Scientific experts are involved in the Chemistry Is All Around Network Project. They contribute to the production of papers, reviews of publications, participation in the networking activities and in the conferences. At the same time they also play an important role in filling in the gap between the world of scientist and school teachers.
Name of the expert |
Country |
Institution |
Adem Taşdemir | Turkey | Ahi Evran University |
Adriana Tafrova - Grigorova | Bulgaria | Sofia University, Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, Research Laboratory on Chemistry education & History and Philosophy of Chemistry |
Alberto Regis | Italy | Gruppo SENDS (Storia ed Epistemologia per una Nuova Didattica delle Scienze) - University of Torino |
Alexandra Hroncová | Czech Republic | Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science |
Ana Martin Lasanta | Spain | University of Granada |
Andres Parra Sanchez | Spain | University of Granada |
Antonella Lotti | Italy | Dipartimento di scienze della formazione - Università di Genova |
Antonio Parody Morreale | Spain | University of Granada |
Beata Brestenska | Slovakia | Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Didactic in Science, Psychology and Pedagogy |
Brajkovic Divna | Belgium | HELMo (Catholic High school) |
Çağlar Çetinkaya | Turkey | Sakarya University |
Carla Morais | Portugal | Faculty of Engineering University of Porto |
Claire Mc Donnell | Ireland | Dublin Institute of Technology |
David Sutton | Ireland | Limerick Institute of Technology |
Davide Parmigiani | Italy | Department of Education, University of Genoa (Italy) |
De Kesel Myriam | Belgium | UCL (Catholic University of Louvain) |
Dr Eng. Edyta Grzesiak | Poland | Institute of Leather Industry in Lodz |
Dr inż. Jadwiga Skowrońska | Poland | Technical University of Lodz |
Dr Mariusz Jarocki | Poland | Univeristy of Lodz/ Wyzsza Szkola Inofrmatyki i Umiejętności w lodzi |
Dr n. farm. i inż.chem. Elżbieta Żurek | Poland | Uniwersytet Medyczny w Łodzi Wydział Farmaceutyczny Zakład Chemii Farmakologicznej i Analizy Leków |
Dr. Eng. Aleksandra Smejda-Krzewicka | Poland | Lodz University of technology Faculty of Chemistry Institute of Polymer and Dye Technology |
Dr. Ignacio Pérez-Victoria | Spain | Fundación MEDINA |
Dušan Špirko | Slovakia | Slovak Technical University Bratislava, Department of the Management of the chemical and food technolgies |
Elena Ghibaudi | Italy | University of Torino (Italy) – Department of chemistry |
Elif Tuğçe Karaca | Turkey | Kırıkkale University |
Elisete Afonso | Portugal | Centro de Formação da Associação de Escolas Bragança Norte |
Fernando Hernández-Mateo | Spain | University of Granada |
Gamze Özbek | Turkey | Kırıkkale University |
Giorgio Matricardi | Italy | Università di Genova – Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione (DISFOR) |
Hautier Pierre | Belgium | Segec, trainer IFC, CECAFOC, honorary professor of chemistry |
Hristo Kolev | Bulgaria | Sofia University |
Ireiotou Effimia | Greece | Technological Educational Institute of Ionian Islands, Department of Organic Farming and Food Technology |
James Ring | Ireland | Limerick Civic Trust |
Jitka Svatošová | Czech Republic | Institute of Chemical Technology Prague |
Jose Antonio Martín-Lagos | Spain | Universidad de Granada. Colegio Santo Tomás de Villanueva. |
José María Moreno-Sánchez | Spain | University of Granada |
Katarína Javorová | Slovakia | Department of Didactics in Science, Psychology and Pedagogy Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University of Bratislava |
Kathleen Lough | Ireland | Galway Mayo Institute of Technology |
Katusha Stancheva | Bulgaria | Regional inspectorate of Education - Gabrovo |
Kordatos Konstantinos | Greece | School of Chemical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens |
Koutelekos John | Greece | Technological Educational Institute (T.E.I.) of Athens |
Lambert Dominique | Belgium | Christian Education Institute |
Leszek Margielewski | Poland | Lubrina s.c |
Mª Purificación Sánchez Sánchez | Spain | University of Granada. |
Manuel Fernández-González | Spain | University of Granada |
Manuel Pérez-Mendoza | Spain | University of Granada |
Maria de Fátima Paixão | Portugal | Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco |
Maria João Seixas Melo | Portugal | Faculty of Sciences and Technology/New University Lisbon |
Maria José Rodrigues | Portugal | Instituto Politécnico de Bragança |
Matthys Nathalie | Belgium | Ecole Normale Catholique du Brabant Wallon |
Merve Lütfiye Şentürk | Turkey | Gazi University |
mgr Helena Kaniewska | Poland | Uniwersytet III wieku Wyzsza Szkoła Informatyki w Lodz |
Michaela Žaludová | Czech Republic | Centre of Administration and Operations of ASCR, v. v. i. |
Michelle Starr | Ireland | National Centre for Excellence in Maths and Science Teaching and Learning base University of Limerick |
Milan Veselský | Slovakia | Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Didactic in Science, Psychology and Pedagogy |
Milena Kirova | Bulgaria | Sofia University, Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, Research Laboratory on Chemistry Education & History and Phylosophy of Chemistrty |
Milica Križanová | Slovakia | Grammar schools Jána Papánka, Vazovova 6, Bratislava |
Miroslav Prokša | Slovakia | Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Didactic in Science, Psychology and Pedagogy |
Mónica S. N. Oliveira | Portugal | University of Strathclyde, UK |
Nikolopoulos Dimitrios | Greece | Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Piraeus |
Özlem Afacan | Turkey | Ahi Evran University |
Paschalidou Katerina | Greece | University of Athens |
Paulo Ribeiro Claro | Portugal | Universidade de Aveiro |
Petr Holzhauser | Czech Republic | Institute of Chemical Technology Prague (ICT Prague) |
Petr Klusoň | Czech Republic | Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic |
Ph.D Study Iwona Krawczyk-Klys | Poland | Institute of Leather Industry Technical University Of Lodz |
Pieczynski Jean-Luc | Belgium | SeGEC - General secretariat of the Catholic Education |
Prof. dr hab. n. med. Elżbieta Czarnecka | Poland | Uniwerstytet Medyczny w Łodzi/ Wydział Farmaceutyczny Zakład Farmakodynamiki |
Samir Naimov | Bulgaria | University of Plovdiv |
Sanakis Ioannis | Greece | National Center for Scientific Research (NCSR) "DEMOKRITOS" |
Sarigiannis Yiannis | Greece | University of Patras |
Silvana Saiello | Italy | Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II |
Tinant Bernard | Belgium | Catholic University of Louvain |
Zuzana Haláková | Slovakia | Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Didactic in Science, Psychology and Pedagogy |
National Reports on successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry The national reports on chemistry successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry are now available on the related section of the project portal. The reports presents examples of successful experiences in the partner countries and the results of testing of ICT resources with science teachers.