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Comments about this Publication
Date: 2013.07.11
Posted by Veronika Popová (Czech Republic)
Message: Article content is adequately described in the previous review and comment and it is quite clear that the article is appropriate and useful for the project.
Given that the probe described in the article not only separately examined prevailed types of motivation of students on one side and their teachers\' expectations regarding the motivation of students on the other side, but the results are compared and correlated, are the results of such a research very important impulse for the development of diagnostic skills of teachers. If teacher´s aim is not only to give the information, but also to change and to create the way of teaching method according to the students and their motivation, there is a great chance to change the structure of motivation of students and build up or strengthen the inner, especially cognitive motivation. This is the message I see as the biggest benefit of this article for a project.
The gender differences in motivation structures of girls and boys is together with teacher´s expectations also very interesting. Prevailing methods of teaching chemistry in Slovakia and Czech Republic seem better suited to motivators of girls than boys. Better recognition of boys motivation would certainly be helpful to creating teaching methods that better meet the needs of both sexes.
Date: 2013.07.10
Posted by Marcela Grecová (Czech Republic)
Message: The article is focused on the motivation of students in chemistry. The authors compared resultes of the research of students motivation in Slovak and in Czech Republic. Six types of motivation were examined. This article is not aviable, but according to the description - authors said that chemistry is traditionally the least favorite subject.
Category of motivation were: Positive social motivation, Cognitive motivation, Moral motivation, Fear of the consequences, The desire to excel and gain prestige, and a Good feeling from a good performance. Motivation is a very complicated problem. Such article are needed. In my opinion, this articel is a appropriate and useful for this project.
National Reports on successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry The national reports on chemistry successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry are now available on the related section of the project portal. The reports presents examples of successful experiences in the partner countries and the results of testing of ICT resources with science teachers.