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Date: 2013.05.30
Posted by GENOVEVA ILIEVA (Bulgaria)
Message: After the first conference of the United Nations on Environmental Education, environment is understood as a broad concept and is perceived as the overall natural and cultural heritage of mankind, which has not only physical, chemical and biological dimensions but it also covers the historical monuments, art, memorials, natural environment and the environment created by people, including fauna, flora and population. Regardless of the national features of the educational systems of different countries, this broader concept about the environment and the new priorities of ecologization of education is widely spread.
It is well known that every process, including education, has its own technology which is not always realized and given meaning by teachers but manifests itself in their attempt to build knowledge, skills, attitudes, interests and abilities in their students.
The teaching/learning content in Chemistry and Environment provides many possibilities for raising the cognitive interest of students not only in Chemistry but also in nature and Natural Sciences in general, in environment and its conservation, in healthy diets and human health. These possibilities can be sought in two opposite directions. On one hand, the abstract nature of chemistry, its theoretical concepts of the composition and structure of substances, as well as the mechanism of chemical reactions, brings elements of mystery and curiosity which can be developed into lifelong interest in the micro-world of atoms and theoretical knowledge. On the other hand, the strong interest provokes practice-oriented teaching/learning content - provision of latest and interesting facts about inventions and applications of various substances and processes, content updating with historical, health, ecological and other data which demonstrate the vital importance of chemistry for the modern scientific and manufacturing processes, for the customs and culture of people, for the industry and agriculture. If we place an emphasis on the links between chemistry and natural and other applied sciences when covering particular learning content, then we may have a positive effect on building cognitive interest in students, and in turn, developing this cognitive interest into professional one. In order to improve the motivation and raise the interest of students in Chemistry and Environmental Preservation, we should use not only appropriate approaches and methods but also interesting organizational forms and teaching tools.
National Reports on successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry The national reports on chemistry successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry are now available on the related section of the project portal. The reports presents examples of successful experiences in the partner countries and the results of testing of ICT resources with science teachers.