Institute Of Chemical Technology Prague
Name of the person involved in the event:
Marcela Grecová, Zdeněk Hrdlička
Date of the event:
22 April 2014 - 28 April 2014
Type of Dissemination event:
Link to CIAAN portal
Description of Dissemination Event:
A link to CIAAN portal was published in online magazine bEDU, part of EDUin.cz portal. nEDUin.cz portal is designed for teachers, students and czech society. The portal shows education and teaching as a societal issue, informs about new interesting events, about successful schools, teachers and students. It helps to improves communication between the media and the professional community.nnhttp://www.eduin.cz/beduin/k-cemu-mohou-byt-uzitecne-tablety-ve-skolach/
Target group:
Teachers, students, experts
Held in:
Prague, Czech republic
Outcomes and Results:
Teachers, students and experts have been informed about the CIAAN project.
Supporting Documents: