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Date: 2014.10.12
Posted by J.A. Martín-Lagos (Spain)
Message: The publication describes activities to provide materials for specific English teaching aimed at the formation of language skills. Used are 20 educational film chemical topics. One of the project main objectives was to improve the quality of specialist vocabulary teaching and learning through the use of a film bank available in an electronic format, which features authentic chemistry materials, including video films to be used during any language course staged at the higher education. While learning chemical concepts, students are trained to understand oral English an example of interaction between Chemistry and English courses. This paper is relevant for our teaching training because it contains an useful project to apply in our schools. This paper is a useful source of inspiration about how to work with chemistry language at various levels. From my point of view, this article is interesting and relevant and it has enriched my view of the teaching of Sciences.
Date: 2014.05.12
Posted by Adriana Tafrova - Grigorova (Bulgaria)
Message: The author describes in details the design, development and outcomes of the project “English for chemistry”. A bank of teaching materials: video films accompanied by listening, reading and vocabulary exercises on different chemical topics is created. The use of authentic chemistry materials in English enhances student competences both in chemistry as subject and English as a target language. It is important for Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) classes, that materials are designed in a way to give a visual support and thus to allow students to focus on and learn to use the foreign language as they learn the new subject content.
The publication would be of great use for all teachers in Chemistry CLIL. In Bulgaria at least in 35 schools the Chemistry and Environmental Protection school subject is taught in English to Bulgarian students. The teaching materials described in this paper could be accessed at any time and place, so as they are in particular helpful for independent student work.
Date: 2014.04.07
Posted by Julien Keutgen (Belgium)
Message: This initiative is a great example of interdisciplinarity, as it associates chemistry and English courses. While learning chemical concepts, students are trained to understand oral English; this is always a problem in Belgium as language lessons tend to be more focussed on theory and writing. Moreover, students learn the English scientific terminology, which is particularly important in an increasingly European and international context (Erasmus trips, job placement in foreign organisations, international conferences, European projects...). Knowing the English vocabulary of science is all the more important that with the Internet, many international articles, videos and resources are available to everyone, but these are not always understood. The videos can also be a good motivation tool as they address topics from everyday life and the exercises make it possible to make sure the students have understood the video.
Date: 2014.04.03
Posted by Katarína Javorová (Slovakia)
Message: The publication describes activities that is oriented on Krakow\' s univeristy Chemistry 3rd year students and it\'s purpose was to provide materials for specific English teaching aimed at the formation of language skills. Used are 20 educational film chemical topics. The film presents interesting facts, information and chemical demonstrations. This approach is very motivational, students in general like using multimedia in language teaching. Films are not very long, up to nine minutes, in British English, includes interesting chemistry experiments and tests. I find it inovational, how to focus students on auditory skills. These materials can be used in the class or for self-study purposes. Although this is a resource for the development of language skills and can be used by teachers of chemistry. It is necessary that students have very good language skills or be guided by users to put subtitles in own language. All materials including the videos are available in Bank, so they are available anytime. The objective for this project is to improve the vocabulary, reading, listening and writting skills. It is not specified, how much speaking is done in such a project and if it helps improvement of presentationt skills.
Date: 2014.03.30
Posted by Ilka Boyanova (Bulgaria)
Message: The post presents the English for Chemistry project the main objective of which is to develop resources for teaching Chemistry in English. Film Bank includes a wide selection of listening comprehension exercises focused on various topics, carefully chosen among the abundance of resources available on the Internet. The resources can be use either in the classroom or for the purposes of self-study.
The participants in the project have developed a body of didactic materials including a thematic glossary to enhance the awareness of chemistry terminologies. The post is extremely topical and can be applied in classes of intensive language courses. It deals with one of the pressing problems in teaching Chemistry in English and suggests effective approaches to mastering the knowledge by improving the command of English.
The project helps teachers stay in touch with the latest methods of teaching: using multimedia, practical drills, interesting experiments and tests. The selected videos; reading, listening and lexical exercises increase students’ motivation not only to master chemical knowledge but also to improve their linguistic competence.
I find the post extremely interesting and useful especially when teaching in classes with intensive English language courses.
Date: 2014.03.25
Posted by Maria Sheehan (Ireland)
Message: English for Chemistry aims to provide materials for teaching English for specific purposes. The film bank includes a set of listening comprehension, complementary reading and vocabulary exercises based on a variety of chemistry subjects. One of the main objectives of the project was to improve the quality of specialist vocabulary by using authentic chemistry materials. The paper gives a sample of this material relating to the chemistry of Chlorine. Activities appear to be closed tests where pupils substitute in the correct work in a passage of text. The bank of materials is particularly useful as they can be accessed at any time by pupils. The findings of the initiative report improvement in motivation levels. It also reports that participants acquired skills and knowledge essential to start their professional careers. Although these skills are not listed. It would have been helpful if they were. A lot of work has been put into the development of these resources and they have potential to engage pupils and as a result help with the subject specific vocabulary.
Date: 2014.02.24
Posted by Krasimira Tomeva (Bulgaria)
Message: The publication describes the activities of the „English for Chemists \", aimed at the formation of language skills. An important objective is the creation of a variety of materials for English language training. Used are 20 educational film chemical topics. The film presents interesting facts, information and chemical demonstrations. The short length makes them particularly suitable for viewing and discussion in the lessons. Are suggested discussion questions and texts tasks for each of the movies? This motivates and focuses viewing. Are applicable for students of English, but the nature of the films makes them suitable for lessons in chemistry. Resource development team has planned and created PDF files for printing. Of interest to students and teachers involved in English. One solution to the problem of securing resources. Available materials exercise for listening, reading, vocabulary dictionary. We can feel the visual contact no matter it is in the film, we can observe the gestures of the speaker (unlike most commonly used audio contact with the audio recordings in language lessons). No matter that it was in a movie, we can observe the gestures of the speaker (unlike most commonly used audio recording lessons in foreign languages lessons).
This publication does not address issues related to the teaching of chemistry, but offers a very felicitous resource for work in school, at home, a team or autonomously. Although this is a resource for the development of language skills, it can be used by teachers of chemistry. It is necessary students have very good language skills or be guided by a competent mentor or users to put subtitles in own language.
Guidance and convenience to use the resources of the project there is a description of the different sections: Film Bank, materials, and information on individual resources. Skills, which can be formed, are: presentation skills, language skills, scientific literacy.
For me, as a teacher of biology and chemistry and a person with good language skills, this trove is useful and applicable in the job.
Congratulations on the creators and participants in this project!
Date: 2013.12.17
Posted by Kristyna Junova (Czech republic)
Message: It is a non-profit project, that is oriented on Krakow\' s univeristy Chemistry 3rd year students and it\'s purpose was to provide materials for specific English teaching. It is very interesting, that eventhough it is mentioned for Chemistry students, the idea is to based it on films concerning chemistry topics. In my opinion it might be very motivational, students in general like using multimedia in language teaching. After seeing the film, the students receive follow-up materials with complementary reading and vocabulary ecercise. Films are not very long, up to nine minutes, in British English, includes interesting chemistry experiments and tests. I find it inovational, how to focus students on auditory skills. These materials can be used in the class or for self-study purposes.
All these materials including the videos are available at so called Bank, so they are available anytime. The objective for this project is to improve the vocabulary, reading, listening and writting skills. It is not specified, how much speaking is done in such a project and if it helps improvement of presentationt skills.
I find this paper as a useful source of inspiration how to work with chemistry language at various levels.
National Reports on successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry The national reports on chemistry successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry are now available on the related section of the project portal. The reports presents examples of successful experiences in the partner countries and the results of testing of ICT resources with science teachers.