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Date: 2013.06.07
Posted by Divna Brajkovic (HELMo) (Belgium)
Message: This text is interesting because it presents a concrete and innovative action of a national continuing training program for teachers. The aims of this project stress interdisciplinary scientific knowledge, experimental skills and action research.
This kind of training is innovative in so far as it assists teachers before, during and after field experimentation of new methodologies.
Indeed, firstly, thanks to the training teachers can experience real inquiry situations in the laboratory. These sequences that propose new teaching approaches are directly transposable in the class with the students. This first, very concrete, step is interesting because in continuing training teachers seek examples they can use directly in class. Moreover, the recommended IBSE model (inquiry-based science education) is indispensable to really build science learning. However, this model is little carried out in the field.
The other interesting aspect of this training is the assistance to teachers when they use in class the sequences experimented in training.
Finally, the reflexive axis leading to “action research” is in my opinion an essential element for teachers’ professional development.
Indeed, thanks to the a posteriori reflexive analysis of activities conducted with students, the teacher can refine those learning sequences. Teachers are not trained well enough to this kind of analysis (methodology analysis carried out, difficulties encountered by students….). It would be very interesting to free teachers from part of their task so they can train to action research. This distance would be enriching for teachers.
Personally, I work with a group of field teachers to build innovative learning sequences. These are then tested in the field in different school contexts. During meetings, confronting points of view makes it possible to prompt a reflexive perspective on field experimentation. In this way, these constructive exchanges help us improve the sequences.
Therefore, this idea of “cooperative learning” (continuous dialogue between teachers, education experts and e-tutors) developed in the article seems to me crucial to the continuous professional development of teachers.
National Reports on successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry The national reports on chemistry successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry are now available on the related section of the project portal. The reports presents examples of successful experiences in the partner countries and the results of testing of ICT resources with science teachers.