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Date: 2013.06.17
Posted by Maria Jesús Garrido (Spain)
Message: Most of elementary students end their education without ever stepping on a laboratory .
In secondary, extensive agendas and the high number of students per classroom become increasingly difficult to work in the laboratory.
Many students come to college without intensive training in laboratory work.
So, when you become a science teacher the anxiety level that occurs to prepare and implement laboratory sessions is quite high. This is due in large part to the lack of skill acquired for laboratory work in the training period.
This anxiety, due to the use of materials and products with which they are unfamiliar, potentially dangerous, unpredictable duration sessions and outcome variables, is a fact to be considered in most of the teachers.
However, we must take advantage of the inherent curiosity of children to increase their motivation towards learning science. Since the early primary grades it would be necessary to set some minimum science from experience, observation and reflection.
It would be good to get students to see the work in the laboratory as a routine. It will increase the student\'s interest towards the subject. But this is only possible if teachers control the anxiety that practical activities produce and help students to enjoy science.
I think this will improve the quality of teaching and learning of science.
Date: 2013.06.05
Posted by Milan Veselský (Slovakia)
Message: This article is very good written and very interesting, because it deals with anxiety of prospective teachers according to their grade, gender and other circumstances. Affectivity has been very long ignored in science teaching but now closer attention is being paid to this subject since it has been found to be a decisive factor in learning. The authors focused their research on laboratory work and studied the anxiety levels of students in various facets of this type of work.Suprising fact is, that gender and grade leved had no significant effect on anxiety levels. Nevertheless, exploring the relationship of fear to various factors is certainly beneficial. Student\\\'s anxiety and stress at chemistry lessons have often impact on their future studies and affects their overall health. One of the most valuable contributions of the article is the extensive documentation provided on recent advances regarding the relation between motivation and attitudes and also between motivation and learning Chemistry is generally considered as difficult and hard to handle and this article covers up to date topic, which is closely related to the project. Article is clear, readable and research results are useful. Positive approach to prospective teachers and pleasant atmosphere during classes and laboratories is essential.From this point of view it is an interesting article for any teacher and should be taken into account and would be a useful resource for educational policy makers and for teachers.
Date: 2013.05.16
Posted by Marcela Grecová (Czech Republic)
Message: This article is very interesting, because it deals with anxiety of prospective teachers according to their grade, gender and other circumstances.
Authors observed fear at students of teaching in the lab. Another suprising fact was, that gender and grade leved had no significant effect on anxiety levels. Nevertheless, exploring the relationship of fear to various factors is certainly beneficial. Student\'s anxiety and stress at chemistry lessons have often impact on their future studies aand affects their overall health. High spirited students give better results.Chemistry is generally considered as difficult and hard to handle. This article covers up to date topic, which is closely related to the project.
Article is clear, readable and research results are useful. Positive approach to prospective teachers and pleasant atmosphere during classes and laboratories is essential.
Date: 2013.05.15
Posted by Manuel Fernández González (Spain)
Message: The most interesting part of this article is the topic addressed. Until very recently, affectivity has been large ignored in science teaching. However, now closer attention is being paid to this subject since it has been found to be a decisive factor in learning. The authors focused their research on laboratory work and studied the anxiety levels of students in various facets of this type of work.
One of the most valuable contributions of the article is the extensive documentation provided on recent advances regarding the relation between motivation and attitudes and also between motivation and learning. More specifically, the article examines the connection between anxiety and achievement in Chemistry.
The subjects in the research study were pre-service teachers and the focus was on the relation between anxiety in the laboratory and other variables. The results obtained after the application of the Chemistry Laboratory Anxiety Scale, (which was not uploaded to the database) and the subsequent statistical analysis are very relevant. Accordingly, variables such as sex and grade level do not have a significant effect on the anxiety of the students. In contrast, there is a negative correlation between the anxiety of the subjects and their achievement in science as well as in laboratory work.
Finally, this is an interesting article for any teacher and should be taken into account.
Date: 2013.05.07
Posted by James Ring (Ireland)
Message: This was a very interesting a well written paper. The paper is hugely relevant as without a solid and stimulating practical element to chemistry teaching, the uptake of te subject will remain low.
This paper looks at the anxiety of student teachers in having to carry out laboratory practice.
The statistical analysis of the research is very well carried out and explained, although some of the results are surprising there are suggestions made as to why these results have been found, and ways to remedy them.
The negatives would be that general comments are made such as “design more purposeful laboratory tasks”, what does this mean and what would they be. At this level I would expect specifics and not generalisations.
This paper would be a useful resource for educational policy makers and for teachers.
National Reports on successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry The national reports on chemistry successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry are now available on the related section of the project portal. The reports presents examples of successful experiences in the partner countries and the results of testing of ICT resources with science teachers.