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Comments about this Publication
Date: 2014.05.14
Posted by Ana Martín Lasanta (Spain)
Message: The work published by McLoughlin and
Finlayson describes a-‐four-‐years-‐research in which the authors tried to evaluate the improvement of communication, problem solving and team working skills of ca. 600 first-‐year-‐undergraduate-‐ science students through tackling multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary science problems. In my opinion, this paper is relevant because it describes a real experience. Its interest stems from the original idea (The objective was set as response to some former employment/skills
reports). In other words, the project is a practical design to improve a weak-‐point of the educational system which has negative
consequences for employment and evaluate the success of the module design afterwards.
In the paper, the proposal is related thoroughtly within the classical format of a research report. Students feedback was used after the first year of implemention in order to identify the problems of the experience and find solutions to overcome them. Moreover, McLoughlin and Finlayson´s work clearly the results of the module, draws some conclusions and makes a general summary facilitating other teachers to develop similar projects by themselves. It has been a really interesting reading for me.
Date: 2014.04.07
Posted by Françoise Derwa (Belgium)
Message: This publication refers to a research project that investigates students self-perception of their skills, both practical and theoretical.
It is in particular focused on the gap existing between students’ effective knowledge before entering university and what is required from them after. On this matter, the publication offers some methodologies to overcome this issue. One of the efficient methodologies is to deliver students a test for a self-evaluation, in order to identify which skills they are confident in and which ones they could not develop. All this is consequently summarized in diagrams that make the results more clear.
Date: 2014.03.29
Posted by Effimia Ireiotou (Greece)
Message: This short communication discusses student’s self perception skills. It aims to provide insight on what skills students have upon entering university and to consider the implications for teaching physical sciences in Higher Education.
This publication is relevant as it engages in a survey that studies various learning skills (general skills, scientific/practical skills and describes skills to improve learning ability) of students gained during secondary education and the confidence they have in performing. It considers verification experiments (where students typically perform the experiment following instructions from a manual) versus practical work where the procedure and the outcome have to be devised.
The publication points out some of the deficiencies students have at the end of secondary education. Indirectly, it does help teachers to keep update to the new teaching methodologies as they are described in the questionnaire given to the students and the use of internet is mentioned as a means for retrieving recent findings. However, it does not suggest how to use ICTs in the teaching of chemistry.
The publication is useful to me as it suggests that emphasis in science education should be on engaging students with science and scientific phenomena and proposes that this is best achieved through extended investigating work and “hand’s on experimentation.
National Reports on successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry The national reports on chemistry successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry are now available on the related section of the project portal. The reports presents examples of successful experiences in the partner countries and the results of testing of ICT resources with science teachers.