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Comments about this Publication
Date: 2013.07.10
Posted by Marcela Grecová (Czech Republic)
Message: The article is focused on content of teaching. It deals with questions like “What to teach “, “How to teach“, and also with “What do students want to learn?”, or “What are their interests and knowledge?” Every good teeacher deals with this guestions. Komenský thought about this problem (already in the 17th century). Topic is still relevant in the 21st century.
It is a beneficial and interesting article, is clear. I would like to highlight the useful graphical representation of results. In my opinion, the article is beneficial and suitable for the project.
Date: 2013.02.02
Posted by Miroslav Prokša (Slovakia)
Message: Questions like “What do students want to learn?”, “What are their interests and knowledge?” are the ones which every teacher would like to know answer, because it has a connection with an interst and motivation of students about scientific subjects. An interest of students about scientific subjects is at a very low level and as the author states chemistry is the one least favourite together with physics. Publication presents results from an international project ROSE – more than 50 countries were included. The project was focused on the research of relationships of students toward scientific subjects and. The research was realized by the form of questionnaire. A questionnaire cosist of 266 questions and is divided into 11 areas. Individual areas were focused on questions like what do a student wants to learn, what would he like to learn, what skould be his future occupation, whether he wants to be a scientist, whether he likes lessons of chemistry, biology, physics... . The author also deals with results from research done in Czech republic in 2004 – 2005 and with the one from 2008. Participants of the research were 15-year old students of 9.year of primary schools and grammar schools, total of particiants was 2005 (1097 girls and 908 boys). Results of the research were analysed and the author presents just some of them. Results of analysis are allarming – an interst of stsudents of technologically developed countries is very low, students do not have an interest about it but those ones in developing countried have, those people see a positive perpective of their future in these subject. Another interesting results were discovered from bilateral comparison of countries with significant difference in results of projects PISA and TIMMS. All results gained from the research are very interesting and are an addition to implemeting of new reforms in scientific education at primary schools ande high schools, and also for authors of national curriculums when compilating educational contents. On the web of the project ROSE are available complex reports with results of the whole project (we reccomend you to read it).
National Reports on successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry The national reports on chemistry successful experiences to promote lifelong learning for chemistry are now available on the related section of the project portal. The reports presents examples of successful experiences in the partner countries and the results of testing of ICT resources with science teachers.