„Wiem gdzie żyję – ochrona środowiska w moim mieście" |
Ksenia Dźwigońska SP-3 Żory |
2010/2011 |
"Poczuc chemie do chemii" |
Bozena Chojnacka |
2012 |
Internet to Restore Scientific Vocations: the Site Médiachimie |
Paul Rigny |
2012 |
A Scientific Approach to the Teaching of Chemistry |
Norman Reid |
2009 |
A Study of Developing an Attitude Scale towards Chemistry |
Adnan Kan, Ahmet Akbaş |
2005 |
A study of Students' Level of Understanding of the Particulate Nature of Matter at Secondary School Level |
Alipaşa Ayas, Haluk Özmen1 |
2002 |
About the Quality of Chemistry and Environment Education, A Student's Personality Oriented Education |
L. Boyanova |
2010 |
Alternative Ways in Chemistry Learning: Learning with Animation, Simulation, Video and Multimedia |
Bülent Pekdağ |
2010 |
Analogies in Chemistry Teaching As a Means of Attainment of Cognitive and Affective Objectives: A Longitudinal Study in a Naturalistic Setting, Using Analogies with a Strong Social Content |
Panagiotis Sarantopoulos, Georgios Tsaparlis |
2004 |
Analysis of Study Motivation of Grammar Schools Students in Chemistry |
Milan Veselský, Helena Hrubišová |
2009 |
Attitude of the Youth to Natural Sciences and to Working in R&D (orig. Vztah mladé Generace k přírodovědným oborům a související vědeckovýzkumné
činnosti) |
Kateřina Chabičovská, Iva Galvasová, Jana Legátová |
2010 |
Attitudes Toward Chemistry Among 11th Grade Students in High Schools in Greece
Katerina Salta, Chryssa Tzougraki |
2004 |
Better Motivation – less getting Angry |
Wiflried Helms |
1996 |
Bulgarian School Chemical Education:
the State of the Art, what then?
(Results from International
and National Studies) |
Adriana Tafrova-Grigorova |
2010 |
Chemia organiczna część 2 |
McMurry John |
2012 |
CHemia w szkole |
Karol Dudek |
2012 |
Communication, Education, Presentation. Chapter 3: How to Make School Students Motivated for Studies |
Elisabeth Berger
Hildegard Fuchs |
2007 |
Decline of Attitudes towards Students´ Science: A Disturbing Indicator for Science Education. |
Ángel Vázquez y Maria Antonia Manassero. |
2008 |
Greek Students’ Science‐Related Interests and Experiences: Gender Differences and Correlations |
Vasilia Christidou |
2006 |
How Children Learn |
Stella Vosniadou |
2001 |
Idee Chemii Kwantowej |
Lucjan Piela |
2012 |
Idee chemii kwantowej |
Piela Lucjan |
2012 |
Idee chemii kwantowej |
Lucjan Piela |
2012 |
Identification of Difficult Topics in the Teaching and Learning of Chemistry in Irish Schools and the Development of an Intervention Programme to Target some of these Difficulties |
Maria Sheehan |
2010 |
Il Progetto Lauree Scientifiche
(The Scientific Degrees Project)
Various Authors |
2007 |
Incentives in High School´ Chemistry Teaching (orig. Motivační prvky ve výuce středoškolské chemie) |
Petr Šmejkal, Hana Čtrnáctová, Michaela Tintěrová,Václav Martínek, Eva Urválková
N/A |
Junior Science: Teaching and Learning: Science Education in the 21st century |
John Hennessy |
2009 |
Means of Motivation in Teaching Chemistry |
Magda Sojáková - Miroslav Prokša |
2001 |
Motivação dos Jovens Portugueses para a Formação Superior em Ciências e em Tecnologia
(Motivation of Portuguese Youth to study Science and Technology in Higher Education)
Lígia Mexia Leitão, Maria Paula Paixão and José Tomás da Silva |
2007 |
Motivation –
Underwriting a Positive Attitude to the Motivation –
Underwriting a Positive Attitude to the Process of Learning |
Galina Lecheva |
2009 |
Motivation of Students in the Classroom |
anonymus |
2008 |
Nuffield Foundation’s Report on Science Education in Europe |
Jonathan Osborne, Justin Dillon |
2008 |
Opinioni degli Studenti di Scuola Superiore sui Corsi di Laurea Scientifici
(High School Student Opinion about the Scientific Faculties) |
Ulderico Segre |
2006 |
Opinions of High School Chemistry Teachers About the Class Discipline |
Habibe Tezcan, Zafer Demir |
2006 |
Piano Nazionale Scuola Digitale. Azione Lavagne Interattive Multimediali
(Digital School National Plan. Whiteboards Action) |
Various Authors |
2011 |
Podstawy chemii nieorganicznej |
Bielański Adam |
2010 |
Popularity and Relevance of Science Education Literacy:
Using a Context-based Approach
Miia Rannikmäe, Moonika Teppo, Jack Holbrook |
