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Date: 2014.06.03
Posted by Loren Madrid Villar (Spain)
Message: This article defends a type of education which is again present in the classrooms of high school recently. The learning of chemistry in small groups has always done when it comes to lab activities and the results have been satisfactory. It is not a new teaching methodology. Now, the authors offer us in this article the possibility of preparation of group activities that allow the discussion and implementation of results. It is interesting that proponents bet on cooperative learning, but are realistic in your application. If not set a careful plan and the teacher prepares a strategy it will be very difficult to achieve meaningful learning. Very interesting for anyone who wants to bring this method to the class.
Date: 2014.06.03
Posted by Antonio Jesús Torres Gil (España)
Message: This article presents the advantages of cooperative work in small groups in the classroom. Authors defend its use in science classes to develop positive attitudes towards school science students. The use of cooperative learning includes many interesting for a science class factors: discussion, study of problematic situations, realization of experimental assemblies and the analysis of results favoring students regulate their own learning. The article also gives account of obstacles with which a teacher who applied this kind of teaching can be found.
While the cooperative learning was proposed many years ago, it is a learning strategy which must be used. It promotes learning in skills and it brings students to the scientific work, but which requires detailed preparation of the working sessions with the students.
Date: 2014.05.15
Posted by José Luis Cañavate (Spain)
Message: I do not doubt that collaborative work can be a powerful tool in solving problems and can help in students meaningful learning, which can be much more interesting in the area of science , and I think that this way is the real way of working in research groups . But I do not think that education must be approached only in this way of working , I think it should be accompanied by a transmitting portion of certain basic content for later implementation through working groups . But it is very difficult to apply it in ESO or Bachiller.
My opinion may seem somewhat negative , but I have been observing a trend - obligation , from the people responsible for centers, groups of experts and other educational institutions, to teaching to be focused on this form of work and I think is a mistake, I think it should be a complement but not a unique way of teaching.
Nevertheless , I have experience in this way of working , and it can be very possitive but not without difficulties. It needs a great preparation because if your previous training in this area is rather limited.
With the above, the article is interesting and remember to us that we can use another educational approaches that we don´t use because routine , comfort, lack of time or lack of resources.
Date: 2014.05.14
Posted by Yolanda Tenorio (Spain)
Message: This publication defends the advantage involved in cooperative work, for the construction of knowledge and the improvement of motivation in the learning of science.
It is a publication useful for me because it has led me to reflect on the advantages and disadvantages that causes this form of work in school and in the training of teachers.Defends, clearly, as the cooperative work favors the creation of a good atmosphere in the classroom, coexistence, development of critical thinking, overcoming errors, personal enrichment with contributions from the rest of the members of the Group and, above all, education in values.In the classroom, help improve the taste by the sciences.
This form of labour could be very beneficial in the area of Quimica.asi, in this way, tasks, in small groups, aimed at the realization of laboratory experiences, and monographs on various aspects of chemistry, for example, the most recent findings could arise.
Date: 2014.05.14
Posted by José Ángel Ruiz García (Spain)
Message: The publication describes the implementation of new strategies for learning in the field of chemistry, as it is the model of cooperative learning. Becomes a very rigorous analysis of the possibilities involving its implementation in practice, and also of the difficulties and challenges that must be overcome in order to carry it out successfully. However, in the text keys are given to overcome them.
The publication I consider relevant because it addresses a methodological change that I believe it is essential to upgrade the teaching of chemistry, often traditionalist and too devoid of innovative methodologies. The consequence of this in my opinion is a decrease in the current generations of the interest in the experimental sciences, and the need for an update on the pedagogy of the same.In response cooperative learning is presented as one of the keys that enables students to contribute and participate actively in their own learning process, taking party strengths and benefit from the contribution of members to compensate for their weaknesses.
In addition, performing the work in cooperative it is necessary the use of information technologies and communication, as a current and powerful tool that allows communication attractive and interactive search of information and dissemination of the work in different areas.
Date: 2014.03.25
Posted by Angela Gammell (Ireland)
Message: This article describes the positive effects that cooperative group work and learning can have on students. The benefits and possible objections to cooperative learning are detailed. Careful planning and design are essential for cooperative learning to be successful. Both teacher and student can benefit by making learning less monotonous and more challenging for both student and teacher.
While traditional teaching may appear to be quicker the learning experience may be superficial and not as deep as cooperative learning. The sharing of results should be handled carefully after each group has completed its tasks. Rather than each group presenting their individual group results it is better to have one group present and others add to or criticise those results. The teacher mus have an active role in this process.
When carried out effectively cooperative learning can be a valuable insight into scientific activity and culture.
The paper addresses reasons why cooperative learning is not used more widely - namely that students can not, alone, build sufficient scientific knowledge; that the process is slow; that some students will rely on the work of others etc.
The paper recommends that teacher training should include training in cooperative learning as the benefits in social skills - listening, sharing, discussing etc are needed in all areas of life and cooperation rather than competition is needed by the scientific and wider commuity.
National Reports on successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry The national reports on chemistry successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry are now available on the related section of the project portal. The reports presents examples of successful experiences in the partner countries and the results of testing of ICT resources with science teachers.