University of Genova
Name of the person involved in the event:
Laura Ricco
Date of the event:
18 November 2013
Type of Dissemination event:
request of publication
Description of Dissemination Event:
Laura Ricco wrote an e-mail to Dott.Franco Rosso, a chemist working for the website Chimicare. Chmicare (www.chimicare.org) is a famous site that provides articles about chemistry issues and chemistry education activities.nLaura Ricco and Maria Maddalena Carnasciali met Dott.Rosso in Naples, during the Conference of the Didactic Division of the Italian Chemistry Society. He was interested in the project and proposed to publish online the last results.nAccordingly, the mail provided a proposal of article to be published and the brochure of the project to be sent to interested people
Held in:
Naples (Italy)
Supporting Documents: