Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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Study and discover Chemistry!
Krisztián Kőhalmi
Bori Szendőfi
ChrisInterActive / Giganet
Web Site/Portal, Downloadable material
information source
Food Science, History of Chemistry, Health Science
Upper Secondary School
Bulgarian, Czech, English, Polish, Slovak
By using various interactive approaches, due homage is paid to all the major discoveries and scholars in the field of chemistry and the sciences related to it. Exceptionally useful to inquisitive students who want to learn more. Thus, the principle of computer-based activities to generate interest in the target material is implemented.
For mastering the fundamentals of chemical science, students need to become familiar not only with its present day state and perspectives, but also with some moments of its history. This site combines history and modern scientific developments and is a solid basis for the formation and development of cognitive interests. It also reflects the many achievements of chemistry, that have contributed to the development of many useful communication tools for receiving, storing and transmitting information. Chemical inventions contributed to the existence of modern computer microprocessors. The film industry, television and photography rely on chemistry in an effort to keep our memories. Chemistry has contributed to many vital developments in healthcare and medicine in the last century that allow us to live longer, happier and healthier lives. The achievements of chemistry have led to a revolution in transport, providing materials with new and improved features for automobiles, airplanes, spacecraft.
The main objective of CHEMGENERATION.COM is to promote Chemistry through a diverse and rich multimedia content, interactive illustrations, making it a commonly understood, particularly for young people. Via extremely detailed listing of the applications of chemistry in various areas the site persuades the students in its importance. Many interesting facts in the "did you know ...." provoke students’ curiosity and personal initiative for further reference to the site.
Applicability in teaching process
This site is suitable for specialized or extra curriculum classes where students expand their knowledge of the subject. Emphasis is placed on the relationship of chemistry and the development of technology. Separate elements could be used in the course of the lesson - to define a problem, to explain the use of chemical compounds, to recapitulate. Especially useful materials for the preparing quizzes, tests and PowerPoint presentations.
Increases cognitive interests of students in the chemical theory and practice, the natural sciences and the environmental and health-related issues. Interesting articles render important information on one hand and numerous topics for discussion on the other.
The site shows 3D molecules that promote spatial thinking. It presents interesting contemporary topics that are of interest to student students in order to stimulate their interest and motivating work.
The site is to be used only in certain lessons or lesson stages. Preference is given to the theory rather than to the practice.
Scientific value:
Shows the histbry of the development of chemistry. It stores the autobiographies of many chemical scientists.
Educational value
Visualization of different models facilitates understanding and learning the material. Displaying all achievements in their respective fields, persuades students in the importance of Chemistry.
Technical university Gabrovo

Comments about this Publication

Your comments are welcome

Date: 2014.12.09

Posted by Mariusz Jarocki (Poland)

Message: Is the teaching resource described useful for you? Why?
We have to evaluate the site rather in the context of its promotional activity than educational material. Of course, we can find here many facts useful in chemistry teaching, but their impact on the teaching processes are not direct.

Do you think it can increase students’ interest toward chemistry? Why?
This was the main aim for the site and I suppose the goal was achieved. The method of affecting is simple: interesting materials, given in attractive form, certainly motivate students to explore issues related to shown.

Do you think it can help students to understand better and faster? Why?
The site has certainly some pedagogical value. It can be used as complementary tool in teaching chemistry, but rather not in the mainstream. The main contribution is some presentation of practical side of chemistry.

Do you think it proposes an innovative didactic approach? Why?
In my opinion some possibilities to create innovative approaches based on this material exist. But it is hard to distinguish the site from many others, focused on promotion of science.

Date: 2013.05.22

Posted by Vera Radova (Czech Republic)

Message: I evaluate this teaching material very positively. It concerns many fields regarding not only chemistry but also practical life where chemistry appears as the essential part of everyday life. I would also like to state that this learning source offers lots of suggestions for more “exploration” for those interested in study of chemistry, or topics suitable for creation of seminar theses.

I consider fruitful the possibility to “choose the language” at the homepage regarding extension of language abilities.

The “technological milestones” as well as the “140 years of future – history of BASF” are very enlightening. I appreciated very much this history of BASF company because I teach production of azo-dyes in the 3rd grade of gymnasium; thus I utilized this material.

At the end, the link to the competition appears to me as the complement of the all teaching material. Having browsed all the chapters I think that students willingness to be involved in the competition should be higher and inspirative.

Date: 2012.09.24

Posted by Maria Sheehan (Ireland)

Message:  Is the teaching resource described useful for you? Why?
Parts of this teaching resource are very useful. The section entitled ‘Technology Milestones’ is very informative and the interactive manner in which it is presented makes it easier for the pupil to take in the Chemistry topics which are in the main very theoretical. It brings life to what can be very monotonous aspects of the Chemistry course.
The section entitled ‘Chemistry Lessons’ is not as useful as the ‘Technology Milestones’ section and in fact does not outline lessons that teachers could use with their classes. Instead it offers a biography of different scientists, which in their own right are excellent but would be unsuitable to present as a lesson unless each pupil had access to a computer.
The resource as a whole is theory centred and does not engage pupils in practical activities. However as mentioned above it does provide and exciting platform to develop the pupil’s knowledge of the useful contributions Chemistry has made to society.
 Do you think it can increase the students’ interest toward Chemistry? Why?
The main objective of this teaching resource is cited as aiming to ‘promote Chemistry through a diverse and rich multimedia content, interactive illustrations, making it a commonly understood, particularly for young people’ It has achieved this aim nand the site for the most part is interactive, easy to nagivate and very intuituive for the user. One of the main benefits that this resource offers is the numerous links and paths pupils can follow to access information that is of particualr interest to them. This aspect of the site alone will increase pupils interest in Chemistry.
I would have reservations about the interactive game ‘Future City’ mainly due to its links with facebook. I’m not certain pupils will have to ability to ignore the inate distractions that facbook offers and as a result I would suggest the game should stand alone, free from any social media.

 Do you think it can help the students to understand better and faster? Why?
I think the resource offers an opportunity for pupils, if they engage with it correctly, to develop a much deeper understanding of the contribution of Chemistry to society than they would get from the traditional textbook.

 Do you think it propose an innovative didactical approach? Why?
It is definitely an innovative approach as it is engaging pupils in an interactive manner. It uses a platform that generates interest in pupils and pupils find easy to nagivate. With this resource, study is made less of a chore.

Date: 2012.09.16

Posted by Korfios Vagelis (Greece)

Message: This teaching resource refers to a webpage in which the user has the possibility to choose between 11 different languages, with Greek not being one of them!

The user can choose different icons from a click-on menu and have access to information related to the following issues: historical discoveries related to chemistry, the life and work of Marie Curie, reference to other women scientists with short biographical sketches, uses of new materials in our everyday lives, food and agriculture, health and pharmaceuticals, energy.

The site is targeted towards students who have basic chemistry knowledge and wish to extend their horizon and interests. The site aims in attracting student’s interest by presenting different issues in a simple way. It does not give emphasis on chemistry knowledge per se (chemical concepts, chemical equations and reactions etc.). The student has to already possess this knowledge. However, the site becomes pleasurable by offering to student the possibility to engage in an interactive game (called “future city”) during which he/she has to create an ecological city with buildings that take advantage of new materials (eg based on nanotechnology) and make use of renewable energy sources.

The teacher can make use of the material provided in order to present more information to the students via the use of videos (which however present only simple descriptive information – no real chemistry learning is achieved), very nice photos and pictures in microscale. There is reference to only 12 chemical substances (with 3D presentations). The overall design makes use of new educational technologies and it can constitute an alternative teaching approach which could enhance student motivation.

The site presents a comic which is however not made available in English. This resources could be more useful if it also included more in depth “pure” chemistry knowledge and also information on famous chemists that have won different prizes.

National Reports on successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry The national reports on chemistry successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry are now available on the related section of the project portal. The reports presents examples of successful experiences in the partner countries and the results of testing of ICT resources with science teachers.
