted by Eva Kletečková (učitelka Gymnázium Františka Křižíka v Plzni) (Czech Republic)
Message: The article is beneficial and instructive for student and for teachers too. It might interesting also other public. There is present detailed curriculum vitae of Maria Sklodowská Curie. It was inscribed many texts about this great personality. This article present detailed her life from very first achievment form her childhood. The article shows meaning of discoveries and also Curies family. Marie Sklowska Curie is imagine from another point of view.
This article is relevant and is related to the project.