2010 |
Promoting Science and Motivating Students in the 21st Century |
Marilyn Brodie |
2006 |
Promotion of Lifelong Learning of Scientific Subjects: Challenges, Opportunities and Strategies - The Italian National Report |
Cristina Artini, Maria Maddalena Carnasciali, Laura Ricco |
2010 |
Pupils` Interest in Science as Subject of Research and Problems with Application of the Results in Pedagogical Practice
(orig. “Zájem žáků o přírodní vědy jako předmět výzkumných studií... |
Martin Bílek |
2008 |
Questioning Patterns and Teaching Strategies in Secondary Education |
Patrícia Albergaria-Almeida |
2010 |
Reakcje kwasów i zasad w chemii analitycznej |
Hulanicki Adam |
2012 |
Recent Trends in Natural Science Education |
many authors - Anthology from International Conference |
2012 |
Recursos Digitais de Química no Ensino
Básico: uma Experiência com Entusiasmos
e Constrangimentos (Digital Resources in Lower Secondary Chemistry Education: an Experience with Enthusiasm and Constr... |
Carla Morais and João Paiva |
2008 |
Rethinking the Curriculum of Chemistry in High School. |
Aureli Caamaño Ros |
2006 |
Rocard report: "Science Education Now: A New Pedagogy for the Future of Europe" |
Rocard,M.;Csermely,P.;Jorde,D.;Lenzen,D.;Walwerg-Heriksson,H.;Hemmo,V. |
2006 |
S-team: Firing up Science Education; What is Inquiry Based Science Teaching?; Changing the Way Science is Taught |
2011 |
Science Education in Europe: National Policies, Practices and Research |
the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency
(EACEA P9 Eurydice)
2011 |
Science Learning Environment
in the Bulgarian School:
Students' Beliefs |
Elena Boiadjieva, Milena Kirova,
Adriana Tafrova-Grigorova, James Hollenbeck |
2011 |
Student Generated Recommendations for Enhancing Sucess in Secondary Science and Mathematics |
Joseph E. Conboy, Jesuína M. B. Fonseca |
2009 |
Student Perceptions of Secondary Science Teachers’ Practices Following Curricular Change |
Carolina Carvalho, Sofia Freire, Joseph Conboy, Mónica Baptista, Ana Freire, Mário Azevedo and Teresa Oliveira |
2011 |
Students Motivation in Secondary School Chemistry Teaching Using Common Life Tasks (orig. “Motivace žáků ve výuce chemie SOŠ pomocí úloh z běžného života”) |
Svatava Janoušková, Václav Pumpr, Jan Maršák |
2010 |
Students’ Disinterest on Learning of sciences: Teaching Consequences. |
Jordi Solbes, Rosa Montserrat and Carles Furió |
2007 |
Students’ Motivation and Chemistry teaching. A Controversial Point |
Carlos Furió Mas |
2006 |
Students’ Views and Attitudes Towards the Communication Code Used in Press Articles About Science |
Krystallia Halkia, Dimitris Mantzouridis |
2005 |
Sull’immagine della Chimica e sul suo Insegnamento
(On the Image of Chemistry and on its Teaching ) |
Aldo Borsese |
2010 |
Teaching of Physics and Chemistry |
Education commission ANQUE – National Association of Spanish Chemical |
2005 |
The Analysis of The Attitudes of Secondary Education Students Towards Chemistry Assignments |
A. Seda Yücel |
2004 |
The Determinants Affecting Student Motivation |
Marian Hosťovecký |
2010 |
The Disaffection of Young People for
Scientific and Technological Fields - Diagnosis & Remedies |
A. Belleflamme, S. Graillon & M. Romainville |
2008 |
The Image of Physical and Chemical Sciences in French Upper Secondary Schools |
François ALLUIN |
2007 |
The Motivation, or how to Stimulate Students and Lead them to Success |
Vladimír Záhoranský |
2002 |
The Problems with Science Education:
“The more Things Change, the more they are the same” (Alphonse Karr 1808-1890) |
Peter Childs |
2006 |
What do Students Say about Science Class? A Cross-Study from the Sixth Grade(Primary School) to the fourth grade (Secondary School). |
Marbá-Tallada, Anna y Márquez Bargalló, Conxita |
2010 |
What’s Wrong with Leaving Cert Chemistry? |
Michael Seery |
2011 |
Zahraniční standardizované nástroje pro zjišťování zpětné vazby z výuky přírodních věd (Foreign standardized tools to assess feedback from science education) |
Martina Kekule, Vojtěch Žák (Charles University in Prague) |
2011 |
Zbiór zadań z chemii ogólnej i analitycznej z pełnymi rozwiązaniami |
Andrzej Persona, Joanna Reszko-Zygmunt, Tomasz Gęca |
2011 |