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Date: 2014.04.09
Posted by Helena Strýčková (Czech Republic)
Message: The paper describes nice cooperation between teachers, educators and experts at one chemistry teachers invention fair. The fair was attended by 48 teachers from different parts of the Czech Republic.The event consisted of two parts.
Science teachers showed demonstrations of their experiments. Teachers’ experiments and demonstrations were focused on practical work in schools. There was also an excursion to the polyester fiber factory.
The paper describes that there was also interesting discussion focused on science teaching as well as on news from the field of chemistry.
The publication offers opportunities for the use of the scientific achievements of chemistry in school education. An online magazine Comenius published by the Faculty of Education at the university is presented. This magazine offers many interesting topics and practices in the science teaching.
I agree with Rositza Dimkova that the combination of pleasant and attractive experiences in tandem with good organization and good practices are closely related to the demand for new motivational factors. And I also agree with Valter Bennucci that the difficult moment could be to find courage to show my own work. I find this paper as a very interesting and useful.
Date: 2014.04.01
Posted by Rositza Dimkova (Bulgaria)
Message: The post is interesting as it describes the unusual form of cooperation between teachers, educators and business - Fair chemistry. A visit the factory for polyester fibers, discussing of scientific literature and university laboratory and news from the field of chemistry allows teachers to familiarize themselves with the technological characteristics of production and developments in chemical science, which would further enrich the studied chemistry material at school. Some of the teachers showed demonstrations of their experiments. Although quite difficult for some teachers who work in smaller schools, poorly equipped labs all more or less have to activate and motivate their students. The available experiments and available materials are listed below:
plain candle, plastic deformation in hot oil . All are accompanied by lots of photos and videos. “Chemistry in the pool \'\' and ”Cosmetics by nature .\'\' are also worth mentioning.
The publication shows that the proposed methods are relevant and up to date with the new requirements for successful motivation. The use of ICT at all levels and stages Fairs activities and programs is displayed. They stimulate and facilitate the contacts and communications and are a prerequisite for the exchange of information and good practices.
The publication offers opportunities for the use of the scientific achievements of chemistry in school education. An online magazine Comenius published by the Faculty of Education at the university is presented. There are many interesting topics and practices in the teaching of chemistry.
This post is very useful because it represents unpopular chemistry and teaching it through an event - a two-day fair. The combination of pleasant and attractive experiences in tandem with good organization and good practices are closely related to the demand for new motivational factors.
Date: 2014.03.30
Posted by Radka Krasteva (Bulgaria)
Message: The paper describes an organized exhibition of inventions for chemistry teachers in the Czech Republic. On a number of occasions teachers have visited a factory for polyester fibers and some universities and demonstrated chemistry experiments out of their personal experience in order to exchange good practices, so as to increase students\' interest in the science of chemistry. This is a way to illustrate the difficult topics from the educational content by using interesting chemical experiments in the process of teaching and implementation of innovations in the field of chemistry. Most of the teachers, especially in smaller settlements would not be able to visit factories and modern businesses to get acquainted with modern technology and chemical industries. The same goes for going to the universities and their laboratories. For such teachers these observations would be helpful as long as they present the practical side of the academic material at school. Such practice helps teachers to keep up with new teaching methods and to develop their own ways to apply this knowledge in the classroom. Through the personal experience of the teacher gained from visits to various scientific institutions, certain innovations in the field of chemistry can be successfully incorporated into school education. I hope Bulgarian teachers will have the chance to exchange experience with colleagues from other schools and similar opportunities to learn about the latest scientific advances and their application in practice through organized meetings and visits for teachers.
Date: 2014.03.04
Posted by Valter Bennucci (Italy)
Message: This article describes a moment of interaction among teachers; in fact they organized an event where showed their experiments to the collegues. The event consisted of two parts. Firstly, teachers took an excursion in polyester fibre factory and then in selected universities. Secondly, they spent time at Gymnázium Pierra de Coubertina in Tábor. Teachers’ lectures and demonstrations were focused on practical work and experiments in schools, for example how to include experiments in teaching, how to find motivational elements, how to use domestic experiments.
I think that It could be important, for teachers, to discuss lectures and show their own experiments to experts and colleagues. This interection could bring us to improve our didactic, giving new ideas in lab activities.
At the beginning, a teacher had the idea of this “fair”, then he was followed by representatives of universities. The first Chemistry Teachers Inventions Fair was held in 2012, attended by 48 teachers from different parts of the Czech Republic. Teachers were interested in the following topics: news from the field of chemistry, suggestions for experiments and how to popularize difficult topics of curriculum.
For me, the difficult moment is to have courage to show how we work in lab.
It’s possibile to take on a didactical module by lectures, experiments, guided tours, starting from the basis till the more recent discoveries. An example could be:
- Lectures on carbon chemistry and polymers
- experiments on polymerization
- guided tour in a polyester fibre factory
This event could be organized during the Festivalscienza.
National Reports on successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry The national reports on chemistry successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry are now available on the related section of the project portal. The reports presents examples of successful experiences in the partner countries and the results of testing of ICT resources with science teachers.