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Date: 2014.03.04
Posted by Caterina Bignone (Italy)
Message: The document describes the correct approach to methodology IBSE and warns against possible misinterpretation.
The document is important because it clarifies the methodology IBSE and offers useful suggestions for effective use of this methodology. It also underlines the value of the interpretation of methodological guidance from teachers and of the validity of the resources they used. The effectiveness of a methodological approach can be greatly affected by misinterpretation, not suitable or not scientifically valid materials.
From the review, it is possible to get useful methodological guidance on the design and implementation of an activity-based method IBSE. Dr. Orolinova examines different variables on which it is necessary that teachers reflect: the choice of phenomena and concepts to be presented to students, the formulation of hypotheses, the design shared with the students, the collection and the representation of data, the control of the procedure, the feedback of the activity, the formulation of theories and conclusions
This method is useful to stimulate the study of science, chemistry in particular, in the students of secondary schools, provided it is properly applied.
The contents of the document led me to reflect on the interpretation and correctness of procedures, on the scientific reliability of them, and of the contents that I propose to my students. In primary school, due to the age of the children and their still limited knowledge, you may run the risk of oversimplifying the concepts and / or content and sometimes compromising the scientific validity and authenticity. This, unfortunately, often happens by consulting some textbooks or resources from Internet.
National Reports on successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry The national reports on chemistry successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry are now available on the related section of the project portal. The reports presents examples of successful experiences in the partner countries and the results of testing of ICT resources with science teachers.