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Date: 2014.09.16
Posted by Charo Cuart (Spain)
Message: The use of communication technologies in general, has turned a massive interest and doesn’t leave anyone indifferent. All sectors have been familiar with it. Education is a sector where the use of information and communication technologies has almost since it began, worldwide acceptance. Studies demonstrate that computers have become an excellent tool for science teachers because they help to explain concepts trough attractive presentations, videos, etc.
In the case of Portugal, the study demonstrates that the majority of Portuguese teachers own a computer and half of them use it in several activities, although the use of computers with students is limited, depending on the school level teachers. For example, primary school teachers use often the computer, in an incipient way. The self-training of teachers in ICT is on the contrary, quite common.
The study reveals also that teachers who use technologies are mainly women (they are almost exclusive in pre-school teaching), followed by the 1st cycle (primary school). Although for most teachers (91%) the computer is a personal tool, it has been demonstrated that, its general use depends on the gender, age, initial training and teaching levels. In relation with their students, teachers use PC in direct interaction with them in and out of the classroom.
In my opinion, it’s positive that teachers need and wish to have training in ICT applications, their positive attitude towards ICT, will be translated to students and they will be benefited developing greater interests during the learning process of science. For example, it would find abstract concepts easier to learn and understand and they will have the opportunity to conduct chemical experiments on their computers at school or at home as much as they want. I also think that it is of big importance for schools to defeat the obstacles for integrating ICT in schools that is still present in this country, the lack of technical means and human resources.
Date: 2013.07.17
Posted by Galina Kirova (Bulgaria)
Message: The post deals with educational problems common to many countries. In the age of ICT when we are constantly being bombarded with information, we are facing the problem of handling it. ICT related skills and competences are a must for the contemporary educators.
The article analyses data from a study on the use of ICT by teachers at all levels. The study is based on a questionnaire designed to provide feedback on the awareness of Portuguese teachers about the use of ICT. The results make it visible that the use of ICT in the process of teaching gives teachers a cutting edge.
In spite of the overall positive attitude of the majority of the questioned teachers, the use of ICT is defined as limited due to reasons, such as insufficient technology in the schools or lack of well prepared teachers who could use ICT.
Students’ greater interest in computers and electronic communications defines their use in the process of teaching as a highly motivating factor for the completion of the allocated tasks and the achievement of the didactic aims.
Many students would find Chemistry easier to learn and understand if they had the opportunity to conduct chemical experiments on their computers at home.
Students who use ICT have their imagination and purposeful observation skills stimulated. Computer based activities and tests stimulate their inquisitiveness and help shape their intellectual skills.
Regardless of the many advantages in their role as assistants to teachers, computers only complete, enhance or enrich teachers’ role of mediators and directors of the teaching-learning process without totally displacing them.
Teachers themselves could advise students how to use such web sites, to motivate them to learn. They are the disseminators of new information.
This is the reason why the post makes a few suggestions concerning teachers’ qualifications: systematic training in different courses launched by the Ministry of Education, encouraging teachers to acquire new competences.
Date: 2013.06.21
Posted by Miroslav Prokša (Slovakia)
Message: Paper presents the teaching process and the improvement of teachers qualification as the results of research done by Coimbra University and highlights the problems related to the actual application of IT by Portuguese teachers for both personal and professional purposes. The objectives of this study are to know what is the computer equipment the teachers own, to know about teachers training in the ICT and how it is related to the age, gender, and teaching level of the teachers. The study s goal is quantifying the ICT use in education and at identifying the qualitative characteristics of the use of ICT.The results show that a great number of teachers have PCs and are able to use them in the teaching process for elaborating test and lab assignments, and searching information on the Internet. Actual use of ICT is limited, especially by primary school teachers. Secondary school teachers are more willing to use IT, especially e-mail and Internet. This is the same problem as in Slovakia especially in schools in small cities and villages. This search is not restricted only to chemistry education , it refers about teachers in general, without reference to the subject taught and refers about using of ICT in education without making specific reference to chemistry education.
Date: 2013.06.19
Posted by Barbara Mallarino (Italy)
Message: The publication discusses a statistical survey conducted on a very wide sample of Portuguese teachers in the years 2000-2001, in relation to the private and scholastic use of ICT. I think this should be the starting point to address the issue of the use of ICT in schools. Starting from the actual needs of teachers and their prior knowledge allows to schedule work intervention to increase the use of ICT atschool.
The survey also correlates some factors such as level of education in which teachers work, their training on ICT, masterhood of technological instruments, the most widely used software ....
Actually the search is not restricted to chemistry, it talks about teachers in general, without reference to the subject taught. The survey was conducted with the aim to discover the relationship between the simple / personal and schoolastic use of computerized means, without considering the subjects taught.
Date: 2013.05.30
Posted by Petar Rachev (Bulgaria)
Message: The present paper considers the teaching process and the improvement of teachers\' qualification. Actually it is a study on the use of ICT by teachers at all levels. The publication refers to the results of research done by Coimbra University and highlights the problems related to the actual application of IT by Portuguese teachers for both personal and professional purposes. There are several key aspects - are the teachers prepared to use ICT in the teaching/learning process, what are the main reasons for not using ICT in the teaching process, is it necessary to improve teachers\' qualification with a view to the introduction of new methods and software in IT. The results show that a great number of teachers have PCs and are able to use them in the teaching process for elaborating test and lab assignments, and searching information on the Internet. However, the actual use of ICT is limited, especially by primary school teachers. Secondary school teachers are more willing to use IT, especially e-mail and Internet. It can be noticed that the Ministry of Education in Portugal launches ICT training courses and specialized courses and the teachers are directly involved in the work of the respective committees. This study is very topical since the situation was similar in Bulgaria several years ago. The Ministry of Education responded adequately and duly organized ICT teacher training and specialized courses related to the use of ICT in schools.
To my surprise I have found out that there are common problems in the education systems of Bulgaria and Portugal - e.g. insufficient equipment in schools.
Date: 2013.05.23
Posted by Koutelekos John (Greece)
Message: In order to develop a strategy towards a better use of technologies in schools, the Portuguese Ministry of Education initiated this study on the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) by teachers.
Since ICT is part of our lives, they can be used in the personal context, in the class environment or as a pedagogical medium out of class. In the personal context, computers can save time and can be used for distance learning or as a source of information. As an educational medium, the students can establish communication with the teachers, work online etc.
The main objectives of this study were the following: to know what is the computer equipment the teachers own, to know about teachers training in the ICT and how it is related to the age, gender, and teaching level of the teachers. The study also aimed at quantifying the ICT use in education and at identifying the qualitative characteristics of the use of ICT. In addition, the study reports findings related to the needs of additional training by the teachers and makes different proposals for the possibilities of incrementing ICT in education.
Among other things, this study showed that although the majority of the Portuguese teachers own a PC they rarely use it with the students. Teachers who use ICT are mostly self-trained, the majority of them are male and they usually work in middle and high school. Teachers, in general have a positive attitude towards ICT and they wish to have training in order to use ICT in schools. Unfortunately this is difficult due to the lack of technical means and human resources. The paper refers in general to the use of ICT in education without making specific reference to chemistry education.
National Reports on successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry The national reports on chemistry successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry are now available on the related section of the project portal. The reports presents examples of successful experiences in the partner countries and the results of testing of ICT resources with science teachers.