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Date: 2014.04.03
Posted by Miroslav Prokša (Slovakia)
Message: Publication describes the importance of using games in chemistry teaching as an important alternative method and summarizes the results of previous studies focused on this topic. Games are very effective method for increasing students’ interest and therefore motivation for chemistry. In article are some new educational games as
Golden four, Hess points competition, Six bangs to box etc. Publication shows game inclusion in chemistry teaching is as an effective way how to increase nor only students’ motivation, but teachers motivation as well and from this point students and teachers evaluated game positively, they enjoyed the game. I think publication is relevant and very useful.
Date: 2014.02.28
Posted by Hana Svobodova (Czech republic)
Message: 1) Which kinds of successful experiences does the publication describe?
This article shows a beautiful example of a good practice. The authors discuss the importance of alternative methods of teaching in primary and secondary schools.
2) Why is this publication relevant?
The publication give us a nice examples of games used in chemistry teaching. Authors thoroughly explained the rules of the games and added some pictures.
3) Does the publication present critical factors, barriers and most effective solutions to overcome them? It does. Student’s motivation is decreasing. This article shows how students could be more active and more involved during the lessons.
4) Does the publication suggest how to use ICTs in the teaching of chemistry? Yes, it does. There is a link to related websites included.
Author points out that students and teachers evaluated game positively, they enjoyed the game. In my opinion, the article is relevant and very useful.
Date: 2014.02.28
Posted by Kristyna Junova (Czech republic)
Message: Authors discuss the importance of involvement of games in chemistry teaching as an important alternative method. The article summarizes the results of previous studies focused on this topic. It follows that games are good method for increasing students’ interest and therefore motivation for chemistry.
Authors present some new educational games. There were mentioned games like \"Golden four\", Hess points competition, Six bangs to box and other. These games were tested by high school students and their teachers. Teachers said, that the curriculum was affirmated easier and more quickly through the games. Students as well as teachers enjoyed the games.
I am most interested in the game named Chemical domino. It is focused on practicing the chemical terminology. The players put together the names and formulas of chemicals.
In my opinion, game inclusion in chemistry teaching is as an effective way how to increase students’ motivation, withal it is an expensive method.
I consider the article as a useful and I believe it will lead to enrichment of students that undergo such teaching.
National Reports on successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry The national reports on chemistry successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry are now available on the related section of the project portal. The reports presents examples of successful experiences in the partner countries and the results of testing of ICT resources with science teachers.