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Date: 2014.06.03
Posted by Loren Madrid Villar (Spain)
Message: This articleis aimed to integrate three basic sciences teaching approaches, such as the investigation, modelling and contextualization. Interestingly, since contextualized teaching science is based on the constructivist approach to teaching. This, together with the teaching research and the construction of school models can be an excellent methodology for bringing science to students. The proposed methodologies are not new but the integration of the three proposed should prove an alternative proposal to the approaches that exist. Some of the projects proposed as the Salters, are projects that have had a wide impact among teachers of science in Spain. In the article the strengths and weaknesses of each of the approaches dealt with realism, and it can be very useful as a starting point to a change of the traditional methodology to some assumptions more in accordance with the principles of constructivism in the school.
Date: 2014.05.15
Posted by José Luis Cañavate (Spain)
Message: The analysis that this paper shows us, has three interesting approaches to consider in the development of any educational proposal. Contextualization is not too difficult to apply in the classroom, but the investigation and further modeling are most difficult than another approaches, mainly by the time required in their development and some material not suitable to implement. These three aspects should be taken into account in science curriculum development, especially in chemistry.
Date: 2014.05.14
Posted by Ana Martín Lasanta (Spain)
Message: In the work entitled \"Teaching chemistry through contextualization, inquiry and modeling\", Caamaño describes and criticizes three projects curriculum adaptation (\"SaltersAdvancedChemistry\", \"CHemieimKontext\" and \"Quimicacidada) seeking to combine both the contextualization, inquiry and modeling in a didactic sequence.
The three projects research experiences based on the coordinated work of teachers of secondary and university teams.
This publication was interesting for me related to the construction of a curricular model with the scientific method. This information is provided mainly in the first three paragraphs of the article and they constitute the theoretical framework. Therefore, to my mind, this publication is relevant because it presents a design strategy of the didactic units to know and it seems to me that it is worth exploring.
I think that in this work, Caamaño emphasizes more on describing the general concepts of contextualization, inquiry and modeling in the learning of scientific competences to criticize or evaluate the three \"experiments\" spoken of in the section \'Projects of chemistry in context\'. Critical reviews are limited to the last sentence at the end of each paragraph and does not propose solutions.
The work summarizes and cites several articles and books derived from
theoretical research and practical projects, so it is a potential source for access to other resources on the subject, a constructivist tool for teachers.
Date: 2014.03.27
Posted by Fernando Hernández Mateo (Spain)
Message: The present publication is relevant because it carried out a comprehensive analysis of the contextualisation, discovery and modelling methodological approach inscience education. Particular appropriate is the exhaustive description that the author made respecting the circumstances in which the three approaches have been based as well as the deficiencies that the teaching sequences and the chemistry curriculum projects developed under these three modelshave according with the author. In addition, the three study cases of “chemistry in context” projects developed and implemented in recent years, and the author’s comments highlighting their key features and how they solve the integration of context is quite illustrative. The conclusive result that points about the necessity to continue researching and exploring ways to further integrate the mentioned three approaches for achieving more meaningful, authentic and relevant teaching chemistry is highly valuable.
National Reports on successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry The national reports on chemistry successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry are now available on the related section of the project portal. The reports presents examples of successful experiences in the partner countries and the results of testing of ICT resources with science teachers.