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Date: 2014.04.07
Posted by Dominique Lambert (Belgium)
Message: This publication talks about the successful launch of a platform of chemistry video-lessons aiming at increasing students’ interest towards chemistry. Its relevance is due to the fact that it represents an efficient innovative method for motivating students, since statistics shows that it is difficult for them to keep their interest alive for a long time. The barrier to which students are confronted is often the poor quality of the handbooks and the incomprehensibility of their language of writing, which often sounds alien. The interesting solution for this problem is the introduction in the platform of easily understandable video-lessons including stories, images, jokes and all kind of situations that are close to students. Moreover, there is a section with useful exercises where students can test their skills. Students feedback has shown how this solution has been considered interesting and entertaining. This solution is absolutely feasible at a secondary school level.
Also, the publication provides teachers with useful instructions on how to build up video-lessons, by mentioning the types of hardware and software used and explaining how authors create the videos. This is very useful as it provides of all necessary tools to allow teacher reproduce the platform for a future exploitation of the project.
Date: 2014.04.03
Posted by Jana Škreková (Slovakia)
Message: Message: This publication describes the educational platform ucha.se which has been developed in Bulgaria. The publication suggests how to use ICTs in the teaching of chemistry. The videos are not only understandable but they are also presented with jokes, interesting stories or situations close to the students’ life.
The inspiration for the creation of the platform has been the realization of the fact that science teaching with the “classical” methods is not appealing. Very good features on the platform is the ability to ask questions below the video, leave comments and have live discussions and chats about the topic. The technology they are using is very up to date and the resulting videos are of high quality with clear written text, animations, jokes, interesting stories or situations close to the students’ life.etc. They use humour to hook students also and they keep the videos short to maintain attention. The site offers online chatting thanks to which a student can ask a question in real time and usually participants who feel competent in the subject join in. This platform could be very useful for Slovak secondary school students because they are is a fast alternation of images and they very often use computers. Platform increase the students’ interest towards chemistry and it can help the students to understand chemistry better and faster
Date: 2014.03.14
Posted by Ciara Ní Dhrisceoil (Ireland)
Message: Video-lessons can be used, in my opinion, as an effective support tool when teaching and learning chemistry. This publication mainly outlines the benefits of using video-lessons when learning chemistry. Absent students can catch up and the students have control over the video, i.e pausing and watching over. Very good features on the platform is the ability to ask questions below the video, leave comments and have live discussions and chats about the topic. This taps well into the social media type environment that teenagers are so familiar with, therefore connecting with their everyday lives and making chemistry accessible.
The publication is relevant as video-lessons are an up to date teaching tool that incorporate scientific, creative, pedagogical and technological aspects of teaching chemistry. The technology they are using is very up to date and the resulting videos are of high quality with clear written text, animations etc. They use humour to hook students also and they keep the videos short to maintain attention.
The publication outline what’s involved for the teacher also, who may want to create their own video. It takes 5 hours to make one video and it is stated that it is a complex procedure. They appear to have a core group of teachers who are trained and supported in how to produce high quality video. However, the publication does suggest how a teacher could use the video-lessons effectively in class with questioning.
The publication makes reference to the number of views (450,000) over a 2 year period, which is impressive. The publication also states that ‘learning from video-lessons is effective and entertaining’. I\'d be interested in seeing statistics to support this, for example surveys or statistics regarding increased chemistry uptake and proof that results are improving because of the video - lessons.
It was interesting to see this website, it’s very nice to navigate through and easy for student to access the desired videos. The effective use of these videos should lead to more independent and self directed learning.
Date: 2014.03.07
Posted by Korfios Vaggelis (Greece)
Message: This publication deals with the educational platform ucha.se which has been applied in Bulgaria. The inspiration for the creation of the platform has been the realization of the fact that science teaching with the “classical” methods is not appealing. The platform creators make an effort to explain basic chemistry concepts via story-telling, photographs, everyday life situations, animation (for example they make use of the seven dwarfs in order to present the diatomic molecules, etc.)
The platform creators believe that it has several advantages and they base that belief to the fact that the students watch the videos quite often and they can pose questions and receive answers. The platforms functions as an on-line chatting medium as well.
The role of the teacher is pointed out however, since he/she has to also actively participate and check whether the actual learning outcomes have been reached. In my opinion, it is important that proper evaluation of the learning outcomes has to take place.
The publication refers also to possible drawbacks and some mistakes in the material as well as the possibility of the enhancement of misconceptions on specific chemistry issues.
The main difference between the platform and the usual school textbooks is that via the platform the class acquires the characteristics of a game and in this way it can be used to enhance student motivation. In addition, the platform can be enriched with themes and materials that are suitable for preparation to participate in science contests and Olympiads.
My personal impression from visiting the platform is that its function and philosophy resemble the ones of an interactive blackboard.
Date: 2014.03.05
Posted by Margarita Fytrou (Greece)
Message: This publication is relevant with video-lessons. The publication suggests how to use ICTs in the teaching of chemistry. The videos are not only understandable but they are also presented with jokes, interesting stories or situations close to the students’ life. The lessons are richly illustrated with drawings, graphics, photos, animations and other elements which make the comprehension of difficult science subjects quite easier. This project has been funded with the support from the European Commission. There are over 150 videos for Chemistry which have been watched over 450.000 times for a period of 2 years since the site was created. The site offers online chatting thanks to which a student can ask a question in real time and usually participants who feel competent in the subject join in.
I think it can increase the students’ interest towards chemistry and it can help the students to understand chemistry better and faster. Research in the field of online education shows that emphasizing on visual elements can significantly increase the effectiveness of the teaching/learning process. In addition, students’ learning from video-lesson is effective and entertaining. This teaching resource could be useful for Greek secondary school students because they are accustomed to fast alternation of images and they very often use computers.
Date: 2014.03.04
Posted by Lia Zunino (Italy)
Message: Quick, easy and interesting: three adjectives used in the paper to describe the effectiveness of video lessons in the teaching of chemistry in secondary school (7 grade of Bulgarian school). Statistics show the popularity of video lessons: over 150 videos, watched over 450,000 times for a period of 2 years.
The authors say that the creators of video-lessons prepared them taking into account features of today’s students. So the videos are short, there are jokes, drawings, graphics, photos and interesting situations, close to the students’ life. Two perceptive routes are favorite: auditory and visual.
I came in Ucha platform and watched some of these videos: there are actually many designs and pictures, but also a lot of written texts (“handwritten”), just as a teacher might do using a blackboard during a frontal lecture. So, what’s the added value of a video lesson?
The paper lists these advantages:
- the video lessons can be watched as many times as the user needs;
- they are particularly useful for kids which were absent from school;
- users can comment the lessons because the site offers online chatting;
- soon subtitles will be inserted to facilitate children with hearing impairment .
Since I believe in the role of the teacher and the discussion in a teaching-learning situation, I enjoyed the point where the paper suggests how to use the video lessons in classroom: first the teacher plays the video, but it can be paused in order to discuss key moments with classmates and teacher, to formulate hypotheses and find answers about the topics of the lecture.
National Reports on successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry The national reports on chemistry successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry are now available on the related section of the project portal. The reports presents examples of successful experiences in the partner countries and the results of testing of ICT resources with science teachers.