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The Opinions of Prospective Science Teachers towards the Efficiency of Constructivist Approach Centered Science Laboratory Practices on Student Motivation
Murat Demirbaş1, Harun Çelik1, Mustafa Bayrakci2
1Kırıkkale University Education Faculty (Turkey), 2Sakarya University Education Faculty (Turkey)
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Laboratory practices are very important to ensure students’ motivation to subjects related to science. The purpose of this study is to identify the opinions of prospective science teachers towards the efficiency of constructivist approach centered science laboratory practices on student motivation. Case study model which is one of the qualitative research models is used for the research. 60 prospective science teachers which are determined through criterion sampling method were interviewed and the data were analysed by using the content analysis. Suggestions towards increasing students’ motivation to science subjects were made according to the result of the study.
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Date: 2013.03.06
Posted by Mehmet Polat KALAK (Turkey)
Message: This is very interesting and usefull paper. We can use this paper for academic studies.
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