Institute Of Chemical Technology Prague
Name of the person involved in the event:
Marcela Grecová, Zdeněk Hrdlička
Date of the event:
01 April 2014
Type of Dissemination event:
Article in magazine
Description of Dissemination Event:
A article named \'The Chemistry Is All Around Us – Network (CIAAN) Project - a project focused on popularization of science\' was published in the Bulletin of the magazine Chemické listy (Vol. 108, page 414) edited by the Association of Czech Chemistry Societies. The article presents the project objectives as well as the so far reached results (as well as the expected actions to be taken). The article is available online at the following:nfile:///Users/marcela/Downloads/2014_ChListy_bulletin452.pdf
Target group:
science teachers, academicians/researchers
Held in:
Prague, Czech republic
Outcomes and Results:
The Chemické listy is a journal which is well accredited among Czech chemistry teachers and academicians/researchers as well. It is edited continuously since 1876 and the last few years it is available also on-line, via the official website of Chemické listy (http://chemicke-listy.cz/Bulletin/).
Supporting Documents: