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Date: 2014.04.03
Posted by Beata Brestenská (Slovakia)
Message: Publication present the FICTUP project, funded by the Lifelong Learning Program of the EU, concerning the fostering of the use of ICT in pedagogical practices, and in science teaching in particular and whose aim was to prepare innovative teaching materials with the use of ICT. The teaching materials for this project were developed collaboratively by experience and novice teachers to help with the transfer of knowledge. The resources available are video clips and a pdf explaining the activities associated with each lesson. A novice teacher actually used this material in real school classes, while his tutoring was supported by an experienced teacher.
Educational institutes from France, Italy, Hungary and Finland. took part in this project. The first goal of this project was to promote the development of innovative training material, with the use of ICT, through the collaboration of both novice and experienced teachers in order to make the knowledge transfer as smooth as possible. The next goal of the project was to test the produced educational material in real conditions. Publication finishes with conclusions about the role of ICT in modern teaching and is valuable as a basis for adapting own solutions, not necessarily based on the FICTUP framework
Date: 2014.03.25
Posted by Maria Sheehan (Ireland)
Message: Fostering the use of ICT in Pedagogical Practices in Science Education (FICTUP) aims to create initiative training materials using ICT accompanied by a close tutoring process. It also aimed to test the impact of the initiative in novice teachers’ use of ICT in the classroom. The training materials for this project were developed collaboratively by experience and novice teachers to help with the transfer of knowledge. The resources available are video clips and a pdf explaining the activities associated with each lesson. A large bank of resources have been developed for this initiative. The approach in this project aims to link the Resource Based Learning (RBL) approach with the use of ICT. The papers lists the following contributions as such examples:
1. Device – Measurement – Evaluation: Use of ICT in Physics (Hungary). The ICT tools explored here were Sinequanon, Calaméo and PhotoFiltre.
2. Exploring growth factors: Applying inquiry learning in Biology (Finland). The ICT tools explored here were FRONTER, Moodle, Google Groups.
3. GeoGebre software: Mathematics teaching (France). The ICT tools explored here were GeoGebra and the Microworld.
Many of the main ideas can be altered to suit the teaching of chemistry.
Date: 2014.03.17
Posted by Tsechpenakis Anastasios (Sakis) (Greeee)
Message: The authors of this publication present thoroughy, the FICTUP project, a pioneer project, funded by the Lifelong Learning Program of the EU, concerning the fostering of the use of ICT in pedagogical practices, and in science teaching in particular. Educational institutes from France, Italy, Hungary and Finland. took part in this project. The primary goal of this project was to promote the development of innovative training material, with the use of ICT, through the collaboration of both novice and experienced teachers in order to make the knowledge transfer as smooth as possible. A second goal was to test the produced educational material in real conditions. A novice teacher actually used this material in real school classes, while his tutoring was supported by an experienced teacher. The whole process was observed and filmed by researchers in order to adapt and improve the experimented training methodology and to propose it to educational institutions for further exploitation.
During the first year of the program, nine cases of actual training material were tested against real school conditions. Three of these cases concerned science education. The first case concerned a physics class in Hungary, the second case, a biology class in Finland while the last case was about Mathematics teaching in France.
These cases against actual classroom situations served a number of pedagogical goals. They gave exemplars of teaching situations and fostered the practice of analysis. Moreover, they provided a mean to narrowing the gap between the general knowledge about principles and procedures and the enactment in real classroom.
When it comes to the pedagogical approach concerning the science teaching and the associated ICT assets, one could say that it is an Inquiry Based Science Learning (similar to Problem based Learning (PBL), but more emphasized in experimentation).
It is an inductive, bottom-up approach which provides greater opportunity for observation and self driven knowledge acquisition. In contrast with the deductive (top-down approach), which is the traditionally applied model in the secondary school environment , the bottom-up approach is more commonly encountered in third level educational settings. Its main drawbacks are that the student must have a basic knowledge to avail of the opportunities provided. Furthermore it is more time consuming and it is difficult to ensure that all students are benefited in the same degree.
On the other hand the use of the ICT assets, especially through the Computer simulations, permit the users to operate in a safe virtual environment. Experimentation is enabled through various scenarios while the users have the opportunity to make decisions and to evaluate the likely consequences of their actions. Last but not least, the students learn through play and generally play is synonymous to having fun!
Conclusively, I believe that this EU project is the next logical step, towards the further day to day use of ICT based methodologies into the common secondary school classroom. Further projects of this kind should be implemented. The common secondary science teacher does have the inclination to use ICT in the classroom, but some plug & play, educational scenarios, which are fit to the each national science curriculum would be most appreciated!
Date: 2014.02.23
Posted by Mariusz Jarocki (Poland)
Message: The document describes the FICTUP Project, whose aim was to prepare innovative teaching materials with the use of ICT. After a general introduction to the objectives of the project, several solutions produced within its framework are presented. The document finishes with conclusions about the role of ICT in modern teaching. The study is valuable as a basis for adapting own solutions, not necessarily based on the FICTUP framework. It suggests what subjects can be supported by ICT, and what tools can be used. Although the solutions are not focused on the teaching of chemistry but teaching natural sciences in general, the document is strongly associated with the mission of the project. I strongly recommend the study to teachers of chemistry.
National Reports on successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry The national reports on chemistry successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry are now available on the related section of the project portal. The reports presents examples of successful experiences in the partner countries and the results of testing of ICT resources with science teachers.