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Date: 2014.10.06
Posted by A. J. Torres (Spain)
Message: This is a very relevant paper in which we can see good pedagogic practices in teaching chemistry at Bulgarian Secondary schools. The use of innovative teaching methods and technologies and the implementation of information and communication technologies are discussed as effective way to improve the student motivation and scientific literacy.
The paper begins with a description of key competences, their development and their application in chemistry education. It describes some approaches like solving real scientific problems or experimental work, developed by Bulgarian teachers with the support of ICTs. One of the most interesting approaches in the paper that I found was the organization of school projects, club activities and extracurricular training, an interesting way of improve students’ motivation. Most of these practices are being applied in other European Countries like Spain and it is very enriching that they know that they have similar problems that teachers from other countries and that some of the ways in the looking for solutions contain the same approaches.
The celebration of conferences and forums for exchange of professional experience and good teaching in science education is another way of improve and exchange experiences. In Spain we have every two years a national conference about science education where teachers from everywhere share resources, experiences, problems and illusions. All of these information about teaching experiences and researching is published in several scientific journals like in Bulgaria. We have a lot of points in common, and thus we can think that we are in the correct way.
Date: 2014.04.07
Posted by Sabine Jacquemin (Belgium)
Message: This publication deals with an interschool project aimed at an exchange of knowledge between two different schools in chemistry topics, such as the damages caused by the nitrate in soil and the positive or negative impacts mineral fertilizers have on growing plants. This is very relevant as it prompts students to be more active and participating in chemistry lessons.
All the experiments are described in a very meticulous way and it certainly gives teachers a good source as a basis for developing new methods.
The first step of the project consists in the construction of both simple and more complicated graphs, and this is very important considering the use of new technologies in chemistry.
No critical aspect has been presented.
Date: 2014.04.03
Posted by Mária fabianová (Slovakia)
Message: Publication describes an interschool project \"Earth belongs to all of us\" which was based on cooperation between two different types of schools and combined chemical and biological knowledge. First school A.S. Popov Vocational school of Electronics was focusing on a theoretical level to \'present\' theoretical information on mineral fertilizers from a chemical point of view. A second schol was form students at American College Arcus implement their knowledge in experiments relating to positive and negative impact of mineral fertilizers. Students worked together, exchanged ideas, opinions and knowledge on the object of study. Each group was using their knowledge and the materials available in order to carry out the project.
Publication present all very consistency all topics, activities and objectives. It gives a chance to build on the basis of the project other similar, using the same methodology. Aim, content and objectives of this publication is very close to the objectives of the Chemistry is All Around Network.
Date: 2014.04.03
Posted by Jana Žigmundová (Slovakia)
Message: Publication describe the environmental consequences from the use of mineral fertilizers as well as chemical ones and presents an interschool project \"Earth belongs to all of us\".This project was conducted in cooperation between two different types of schools and combined chemical and biological knowledge. Students from both schools worked together, exchanged ideas, opinions and knowledge on the object of study. Each school group was using their knowledge and the materials available in order to carry out the project. The cooperation was very interesting and creative experience. The whole program gave the opportunity to all students to foster cooperation and interest in biology and chemistry at the same time. Some of this project’s activities can also be adapted in order to be performed in class within a more limited timeframe and gives a chance to build on the basis of the project other similar projects using the same methodology. The authors conclude that binary lesson has a high educational value.
Date: 2014.03.25
Posted by David Sutton (Ireland)
Message: This paper is as describe in the \'description of contents\'above. It is a unique approach to a research topic in that there are two separate study groups employed in the research from two different level schools. One group (A.S. Popov Vocational school of Electronics) are employed on a theoretical level to \'present\' theoretical information on mineral fertilizers from a chemical point of view. A second group of students at American College Arcus implement their knowledge in experiments relating to positive and negative impact of mineral fertilizers. The resultant experimental investigation is very clearly layer and presented for the reader to be able to replicate. Specifics of the chemistry involved are not detailed in the paper. There is testing of soils reported and the growth/up take of nutrients investigated. The project is a admirable piece of work in its own rite and does clearly give a very good lesson plan/project to investigate the effects of nutrients. There is a distinct lack of chemistry explanation and thus its use would require the development of the chemistry aspects of the project.
Date: 2014.03.16
Posted by Papatheodosiou Kalliopi (Greece)
Message: This article deals with the environmental consequences from the use of mineral fertilizers as well as chemical ones. It describes a project that was conducted in cooperation between two different types of schools and combined chemical and biological knowledge. The article presents the activities that the students carried out and the results of their work. Students worked together, exchanged ideas, opinions and knowledge on the object of study. Each group was using their knowledge and the materials available in order to carry out the project. The whole program gave the opportunity to all students to foster cooperation and interest in biology and chemistry at the same time. It definitely provides a good example of teaching practice which however has to be well organized by the teachers and requires dedication for a long time period. In my opinion, several of this project’s activities can also be adapted in order to be performed in class within a more limited timeframe.
From the above it is obvious that the contents of this publication are closely relevant with the objectives of the Chemistry is All Around Network.
Date: 2014.02.21
Posted by Mariusz Jarocki (Poland)
Message: The article presents an interschool project \"Earth belongs to all of us\". The project has a clear eco-friendly nature, so its importance goes beyond teaching chemistry only. The authors show some activities and relative outcomes that have enabled the students to exchange ideas, information and experimental data. The cooperation can be very interesting and creative experience. A feedback on efficiency is another important thing in the project - the document presents methods to provide it. I highly appreciate the article because of the consistency in presentation of topics, activities and objectives. It gives a chance to build on the basis of the project other similar, using the same methodology. In conclusion the authors conclude that binary lesson has a high educational value. The relation between contents of the article and project is obviously strong, like my recommendation.
National Reports on successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry The national reports on chemistry successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry are now available on the related section of the project portal. The reports presents examples of successful experiences in the partner countries and the results of testing of ICT resources with science teachers.