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Comments about this Publication
Date: 2013.07.10
Posted by Kryštof Zrcek (Czech Republic)
Message: This is a beneficial article addressed to students\' motivation. The article is focused on the use of computers and provides practical examples. For example: analysis programs that teachers may need mostly. It is intended to teachers without much computer experience. The authors have drawn attention to the fact that the use of computers and the internet can not substitute other work and can not be used excessively.
I would like to highlight a part focusing on pupils\' knowledge competition. In my opinion, there are many useful examples of games (in teaching chemistry), which students could likes.
The article is readable, understandable, complete with pictures, practical examples, useful links. I like the last sentence: Apart from the fact that such lessons contribute to greater clarity and thus better understanding of the subject matter by students these lessons are also important for the promotion of subject and of science itself. This is significant not only for teachers and scientists but also for whole society as a whole.
I agree with this view. Article is relevant and is a good source for teachers who are looking for inspiration for their pratice.
Date: 2013.02.02
Posted by Milan Veselský (Slovakia)
Message: In this article authors point out using of a computer and the internet as an appropriate motivational elements of teaching, mainly for students. Firstly, computers are positiively percieved by students and they have no problems to work with them. From the side of a teacher is a computer good didactic help and a tool when teaching. When teaching scientific subjects, mainly chemistry, is teacher by using a computer able to visualize difficult chemical proccesses. Authors represents using of teaching materials, mainly educational programs from various commercial companies, but also freely from programs available on the internet (free versions). ChemSketch is one of the free programs authors reccomend and it can interest students of chemistry at high schools ( but also at primary schools and universities). This program can be easily used and enables users to use it widely in an educational proccess. There is also a list of appropriate programs in the article. Those programs can be used for editing pictures, making presentations and this list also provides web pages which can help students when learning chemistry. Chemistry is mainly an experimentational science so we should not forget to relize experiments in the lessons of chemistry. Measurement devices are coming to the forement, they can make lessons of chemistry more lively and by using them student can actively participate in experiments. From a didactic point of view it is much more illustrative to use measurement devices than realization of experiment in classical design because students can actually see how the device works during an experiment and to evaluate results when the experiment is done. Authors reccomend a device Infraline Graphic R, but the offer of school measurement devices is sufficient you can choose whichever you want. The last part of an article is about proven and well known form of motivation – games. Didactic games can be used during all phases of teaching proccess. Authors focused on a knowledge type of games - competition, and as a illustration they use games inspired by television competitions (quiz), eg.Millionaire. If are the presented previews used in a teaching proccess is positively contributes on visuality of a curriculum and also increases understanding of a curriculum and increase an interest of students about the subjec
National Reports on successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry The national reports on chemistry successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry are now available on the related section of the project portal. The reports presents examples of successful experiences in the partner countries and the results of testing of ICT resources with science teachers.