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Date: 2013.08.01
Posted by Giuseppina Caviglia (Italy)
Message: The publication offers many possible solutions to the problems that arise when teaching science. It talks about different methodological approaches to teach chemistry: the use of ICTs and whiteboards, the problem based approach were pupils are active protagonists, the deductive approach where pupils verify their hypotheses, the use of experimental models, of simulations and new tools for teaching, the laboratory, the care towards pre-conceptions, the interdisciplinary approach. Moreover, authors evidence how abstraction and oversimplification in science teaching generate misconceptions.
Some considerations are about the arrangements for the monitoring of the skills needed for research and basic science education in primary and secondary school. Other considerations are about teacher training and the positive aspects of the Inquiry-Based Science Education (IBSE)
The importance of teachers’ attitude to raise student motivation toward science is also underlined and the importance of observation and experimental activities in order to introduce new contents.
The article gives many methodological approaches, already mentioned in the first point, among them the most suitable for Italian school (I refer mainly to primary school) is the attention paid to the pre-existing conceptions in children. These “previous” knowledges are to be investigated in real situations to develop the pupils’ skills by making them active participants in the processes of developing and verifying theories. The teacher is pressed for proposing a deductive method correlated to attention, observation and experimentation in view of laboratory activities.
From the point of view of the setting methodology, both constructivism and cooperative learning are involved.
In the analysis and comparison between schools of different countries the paper refers to projects where the use of ICT gets positive results to motivate teachers in teaching sciences as well as students in learning it (for example, a project implemented by Morocco, the first experiment in science relating in Arabic language).
Other experiences documenting the preparation of items by teachers in order to arouse interest (in form of electronic publishing, books on line and construction of models, for example molecules).
ICTs are also used in experiments (computer-connected microscope ) or to catalogue data by softwares connected to the computer via USB).
In general, benefits are found for students by taking advantage the wireless connection through tablets and smartphones to be used in the laboratory of physics, chemistry and biology.
The more important result is the possibility of transforming teaching with ICT if there is a continuous improvement of pedagogy, psychology, and education in the analysis of knowledge, abilities and attitudes needed to develop actual skills in science.
It is found the existence of a gap between the chemistry contents at school and the research areas in chemistry in the world, in particular if you compare the speed with which the two sectors change and develop. Chemistry is not only a teaching subject but also a fundamental and practical discipline which is the basis for the development of materials and technologies of everyday life.
In the presentation of some projects are mentioned some contents related to secondary school:
1) liquid crystals as an example of attractive chemistry lesson
2) nanomaterials as an important part of the current world
3) the complex issue of ozone as an important phenomenon involving the entire earth planet
4) quantum theory to better understand the chemistry principles.
Date: 2013.07.10
Posted by Hana Svobodová (Czech Republic)
Message: Current trends in the use of information and communication technology (ICT) in teaching chemistry is, I believe, a very useful topic. The author deals with the analysis of the trends very well and I personally consider him a great expert. The topic is worked out to the detail and presented in an extensive compilaton of materials from international seminars in chemistry teaching held in 2010. The compliation includes entries by renowned experts from all over the Czech Republic and abroad.
The main claim of the paper is that the current state of teaching cannot do without the support of ICT. These tools bring new possibilities to the ways student observe, perceive and generate ideas about the subject. Students tend to enjoy using ICT, but the condition for the teacher for succesful implementing of ICT is to master it well. The teacher is then no solely an epert on the field of chemistry. There is a new pedagogy field being formed, the so-called technology teaching. The compilation tackles issues such as e-learnining, teaching on hazardous substances, use of a mobile scanner, use of ICT in working on international projects and importance of ICT in the lives of young people. These topics are only examples of to me the most interesting articles included in the compilation.
I find this work of great usel as it really responds to current issues and needs in education. The technology already forms an integral part of our lives and teaching should respond to this development accordingly. However, the traditional lab-based experiment and teaching should in my opinion not be displaced from teaching.
National Reports on successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry The national reports on chemistry successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry are now available on the related section of the project portal. The reports presents examples of successful experiences in the partner countries and the results of testing of ICT resources with science teachers.