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Date: 2014.10.13
Posted by A. J. Torres (Spain)
Message: This document is considerably interesting considering the topic it deals with. I consider this document to be highly remarkable from the point of view of teachers. This document offers techniques which can be applied in the classroom and can be interesting from an educational point of view and statements included in the document are really useful for teachers. The authors propose the use of a teaching sequence designed to facilitate the learning of the concepts of substance, simple substance and compound in secondary education. One of the most interesting things is that it was elaborated by following the historical analysis of the development of these concepts and having also into account the most frequent mistakes committed by students. This proposal has followed a constructivist approach and its efficacy has been studied. One interesting and a very fitting conclusion has been that teachers and educators need to be trained and retrained in the educational strategies shown in this document. I consider the article relevant because it offers new teaching approaches and resources to work with our students.
Date: 2014.03.31
Posted by Davide Parmigiani (Italy)
Message: The paper describes the use of a teaching sequence designed to facilitate the learning of the concepts of substance, simple substance and compound in secondary education. It is interesting because it tries to compare two kinds of teaching styles: traditional and problematic and indicates clearly a structure for a lesson plan based on problem solving.
Eventually, the paper shows some results which confirm the efficacy of the problem-based learning
I think the paper is interesting because it proposes a feasible solution to teach a content that is very diffused in secondary school education but that is often difficult for students.
The paper is clear and well written
National Reports on successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry The national reports on chemistry successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry are now available on the related section of the project portal. The reports presents examples of successful experiences in the partner countries and the results of testing of ICT resources with science teachers.