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Comments about this Publication
Date: 2014.04.09
Posted by Eva Kletečková (Czech Republic)
Message: 1. What kind of successful experiences does the publication describe?
According to the description and link from Alzbeta Jantova: the publication describes successful online chemistry course named Talnet for talented or gifted secondary school students.
2. Does the publication suggest how to use ICTs in chemistry teaching?
Yes it does. The publication shows how ICT can be used to facilitate extra learning, outside of the school. It could help to motivate students to learn chemistry.
3. Why is this publication relevant?
The course integrates the distant education and the problem solving method based on the home chemistry experiments carried out by the students.
Portal offer to students problem teaching and instruction how to make home chemistry experiments.
I agree with Alzbeta Jantova that the project Talnet shows modern way to increase of motivation of students. It helps to find talented and gifted students. These students usualy do not know about their talents. The Talnet could help to find and developt it.
Date: 2014.04.01
Posted by Maria Nikolova (Bulgaria)
Message: The paper describes a very interesting practice of conducting an on-line course in biochemistry and chemistry of natural materials for pupils aged 14 to 19 years. It is particularly topical because of the widespread methods of distance education in the modern education system. The course offers opportunities for training in the field of biochemistry in the performance of the household chemical experiments to process modeling material used in the everyday life. On-line training of talented students with a strong interest in chemistry was conducted, and through online learning are avoided any annoying inconveniences than to gather students from different places at the same time to perform activities together. Online learning is one way of training for the future and I am intrigued by the possibility of conducting a training course in chemistry. This is the future of education as well as in extracurricular activities and in real Compulsory process. Any teacher who implements such training is not only up to date but could be head and shoulders above the rest of his colleagues. The course can be borrowed in the main societal issues enriched and further developed and applied by every teacher of chemistry in any country in Europe and worldwide. It offers a very interesting approach to our colleagues and I admire the initiative and find very it appropriate if such a course for gifted children with an interest in chemistry is made in Bulgaria.
Date: 2014.03.26
Posted by Grace Kenny (Ireland)
Message: On accessing the website it is clear that Talnet is a useful resource for talented students. It require minimal input from schools and teachers, other than encouragement and some technical assistance. Students can assess Talnet simply through a teachers recommendation. Students study at a level suited to their interest and ability.
Date: 2014.03.24
Posted by Grace Kenny (Ireland)
Message: This publication was presented as a set of slides – and it was difficult to translate these accurately to English. The publication describes the success of an online chemistry course offered to talented or gifted students at second level. This publication offers a simple yet effective idea that could be used to keep the more able pupils in a class stimulated, and also allows them an opportunity to become a more active agent in their own learning, as it is online and home based. The idea of the online module lends itself to the idea that pupils will, while online completing the programme, be sourcing information from publications online, thus keeping up to date with the most recent findings in the field of chemistry. The publication shows how ICT can be used to facilitate extra learning, outside of the chemistry classroom. I can see how the idea could be useful for second level teachers who may have a group of pupils that need to be challenged.
Date: 2013.12.13
Posted by Alzbeta Jantova (Czech Republic)
Message: According to the description of the article the key words are: gifted and talented, Talnet, e-learning, home chemistry experiments. These topics are related to the objectives of the project Chemistry is all around us - network. Home experiments is good way to show everyday life chemistry to students. Experiments with use of ICT is a useful idea. Project Talnet shows modern way to increase of motivation of students. It helps to find talented and gifted students. These students usualy do not know about their talents. The Talnet could help to find and developt it.
Article named On - line Chemistry Education For Talented Students is not available on the portal, but it is not difficult to find it (http://everest.natur.cuni.cz/konference/2009/prezentace/bohmova_rostejnska.pdf).
National Reports on successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry The national reports on chemistry successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry are now available on the related section of the project portal. The reports presents examples of successful experiences in the partner countries and the results of testing of ICT resources with science teachers.