Patrik Cermak
Lubos Kopecky as a head of the project Ceska chemie
Web Article
Young People
1 - 2 pages
The Czech Chemistry portal is striving to increase students’ motivation. Main aim of this portal is to inform students about new developments in chemistry. It is designed for primary school pupils as well as for secondary school and university students and graduates. The portal also provides online counselling, which eases establishing new contacts between students and professionals.
The High school science talents article deals with excellent results of four high school students, who succeeded at national and international scientific competitions.
The first of the participants, Jan Hrabovský, pursued research and development of up-conversion materials. He placed 2nd in the national finals of Expo Science 2012 AMAVET (Association for Youth, Science and Technology). After that he participated in students’ activities in the USA and Russia.
The second of the participants, Pavlína Pamánková, placed 4th in national competition named ¨Professional activity of students¨. Pavlína’s aim was to quantify the amount of nickel loosed by child rings reacting with sweat, piercing reacting with saliva and EUR or CZK coins reacting with sweat.
The third participant, Karolína Rezková, participated in Expo Science 2012 AMAVET competition with study ¨Mercury content in fish from the river Bílina¨. Karolína had said to other students: ¨I can only recommend participation in these contests to all high school students who have at least a little interest in science¨.
The last participant, Martin Práza, pursued research in synthesis of Pd catalysts at the time of high school studies. He placed 9th in the national competition Expo Science AMAVET.
The author, Martin Čermák, considers these high school students’ excellent results in international and national competitions a great example and motivation for all students. Moreover, students can gain knowledge, establish new relationships, they learn to communicate with experts, they can get abroad. The winners of the competition currently study chemistry at universities and further develop their interests and talent.
At the end of this article, the author encourages all student interested in chemistry to take part in such scientific competitions. With enough interest, willingnes and dilligence they can reach great results and experience success in the field of natural sciences.
I see the sense of the article in two basic views. First, the general one, which aim is to motivate (mostly secondary school) students to be interested in natural sciences in general. That’s is very meaningful according to the job market situation and its prediction. Second view is to point out that successful scientific work needs to have a background at the secondary school level.
The recognition, that communication among successful individuals from secondary schools and faculties (in this case faculties of science) is penetrable and benefitial for both sides, is very interesting. It is also important to mention, that at half of the four stated cases, the procedures were not based institutionally, but basically based on personal relationships and initiatives on both sides. (“obtained the contact from a friend“, “ chemistry teacher at secondary school has provided “). Here comes the question, how would be the excellent students’ potential utilized, if they did not obtained appropriate support of “their” secondary school, or did not have the personal contact with university teachers. In spite of this consideration I have to submit that this article is predominantly motivational example of good experience that is worth following.
Success of these four students was very notable. It is wonderful to hear, that these students continue at their development at universities and a they keep loving science.
Portal helps to make contact between students and professionals, shows good practice and motivates students to study chemistry. I like the section named Home attempts. Students can use commonly available household items for this attempts. I find this portal and mainly this article very beneficial and useful for students and their teachers too.
Krystof Zrcek (teacher)
Comments about this Publication
Your comments are welcome
Date: 2014.04.09
Posted by Helena Strýčková (Czech Republic)
Message: Paper named High School Science Talents deals with nice experience of a secondary school students and their science teachers who cooperate with a university professors. The author describes how 4 students achieved great results in national and international competitions and Olympiads. The author also encourage other students to take a part in such competitions.
The article is uploaded on the portal. This portal helps to make contact between students and professionals easier. There are very interesting section. I find this portal and mainly this article very beneficial and useful for students and their teachers too because it motivates students to study science. I agree with Mrs. Rositsa Dimkova that the motivation is the basis for the formation of lasting interest and desire to learn science and chemistry.
I find this article relevant to the CIAAN project.
Date: 2014.03.30
Posted by Rositsa Dimkova (Bulgaria)
Message: This publication presents the pedagogical experience of a high school teacher of chemistry in collaboration with a university professor in the preparation of students from secondary level of education for participation in national and international competitions and Olympiads - such events create the conditions for good experimental and communication skills in the natural sciences. The role of the teacher is to give the young people the chance to realize themselves by establishing a friendly student – teacher-university professor relationship.
The problem with the motivation of students to study chemistry is too serious. The publication practically shows how to properly motivate them. Using appropriate methods and forms in the appropriate age is a prerequisite for building a lasting interest in chemistry - and there by for achieving better results in chemistry education. By doing research with commonly available household items and materials from everyday life , children’ s interest may be involved and the young people can be provoked to do further scientific research. The publication shows how to encourage and motivate young talents to use ICT and scientific achievements in chemistry. It proves that motivation is the basis for the formation of lasting interest and desire to learn science and chemistry, but this would be a condition for better career achievements.