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Date: 2013.11.25
Posted by Ömer Faruk Şen (Turkey)
Message: This article is current and eccentric about teacher education in a great part. This paper explores the effectiveness of implementing e-learning platform for science in Portugal But, it also turns to the broader context of sufficiency topics for thinking when they develop resources on the Internet. This article assesses the application of the e-module on Assessment of Children’s Learning in Primary Science, which was originated at Branford College (UK) and it was accommodated to Portuguese science teachers. Data which are shown in this paper was compiled by the means of three different online questionnaires- at the beginning of the e-module, at the end of e-module and one year after application of e- modules. The outcomes illustrates the fact that the majority of the teachers acknowledged the fact that the module changed the improvement of an e-module for training of new skills at the same time with the course, such as ICT skills, and have main positive effects on classroom practice and improve their professional improvement. This paper depicts the improvements of an e-module for training teachers of children in the 7-13 year age group, but thoughts in the design, delivery and assessment of the module could be implemented to other kinds of training modules for teachers at all levels in an easy way. This Virtual Learning Environments enable the sharing of experiences across geographical boundaries, with time and space constraints being taken away. The introduction of this paper is in fact very precious to anyone interested in developing e-modules in any of the science disciplines as it clearly makes a summary of work already conducted with the aim of assuring quality in the production of online resources. For my opinion, every one of the educators which took part in e-learning had better read this paper in order that they can learn how they can apply it in a best way.
Date: 2013.11.25
Posted by Ramazan Göğüş (Turkey)
Message: This paper deals with the controversial issue of e-Learning. It gives detailed information about the creation of online resources in other words it describes the development of an e-module for initial teachers whose structure is easily applicable for any kind of teachers in every level.
In this article we can find an evaluation of the e-module application on Primary Science Students. The module was created at Bradford College (UK) and was adopted and utilized by Portuguese science teachers. The details are following:
- The article assesses the module according to find easier ways to improve it in the future.
- Analyses the participant’s feedback
- Investigates the effect on the teachers and students
The collected data’s origin is from 3 different periods of the implementation. Surveys were used for getting information.
- The first survey was implemented at the start of the application of the e-module
- The second survey was implemented at the end of the application of the e-module
- The third survey was implemented at one year after the application of the e-module
Teachers who took part in this survey, have seen significantly improvement in their teaching skills.
The study has been shown that the e-module is supporting and developing the teaching skills and also adding new ones to the repertoire of the teachers - such as ICT skills. There is also a very important fact about such kind of online sources, it literally globalizes teaching. Different teachers from different geographical locations have the opportunity to share their experiences and also the chance to give feedback to each other. One remarkable point is, teachers get the chance to explore new teaching methods, strategies. This can also be considered as a kind of self-evaluation. Therefore, this paper is profitable material for all teachers who are interested in online resources and virtual teaching.
Date: 2013.06.11
Posted by Eva Smrekova (Slovakia)
Message: Message: Why is this paper relevant?
This is relevant and interesting paper about teacher education generally but it also addresses the broader context of quality issues for consideration when developing online resources. This article evaluate the implementation of the e-module on Assessment of Children’s Learning in Primary Science, which was created at Bradford College (UK) and was adapted to Portuguese science teachers. Data in this paper was collected through three different online questionnaires- at the start of the e module, at the end of the e-module; and one year after implementation of the e-module. The results shows that the majority of the teachers recognised that the module promoted the development of new skills during the course, such as ICT skills, and have key positive impact on classroom practice and enhance their professional development. Paper describe the development of an e-module for training teachers of children in the 7-13 year age group, but considerations in the design, delivery and evaluation of the module could easily be applied to other training modules for teachers at all levels.This Virtual Learning Environments allow the sharing of experiences across geographical boundaries, with time and space constraints being removed. The introduction to the paper is actually very valuable to anyone interested in developing e-modules in any of the science disciplines as it clearly summarises work already done with regard to ensuring quality in the production of online resources.
Date: 2013.06.06
Posted by Monika Smaga (Poland)
Message: The work reported in this article is part of a wider project that aims to develop and implement a web-based, pan-European, in-service professional development platform for teachers to enhance their role in promoting education through science. This article aims to evaluate the implementation of the e-module on Assessment of Children’s Learning in Primary Science, which was created at Bradford College (UK) and was adapted to be trialled by Portuguese science teachers. The article (i) evaluates the e-module in order to find facilities and constraints with a view to improving it in future versions; (ii) analyses participants’ opinions concerning strategies explored, resources and their reflections on their learning; and (iii) discusses the impact of the training on teachers’ professional development. Data was collected through three different online questionnaires: (i) at the start; (ii) at the end of the e-module; and (iii) one year after implementation of the e-module. The results indicate that the majority of the teachers recognised that the module promoted the development of new skills during the course, such as ICT skills, which have an impact on classroom practice and enhance their professional development both in the personal domain and in the domain of practice. It was also recognised by both trainees and tutors that the main advantage of using an e-learning platform was that it enabled an adjustment to individual needs taking into account different learning styles and rhythms. They also recognised the importance of international dimensions of education; flexibility of timetables; and collaborative work between peers.
Date: 2013.05.29
Posted by Samantha Trad Pštross (Czech Republic)
Message: In our evermore technological world e-learning has become a new important aspect of education. This paper explores the effectiveness of using an e-learning platform for science in Portugal. I recommend all educators involved in e-learning read this paper to learn how to best implement it.
Date: 2013.05.03
Posted by Kathleen Lough (Ireland)
Message: Why is this paper relevant?
This is a very relevant and interesting paper in the context of teacher education generally but it also addresses the broader context of quality issues for consideration when developing online resources. It describes the development of an e-module for training teachers of children in the 7-13 year age group, but considerations in the design, delivery and evaluation of the module could easily be applied to other training modules for teachers at all levels, and the focus on assessment methods in the science classroom is also of general applicability.
Which parts of the paper underline relevant issues for chemistry teachers?
The paper stresses the importance of online delivery in modern educational development and particularly in Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for teachers, with Virtual Learning Environments allowing the sharing of experiences across geographical boundaries, with time and space constraints being removed. The introduction to the paper is actually very valuable to anyone interested in developing e-modules in any of the science disciplines as it clearly summarises work already done with regard to ensuring quality in the production of online resources. These quality guidelines address pedagogic issues such as the engagement and motivation of learners; resource issues such as age-appropriateness and diversity; and delivery strategies such as quality of presentation, and reliability of the interface used. These guidelines could usefully be referred to by all institutions and individuals developing new material for online delivery, whether aimed at teacher training or providing content for use in the classroom.
The specific focus of the e-module being evaluated was on assessment methods, which is relevant to teachers across all the scientific disciplines. Its aim was to ensure teachers were clear about the role of assessment in lesson planning, about the difference between formative and summative assessment, and were familiar with a range of assessment methods. Self-reflection in order to improve classroom technique was also explored.
Does the paper underline the competences that teachers should develop to use ICT in order to enhance students’ interest and learning for chemistry?
The teachers in the cohort who took the specific e-module were from mixed scientific disciplines, with the majority of them not having previous online teaching experience. Positive aspects such as the use of new technologies and associated new skills development were a direct outcome of the course and participants were positive about the high level of training support provided.
Not surprisingly, participants welcomed the flexibility afforded by the online method of delivery, but two particularly positive benefits to participants that stood out were the opportunity to collaborate with their peers, and the self-reflection aspects of the course. One difficulty mentioned which could be noted and addressed by those wishing to develop online modules in the future was the limited opportunities for interpersonal relationships when courses are delivered online, with few face-to-face sessions.
National Reports on successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry The national reports on chemistry successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry are now available on the related section of the project portal. The reports presents examples of successful experiences in the partner countries and the results of testing of ICT resources with science teachers.